Truth Comes Out - The whole Russia Collusion Narrative was Completely Made up by DemoScum Operatives


New member
Apr 7, 2016
Sure beats the other puppets on Fox...
typical liberal demoscum response...nothing about the story and what went on..but this response..and people will come on and say...oh vj is a great response proves he is part.. of the party of for mango...he is nothing but a troll...anybody that responds 2 just not very bright
Last edited:
Feb 6, 2007
Can we find another source other than Fox News and Breitbart?

The world facts thread will enlighten you . None of this biased bull crap or attacks

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Proving what we already knew seems redundant to me. And all this noise about people
going to jail is just noise until it happens and it hasn't happened.

I've been hearing for what seems like forever that that those responsible for all the
corruption are going to be held accountable and yet no one ever is.

[FONT=Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,Calibri,Geneva,sans-serif]This hole thing is like a soap opera with a never ending plot.[/FONT]

EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
Shared this video with a far left family member today. Response: “obvious GOP smokescreen to divert attention from the fact Trump is unfit for office, as displayed by his handling of coronavirus .”

there is no reasoning with these people, they are too far gone.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Shared this video with a far left family member today. Response: “obvious GOP smokescreen to divert attention from the fact Trump is unfit for office, as displayed by his handling of coronavirus .”

there is no reasoning with these people, they are too far gone.

Its sad if they think that

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
Shared this video with a far left family member today. Response: “obvious GOP smokescreen to divert attention from the fact Trump is unfit for office, as displayed by his handling of coronavirus .”

there is no reasoning with these people, they are too far gone.
if/when Durham and Barr really get churning and start putting Clapper, Brennan, Mueller, Rosenstein, Strzok, Steele, Comey, etc behind bars complete with evidence of wrong-doing they'll say...?

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
if/when Durham and Barr really get churning and start putting Clapper, Brennan, Mueller, Rosenstein, Strzok, Steele, Comey, etc behind bars complete with evidence of wrong-doing they'll say...?
I’m moving to Canada

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
didn’t say that.

however the same people on here who call out CNN and MSNBC will follow anything said on FOX news.

people like to hear “my side good, your side bad”

nah, this is the problem with today's citizen...unless CNN or MSNBC tells you this is true you won't believe it. Meanwhile, the unredacted transcripts are available for you to read. Flynn's showed hand-written notes by the interviewer (bill priestap) deciding whether he should coerce a confession by threatening to make up a story about Flynn's kid so they can charge him with lying or actually get the real story. He went with coercing a confession by telling Flynn he'll bring down his family if he doesn't agree to lie.

same thing with Clapper. His direct statement in the transcript is he never saw a piece of evidence of Trump and Russia but then he went to every MSM talk show claiming he's got the goods on Trump. Now he's saying he was only following Obama's orders and shouldn't be held accountable. (same as Maddow's current defense in the OAN lawsuit...says she shouldn't be held accountable for her baseless opinions even if a few million people believe them and retweet them)

If you're waiting for CNN and MSNBC to corroborate then just keep the head in the sand and pretend this isn't really happening. A month into the Tara Reade allegations CNN had yet to mention her name (either on tv or social media) yet had 700 stories about Kavanaugh's accuser. CNN and MSNBC were wildly complicit in this whole Trump / Russia / Steele fake dossier so have no intention of explaining the facts which are finally coming out. They've brainwashed you guys to the point where you implicitly trust every word they say and certainly aren't gonna risk that trust on absolving Papadopolous and Flynn.

These fuckers are going down and, unlike Schiff's witch hunt, it's being done with evidence and dudes rolling over on each other

EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
if/when Durham and Barr really get churning and start putting Clapper, Brennan, Mueller, Rosenstein, Strzok, Steele, Comey, etc behind bars complete with evidence of wrong-doing they'll say...?
Whatever CNN and Obama tell them to.
Undoubtedly something along the lines of “it’s sad that the justice system is so biased”, and spin that into being Trumps fault.
Nov 8, 2012
nah, this is the problem with today's citizen...unless CNN or MSNBC tells you this is true you won't believe it. Meanwhile, the unredacted transcripts are available for you to read. Flynn's showed hand-written notes by the interviewer (bill priestap) deciding whether he should coerce a confession by threatening to make up a story about Flynn's kid so they can charge him with lying or actually get the real story. He went with coercing a confession by telling Flynn he'll bring down his family if he doesn't agree to lie.

