So, what has Trump DONE, that makes his past worse than Hillary's. List them out (proven facts only) and I will list Hillary's (Proven facts only)
And we will place a wager.... And for how much?
fat lol i never been fat in my life i wear a size 36/ 30 pants 16/ 32/33size on the tennis courts at 8 to 9 am every morning
From a different forum...
I'm not voting for Trump!
I'm voting against the corruption that has taken over Washington, both political parties and even the FBI.
I'm voting to stop the slide of this country into socialism.
I'm voting to stop the insane political correctness that not only affects our speech, but which bathroom we use.
I'm voting to the end mindless spending beyond our needs.
I'm voting against the dangerous support of evil foreign governments.
I'm voting against Islamic terrorism.
I'm voting against open borders and the corruption, crime and the resulting destruction of US manufacturing.
I'm voting for the (flawed) human that is our best hope for the preservation of our country and way of life.
(I'm certainly not voting for Hillary!)
Now that the gloves are off and the Clinton smear machine has made their intentions clear, Donald Trump needs to "go there"...
Bill Clinton Took Twice As Many Flights On ‘Pedophile Island’ Billionaire’s ‘Lolita Express’ Than Previously Reported
Read more:
Uh oh!