Tucker Carlson crossed the line…


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
He's been posting here since the inception. He was connected with offshore before retirement. He's met many posters here, especially back when they had bashes, and everyone who met him likes him. He's that guy who fights to pick up the tab, and while I don't agree with his political leanings, I don't see him attacking others as they attack him.

Listen, VD can fight for himself, I think he probably lets the haters around here bother him as little as I do, so I'm moving on.

The whole Rx is becoming WOKE in their own manner, maybe it's a microcosm of the world. Just so damn weird

you keep throwing around the word woke, what exactly do you mean in reference to the right?

Dec 13, 2007
White Rage on display..comical him going off on rage.


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
you keep throwing around the word woke, what exactly do you mean in reference to the right?

How angry y'all become with anyone that disagrees with you on any issue. How much so many hate on anyone that's not your version of a Republican

That act has gotten old fast

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
How angry y'all become with anyone that disagrees with you on any issue. How much so many hate on anyone that's not your version of a Republican

That act has gotten old fast

That is one perspective
Another could be that some folks are sick and tired of always having to be the "understanding" side.....perhaps some realized that the other side is completely unreasonable and once you give an inch they will keep taking until you have nothing LEFT

Sep 20, 2017
White Rage on display..comical him going off on rage.

So, fuck white people 24/7 is no big deal but call someone a pig and if the squad said it there would be outrage? Too funny
Literal anti-white policies are being enacted or pushed and no big deal. Someone got called a pig though. And it was justified because the guy is a potato brain
If you wanna play the what if game....What if these policies were against minorities? Shhh....don't wanna play that what if game

Dec 13, 2007
So, fuck white people 24/7 is no big deal but call someone a pig and if the squad said it there would be outrage? Too funny
Literal anti-white policies are being enacted or pushed and no big deal. Someone got called a pig though. And it was justified because the guy is a potato brain
If you wanna play the what if game....What if these policies were against minorities? Shhh....don't wanna play that what if game

Someone challenging the military as well..But you fuks challenge every fucking thing these days..
here's your chance..What are the Anti white policies you're so twisted up about?
Sure you're not just afraid you can't compete? VOTE in the NEXT free and fair election and quit crying bitch.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Someone challenging the military as well..But you fuks challenge every fucking thing these days..
here's your chance..What are the Anti white policies you're so twisted up about?
Sure you're not just afraid you can't compete? VOTE in the NEXT free and fair election and quit crying bitch.


Sep 20, 2017
Someone challenging the military as well..But you fuks challenge every fucking thing these days..
here's your chance..What are the Anti white policies you're so twisted up about?
Sure you're not just afraid you can't compete? VOTE in the NEXT free and fair election and quit crying bitch.

Everything is viewed through the lens of minorities and disparity
If there is a disparity the left and minorities dont like it needs to be artificially fixed no matter the negative consequences and that is the biggest issue
Making everything about minorities(especially black people)
The view of policy through the eyes of minorities first and how we much shape these laws and policies for them
The most obvious is police reform and defund the police
Because there are too many blacks in jail....Because of blacks being killed by cops...Don't even consider context

Any form of affirmative action with forced diversity in mind is the obvious

You can look at anti-white hatred that is mainstream and accepted under the guise of being about justice and equality. You can push literal lies as truth even when it is obvious
Changing history and culture deeming everything European to be racist
Grants, scholarships/Aid for minorities
Racial equity is all about take from whitey and give to other groups
It goes on and on

Challenging the military is fine if you are right and it is good for America

Dec 13, 2007
Everything is viewed through the lens of minorities and disparity
If there is a disparity the left and minorities dont like it needs to be artificially fixed no matter the negative consequences and that is the biggest issue
Making everything about minorities(especially black people)
The view of policy through the eyes of minorities first and how we much shape these laws and policies for them
The most obvious is police reform and defund the police
Because there are too many blacks in jail....Because of blacks being killed by cops...Don't even consider context

Any form of affirmative action with forced diversity in mind is the obvious

You can look at anti-white hatred that is mainstream and accepted under the guise of being about justice and equality. You can push literal lies as truth even when it is obvious
Changing history and culture deeming everything European to be racist
Grants, scholarships/Aid for minorities
It goes on and on

Challenging the military is fine if you are right and it is good for America

Affirmative action?..Your going back 20 years now...So NO NEW POLICY?
Guess I don't see the "white" haters the way you do..It's pretty grim world view, No wonder you're coming off as scared.
Why was it Carson attacked Milley again? Felt like Carson was offended by Milleys knowledge..the books he's read ect. Or is it that Milley wouldn't back Trump in overthrowing the Gov?

