Tucker Carlson canned from fox


Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Well, depending on what year it is.

Lets rewind to 2020. In Feb/March 2020, our President told us that Covid will be gone soon. It wasnt. He downplayed Covid.

Many lost their jobs, waited in a LONG line to get food, had to collect unemployment, worried about paying the mortgage, couldnt leave the house, had kids home from school, etc, etc, etc.

The whole time, it seemed like Trump was downplaying Covid and yet people were dying and getting very sick.

Believe it or not, there were PLENTY of voters who cared more about how their mortgage is going to get paid and when will they work again, then Trump's policy on the Wall in Mexico, other countries paying tariffs, and their retirement accounts in which they had to take out of to afford to live.

That swayed many NOT to vote for Trump and to make a 'NOT Trump" vote

Lets look at 2016. Many thought Hillary would win. She didnt. I had asked people why they voted for Trump (who didnt like him) or 3rd party. They told me "i just couldnt vote for HIllary". You could say in 2016, Trump was the "not Hillary" vote and thats how Trump won. This time around, if you voted "Not Trump" and voted 3rd party, you figured Trump would still win. So what did people do? They voted for Biden. The same would probably hold true for 2024 as well.

I know many one sided MAGAS wont agree with me on this and thats ok. You also think that Trump won, cheating occured, and the world is flat.
World isn't flat, in my view, since I've seen most of the angles..lol
Many more deaths with Biden than Trump with covid , if you really want to break it down. Was Trump perfect with covid response ? No ! Was alot of people in and out of his administration working against him , including getting called a racist with travel bans ? Yes !

Did Biden kick covids ass like he promised? No !
Made things alot worse , and Dems followed suit with crazy lock downs, and mandatory jabs. Alot of people got fired for not complying.
Quite a few people that supposedly voted Biden will see the real reality and difference in what Trump policies did for this country and what this present fool is trying to do.
Let's not forget, this idiot is trying to get us into a war. You kinda think that can swing votes ?

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
1) It depends. If the product is good, then people will overlook it. I'm sure a few will boycot but overall, they will be fine. Lets look at Chik-filet. They are against gay people. Are we boycotting them? No. Why? B/c their food and customer service is good. Lets look at publix, my local supermarket. They are HEAVY Republican donors. In fact, the founders daughter contributed monies to J6. Am i boycotting? No. Why? B/c the product is good and the service is good (although some of their items i am finding to be overpriced)

2) How much "bed sales" comprised of their total revenues? I dont think not selling the my pillow caused the establishment to shut down. How many people on here STOPPED going there b/c of this. And for the ones that did STOP going, how much have you spent there over the years?

Since covid, retail sales have changed. Many consumers now want to do their shopping online via amazon or due curbside service where you order from the app and then when you go to the store, an employee comes to your car and puts everything into the trunk.

Remember, us "lefties" did less in person shopping during the pandemic. This also affected holiday sales in 2020 and 2021. Who knows about 2022 but i get revenues werent high enough due the reasons stated above.

Would this be a conversation in your home:

Mrs 99: Willie, I am going out to purchase a new Keurig Machine today
Willie: sounds good, where are you going
Mrs 99: Bed Bath and beyond. I have a coupon there
Mrs 99: I dont understand why? Do they not like Uconn hoops?
Willie: They no longer sell my pillow there
Mrs 99: But i'm getting a coffee maker. We're not getting anything for the bedroom
Willie: Still. They are a woke company. They have bad genetics.
Mrs 99: I still dont understand
Willie: They follow woke policies. These liberals have the worse policies (then he goes off for 5 minutes talking about policies, genetics, Aruba, his hemroid creams, filing corporate tax returns, how Mac Jones will have a comeback year)
Mrs 99: Isnt the my pillow guy the former crack head? So we cant go to BB&B b/c they wont support a former crackead??
Willie: I'm done with this conversation. Are the twins coming this weekend? They can jump on grandpa's bed and enjoy Mike Lindell's product!!!

So to sum it up

1) You think it's prudent for a business to make political statements

2) You think it's prudent for businesses to stop selling popular items

I don't, and my argument is that simple.

