As anyone who has researched knows
Osama was a CIA asset named Colonel Tim Osman
so with that in mind, and knowing Pappy Bush's CIA background
My Account Seems To Be Nuked Today So Hopefully People See This. George W. Bush Had Texas Money Manager For The Bin Ladins Name Removed From Documents To Hide From The Public “In 1972, two airmen were suspended for failing to take their medical examination. One was George W. Bush. And the other was James R. Bath. In 2000, the documents show both names.
But in 2004, Bush and the White House had Bath's name blacked out. Why didn't Bush want the press and the public to see Bath's name on his military records? Perhaps he was worried that the American people would find out that at one time James R. Bath was the Texas money manager for the Bin Ladins.
Bush and Bath had become good friends when they both served in the Texas Air National Guard. After they were discharged, when Bush's dad was head of the CIA, Bath opened up his own aviation business. after selling a plane to a man by the name of Salim bin Laden, heir to the second largest fortune in Saudi Arabia, the Saudi bin Laden group.”