Woke...rage away..comical.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
There is no systemic racism

America is not a racist country

America is not an oppressive country ( you wouldn't be complaining if it were)

America offers you the freedom to pursue happiness. Most people from all backgrounds have succeeded. Some have not, usually because the naively believe the white liberal is going to fix their problems, AND THAT NEVER HAPPENS

You don’t like that narrative, take it up with Malcolm X

Jul 23, 2020
But he is a great guy to meet.. Class act all the way around.

I know a lot of nice guys that are a couple IQ points away from being legally retarded. It's quite possible (and common) for good guys to be idiots when it comes to intelligence.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
I know a lot of nice guys that are a couple IQ points away from being legally retarded. It's quite possible (and common) for good guys to be idiots when it comes to intelligence.

can't argue with that.. I believe some can be uniformed on issues also

Aug 4, 2013
How is this thread any different than the cesspool in the poly forum all you guys agree with each other your just Regurgitating over and over again. When you post a thread in the basement it is like a tree falling in the forest all the like minded TrumpTards come in with all the vile hate. So only the other trees hear the noise. You all wake up with torment in your minds and get on social media and do the same thing you’ve done for going on 5 years now.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
How is this thread any different than the cesspool in the poly forum all you guys agree with each other your just Regurgitating over and over again. When you post a thread in the basement it is like a tree falling in the forest all the like minded TrumpTards come in with all the vile hate. So only the other trees hear the noise. You all wake up with torment in your minds and get on social media and do the same thing you’ve done for going on 5 years now.

and all you do is whine about it.. just scroll past it if it bothers you so much..

Sep 17, 2010
Everything is viewed through the lens of minorities and disparity
If there is a disparity the left and minorities dont like it needs to be artificially fixed no matter the negative consequences and that is the biggest issue
Making everything about minorities(especially black people)
The view of policy through the eyes of minorities first and how we much shape these laws and policies for them
The most obvious is police reform and defund the police
Because there are too many blacks in jail....Because of blacks being killed by cops...Don't even consider context

Any form of affirmative action with forced diversity in mind is the obvious

You can look at anti-white hatred that is mainstream and accepted under the guise of being about justice and equality. You can push literal lies as truth even when it is obvious
Changing history and culture deeming everything European to be racist
Grants, scholarships/Aid for minorities
Racial equity is all about take from whitey and give to other groups
It goes on and on

Challenging the military is fine if you are right and it is good for America


It is no accident this is all happening.

For years, every TV commerical, the white guy was an idiot, a weakling, a dweeb, while the African male or female mocked him and told him what to do... sometimes, yes, it was a white female.

Then the interracial couples appreared, now they are at an all time high, used to be ALWAYS a white girl with African male. Now it is varied.

However the commericals are even higher % African lately, they are 13% of the population, but are in almost every commerical, and usually compose 1/3 of the total people in each commercial.

Why is this?

Do these mega corporations want to sell more to Africans?

I do not think that is the reason for it.

I will state my theory later, please let me know your thoughts.

(hint: 17% of the population, 60,000,000 (probably more) are hispanic, we do not see many at all hispanics in commercials, do we?)

Sep 21, 2004
Liberals destroy every single thing they touch , want proof? Look at every single major city in the USA , case closed

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001

It is no accident this is all happening.

For years, every TV commerical, the white guy was an idiot, a weakling, a dweeb, while the African male or female mocked him and told him what to do... sometimes, yes, it was a white female.

Then the interracial couples appreared, now they are at an all time high, used to be ALWAYS a white girl with African male. Now it is varied.

However the commericals are even higher % African lately, they are 13% of the population, but are in almost every commerical, and usually compose 1/3 of the total people in each commercial.

Why is this?

Do these mega corporations want to sell more to Africans?

I do not think that is the reason for it.

I will state my theory later, please let me know your thoughts.

(hint: 17% of the population, 60,000,000 (probably more) are hispanic, we do not see many at all hispanics in commercials, do we?)

Not to many have noticed how this crept up on us.. Its been going on for years. Really bad now.

Be careful how you frame your theory .....lol.

Several years ago , when I would bring this up , you'd get these looks like you were crazy.. Not so crazy anymore

The Great Govenor of California
Feb 21, 2001
miley is a pos that needs to be thrown out of a helicopter, fake marine

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