Does having citizenship of USA somehow obligate us to ignor one's worship of an Ideology that demands Gay People be killed?
That Teaches that it is, in Fact, an act of Mercy to kill a Gay Person? That to do this is to do that Gay Person a Favor?
You seem to imply that if one is a US Citizen the fact that they are Muslim must be ignored.
Which removes all doubt that you do actually (and most definitely) work for The US Government.
And No, I never doubted that you work for US Gov, or anything you said. The sentence was meant to say: Declarations get made: "Orlando done by US Citizen", "San Berdoo...US Citizen" etc, distracts from The Problem which is absolutely the Ideology.
Its been an ongoing problem for humanity for almost 1400 Years.
We actually don't, most probably, disagree really. Millions of Muslims want the violence to Stop, also.
No Other Solution Exists that to revise The Ideology, mold that "Moderate Islam" people talk about.
The Early Texts, from when Mohammed was in Mecca....those are mush different from what came after Mo went to Medina and started hitting the Opium hard.
Huh, interesting.