Everything else in your narrative is poppycock, except to other liberals that can't comprehend arguments either. Very similar to your affliction for policy. Dance, dance dance the night away

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
So to sum it up

1) You think it's prudent for a business to make political statements

2) You think it's prudent for businesses to stop selling popular items

I don't, and my argument is that simple.

Everything else in your narrative is poppycock, except to other liberals that can't comprehend arguments either. Very similar to your affliction for policy. Dance, dance dance the night away
Libs have bought into the "Not Trump " narrative. But not a real good explanation on why not Trump ? Trump policies are a slam dunk over Bidens. Pretty much set the tone from day 1 stopping the Keystone and eliminating thousands of jobs. Voters never saw that coming.
Nov 8, 2012
So to sum it up

1) You think it's prudent for a business to make political statements

2) You think it's prudent for businesses to stop selling popular items

I don't, and my argument is that simple.

Everything else in your narrative is poppycock, except to other liberals that can't comprehend arguments either. Very similar to your affliction for policy. Dance, dance dance the night away
1) Nope, never said that. I believe in Michael Jordan's statement by saying "Republicans by sneakers too".

2) Was Lindell's pillow a popular item? Again, what percentage of sales came from Lindell's pillow? If it comprised of a big chunk of sales, they wouldnt have banned it.

Speaking of comprehending, did you even read what I wrote? Get over yourself.

BTW, where did Mrs 99 end up buying that Keurig machine?

Dec 15, 2017
So to sum it up

1) You think it's prudent for a business to make political statements

2) You think it's prudent for businesses to stop selling popular items

I don't, and my argument is that simple.

Everything else in your narrative is poppycock, except to other liberals that can't comprehend arguments either. Very similar to your affliction for policy. Dance, dance dance the night away

Don’t think he’s saying it’s prudent with regards to point 1. Sounds like he thinks the political shit just doesn’t matter either way

Seems too smart to think point 2 either, given common sense

Jul 14, 2007
Dominion has nothing to do with all the circumstantial evidence of a fraudulent election. No evidence to suggest Dominion is flawed in anyway. Every other modern President at least half of the voters tuned in to watch their inaugural address. Biden not even a third of ballots tuned in to watch. Voters tune in, ballots don't!

Well, there ya have it I guess. Inauguration ratings was the smoking gun the whole time. And here people were thinking it was the Dominion machines. Probably a diversion to throw the sleuths off.

Jul 14, 2007
I dont think the Dems come up with a candidate until they see how Trump is doing in the primaries.

Many Dems (and others) dont want to vote for Biden. Unless Trump is the candidate. Then those Dems (and others) will vote "Not Trump"

Hopefully its NOT Biden as i dont have a warm fuzzy about electing someone who will be 82 years old in a few weeks from that election

Trump lovers still have a problem comprehending that More than half of registered voters in this country do NOT want Donald J Trump to be their President.

I know I know. You Trump adorers find this hard to believe. But its the truth. But i guess OAN, Newsmax, and Fox news will tell you different

Huh? Didn't Biden announce he's running it back a few days ago? They just did come up with a candidate.

Obviously barring death/untenable cognitive failure (which seems like it would have to be a lot considering where he's at right now already) he's a massive fav to be the nominee now.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
How are you interpreting it?

I thought crude’s post shortly following it was solid
Biden doesn't have much control the last few years with what comes out of his mouth. With that being said, that particular statement was spot on with what has been and was going to take place in the 2020 election. We already knew this.
Nov 8, 2012
Huh? Didn't Biden announce he's running it back a few days ago? They just did come up with a candidate.

Obviously barring death/untenable cognitive failure (which seems like it would have to be a lot considering where he's at right now already) he's a massive fav to be the nominee now.
Honestly, I didnt hear that

However, i havent been paying much attention to it
Dec 11, 2006
I watched a lot of the election hearings for PA, Mich, GA, and AZ, they were only on OAN & NewsMax.

I have never seen more evidence of anything in my life. GOP is incapable of orchestrating dozens of witnesses at the polling places, they all told stories about the fraud they witnesses, with signed affidavits, under the penalty of purgery.

Fox is controlled by left wing powers, is not interested in ratings, they are forcing their globalist agenda. They allowed Tucker to tell a lot of truths to interested patriotic conservative viewers so that we will not be shocked when the whole she-bang is taken over. It was time to take Tucker out of the picture, silence him by paying him with a NDA until the sham election process is complete and another globalist Dem is elected and all of Congress is Dem again.