same thing with Clapper. His direct statement in the transcript is he never saw a piece of evidence of Trump and Russia but then he went to every MSM talk show claiming he's got the goods on Trump. Now he's saying he was only following Obama's orders and shouldn't be held accountable. (same as Maddow's current defense in the OAN lawsuit...says she shouldn't be held accountable for her baseless opinions even if a few million people believe them and retweet them)

If you're waiting for CNN and MSNBC to corroborate then just keep the head in the sand and pretend this isn't really happening. A month into the Tara Reade allegations CNN had yet to mention her name (either on tv or social media) yet had 700 stories about Kavanaugh's accuser. CNN and MSNBC were wildly complicit in this whole Trump / Russia / Steele fake dossier so have no intention of explaining the facts which are finally coming out. They've brainwashed you guys to the point where you implicitly trust every word they say and certainly aren't gonna risk that trust on absolving Papadopolous and Flynn.

These fuckers are going down and, unlike Schiff's witch hunt, it's being done with evidence and dudes rolling over on each other

the problem is since Nov 16, the democrats have tried almost EVERYTHING to remove Trump from office instead of grooming someone to beat him in November 2020.

makes me shake by head to both the crazy liberals and the Trump kool aid cult

Never bet against America.
Jul 3, 2014
If none of these Demoscum go to jail, they’ll keep doing it and doing it. It has to stop! Our Constitution is being destroyed and taxes are being spent on them to destroy us. I’m disheartened to think nothing will be done to them. This can not be allowed but yet it will continue.

New member
Mar 17, 2015
Um, Are you claiming the quotes are fake? Puhhhlease.

No, but they've been taken out of context as usual and twisted to fit the pathological liar's agenda. Yes, I finally read some of it cause I knew it would prove me right again and I was right again.

For example, the liar cut and pasted this quote from Jim Clapper: “I never saw any direct empirical evidence that the Trump campaign or someone in it was plotting or conspiring with the Russians to meddle with the election.”

Here's his FULL quote:

"I never saw any direct empirical evidence that the Trump campaign or someone in it was plotting/conspiring with the Russians to meddle with the election," Clapper said. "That's not to say that there weren't concerns about the evidence we were seeing, anecdotal evidence. ... But I do not recall any instance where I had direct evidence of the content of these meetings. It's just the frequency and prevalence of them was of concern."

Clapper explained he had a "visceral reaction" to the number of meetings that members of the Trump campaign were having with Russians, including Flynn's contacts during the transition that prompted his initial guilty plea to the special counsel for lying to the FBI in 2017.

Sounds completely different, doesn't it?

Here are the FULL transcripts and not quotes taken out of context and plastered in their fake narrative by these lying Trumptards.....

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Time doing it's thing my friends, it's really good at doing it's job

Never misses a beat

Rx Alchemist.
Aug 16, 2007
Here is another source.

"This stunning operation was not just a typical battle between political foes, nor merely an example of media bias against political enemies. Instead, this entire operation was a deliberate and direct attack on the foundation of American governance. In light of the newly declassified documents released in recent days, it is clear that understanding what happened in that January 5 Oval Office meeting is essential to understanding the full scope and breadth of the corrupt operation against the Trump administration. It is long past time for lawmakers in Congress who are actually interested in oversight of the federal government and the media to demand answers about what really happened in that meeting from every single participant, including Obama and Biden."
Feb 6, 2007
Here is another source.

"This stunning operation was not just a typical battle between political foes, nor merely an example of media bias against political enemies. Instead, this entire operation was a deliberate and direct attack on the foundation of American governance. In light of the newly declassified documents released in recent days, it is clear that understanding what happened in that January 5 Oval Office meeting is essential to understanding the full scope and breadth of the corrupt operation against the Trump administration. It is long past time for lawmakers in Congress who are actually interested in oversight of the federal government and the media to demand answers about what really happened in that meeting from every single participant, including Obama and Biden."


Mollie Ziegler Hemingway is an American author, columnist and political commentator. She is a senior editor at the online magazine The Federalist and a contributor for Fox News. lol

Why be brainwashed?


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