"Add to that that C-19 is way more infectious & it's easy to see how it's way worse than the flu & lockdowns were justified.
There have been many reports saying the death tolls have been under counted, not only in the USA but in China, Iran, India, etc.
...What is obviously clear is:
1) serious vehicular accidents & deaths are way way down
2) flu deaths & serious complications have decreased tremendously
3) C-19 ill health & deaths are far less due to the lockdowns
4) likewise probably other communicable diseases (e.g. tuberculosis, HIV) have been greatly reduced by the extreme safety measures in place
5) street crimes have probably been highly reduced.
6) families have been able to spend more time together enjoying each others company while free from the slavery of that 4 letter word "work" that the vast majority hate. Giving more time for quality of life activities like sex & various entertainments.
7) abortions (child murder) are probably down.