The globalist Dems control almost everything, the have for many years, including the Trump Presidency, and are taking apart our Republic one day at a time.
I also watched. The evidence as undeniable. Sworn affidavit after sworn affidavit. And a bunch of those witnesses even stated that they testifying at their own potential peril.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Serborne, Michelangelo and other depressed/horrified Patriots who believe our elections will never get fixed...

Have faith. :grrr:

The COMMS are all there...and I have the .gov and .mil DOCUMENTS to back them up!

President Trump: “We’re gonna win. We’re gonna take it back. The country has never been more unified in the sense that they have to have change…

This election coming up is going to be incredible… I think 2016 was maybe the biggest thing that ever happened in politics in this country, I think 2024 has the chance to be as big…

I think the win of 2024 will be much, much bigger than if it was a traditional, because you’re gonna be able to show how bad things were under their rule.”


? " Than if it was a TRADITIONAL"

The next election will not be "traditional" ? ? ?

? Military Occupancy takes over Elections until cleaned out and given back to people

? Military took over in 2016

? Military Occupancy defined in Law of War Manual

It's all there in black and white for anyone who wants to educate themselves and read documents.

Closer and closer every day..

Dec 11, 2006
1) It depends. If the product is good, then people will overlook it. I'm sure a few will boycot but overall, they will be fine. Lets look at Chik-filet. They are against gay people. Are we boycotting them? No. Why? B/c their food and customer service is good. Lets look at publix, my local supermarket. They are HEAVY Republican donors. In fact, the founders daughter contributed monies to J6. Am i boycotting? No. Why? B/c the product is good and the service is good (although some of their items i am finding to be overpriced)

Both of these points you make are misstated in a way that misrepresents what it is that you are trying to say. You talk like your media making truth unimportant.

The owner of Chik Filet is a Southern Baptist. They don't believe in homosexuality. But said owner does not discriminate when it comes to business practices. They hire gays and they serve gays.

And the woman part owner of Publix likewise does not discriminate against anyone - empoyee or customer, based on political beliefs. She helped to fund the staging for Trump's stop the steal speech on Jan 6th. She in no way funded anyone going into the Capitol building.

Jul 14, 2007
Serbone in particular seems pretty beaten down by the whole thing Joe. Almost no fight left.

You should screenshot you betting 5 figs on Trump, that would inspire confidence in all of us.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Serbone in particular seems pretty beaten down by the whole thing Joe. Almost no fight left.

You should screenshot you betting 5 figs on Trump, that would inspire confidence in all of us.
You're not wrong.

I have tremendous empathy for Patriots watching their country going to complete hell feeling powerless to stop it.

2020+ is just a clean up operation phase and transition toward MUCH bigger and better things!

Just don't expect to hear about all the great things coming in the fake news.

In fact, TURN IT OFF!

Fake news is like fake meat - BAD for your health!

Texas Lawmakers Introduce Bills to Create Digital Currency Backed by Gold​


Jul 14, 2007
I think FOX will be fine (as far as any cable channel is fine in 2023 with cable subs going down), people overrate the marketability/appeal of a specific host when they're at the top. The brand is FOX, their ad rates are still the best in cable, crushing even ESPN. They just have a ton of viewership in their prime earning years that will always have it on in primetime regardless of who host is.

Just going back to this, after the initial hoopla the stock went from $31 to $30. Hardly a seismic shift given they just supposedly lost their meal ticket who brought in 3M viewers a night.

Guessing with election season coming that they will be doing fine.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Just going back to this, after the initial hoopla the stock went from $31 to $30. Hardly a seismic shift given they just supposedly lost their meal ticket who brought in 3M viewers a night.

Guessing with election season coming that they will be doing fine.
More of a lagging indicator.

Disney's stock value didn't start seriously tanking until investors saw plummeting ratings/sales. Ever since then that stock has been in a steady freefall - worst performing Dow stock of the year!

It will take a while for people to figure out who really runs Fox, but as their programming slowly starts looking more like CNN, you'll see changes. Murdoch's sons are further left than Bernie Sanders.

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