Trump off 2024 Colorado ballot


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005

'In a reflection of the economic uncertainties, investor behavior in the second quarter was characterized by a sustained preference for safety and liquidity. This manifested itself in the substantial $173.2B inflow into Money Market funds during Q2 2023, albeit at a reduced pace from the Q1 influx. The preference for these low-risk vehicles underscores the ongoing apprehension among investors despite signs of economic recovery and market gains.'

there was a steady, MASSIVE flow of money into money market funds in 2023 . Jitters, gettin' out of dodge and into 'safety' .

and here's qtr 3

View attachment 80453

all missed nov/dec get in at a double top?

note; huge outflow out of big tech of late, profit taking i'd imagine

Awesome 👌

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
sorry dude no way you can blame crime blight or your general sad view on the world on the DEMS
It took 50 years of bad policy to bring the US to the point it is today...Not one party or the other

Lower taxes.... On corporations and the most wealthy no discernible impact on wages for working people; Has decisively failed to spur business investment; Has fueled income inequality and exacerbated racial wealth divides.
Fewer regulations... On the most egregious polluters mostly.
Tapping our own energy sources... We are pumping US field crude at levels never seen...right now!!!
Better trade deals... with whom?

Adherence to the Constitution..If it suit his needs
Enforcing our laws...guy is a crook
Securing our boarders...???? really..failed
Peace through strength....LOL guy fucked up the middle east with the one state solution talk and agreeing to annexing the west bank was like lighting a fuse.

Jerod walked with 2 billion is Arab money...winning trump style..

That 50 years of bad policy happen to start with LBJ 's Great Society. Destroying the fabric of the inner city family. They succeeded in creating economic dependency and the most reliable democratic demographic in the country. Without such misguided dependency, today's democratic party wouldn't exist.

Inflation and energy prices? 100% on Slow Joe's policies

The border? C'mon man, Trump was succeeding despite democrats doing everything possible to undermine him. They never wanted him to have a "political victory". He even had Mexico and Guatemala taking refugees so they didn't reach our borders. Biden told them to stop. He told them to come here. Now they're trying to backtrack.

Regulations? Nobody wants to pollute, we don't want to be wasting time and money because of bad policies created by incompetent people. Nobody in DC is saving the world. But free people can. The best and the brightest don't go into politics.

There is no time whatsoever and there are no issues ever raised where I have opposed the Constitution. That's pure poppycock

I'll give you credit for discussing policies. Good and smart people can and do disagree

Oct 12, 2008
Biden is not eating into retirement lol
ha! but imo there will b a day when SS will have to be modified , its math. political suicide, so each president kicks the can . We will see.

i remember the days when the market was tanking and this place was blaming Biden, now that its near all time-highs? ...the market isnt important afterall,lets talk about something else or he had nothing to do with it .... Partisan politics and investing are like water and oil ,a wealth killer .

seriously this market move in 2023 has been nothing short of unreal-- with rising rates? I mean , geez, was teetering on full-blown bank chaos Powel was using machine guns at TLT , ruthless !! The guy finally threw in the towel, lookin' like a soft landing and the market is pricing that in obviously. Got to hand it to Powell -- grant it,he was late in starting the monetary contraction phase as kept holding on -' ... inflation is transitory ..'. . For context the Brits had raised rates twice before Powell finally conceded . ...getting overdue for a retrace, Santa Claus rally historically is the last 5 days of Dec and 1st two days of jan, so this melt up may have legs .

Active member
Jun 18, 2007

Dec 13, 2007
I have a slightly different report than the one noted above, if anyone is truly interested in it PM me.

my clock is stuck on 420 time to hit this bong
Sep 21, 2004
Jessica is a douchebag liberal POS
She belongs on CNN
Why do you think she is on there .? Do you not remember Allan Combes .I might be spelling his name wrong. They call it fair and balanced LoL there as ass backwards as CNN. Jesse waters is the biggest fucking Tart out there. You don’t think these clowns are progressive either that’s comical. Might as well dress up and play Cowboys and Indians . It’s cable news and they’re selling idiot sandwiches to all the retards . Turn the headache off it’s all propaganda. Remember Scarborough country guess he caught amnesia

Nov 16, 2007
The only Dem that is honest and isn’t blind, is Tulsi Gabbard. Oh wait, she left the party.. God Bless her..

my clock is stuck on 420 time to hit this bong
Sep 21, 2004
The only Dem that is honest and isn’t blind, is Tulsi Gabbard. Oh wait, she left the party.. God Bless her..
They all suck it’s a scam . There all payed by same employer job security and an acting career

Sep 21, 2004
C'mon my friend. He never attacked any American demographic for any reason like Slow Joe and nearly the entire democratic leadership attacks people like me.

He did attack career politicians and their corrupt treasonous media. And he will fuck them up, so they're afraid of him

This is all Just another roadblock along the way since Supreme Court of US is all that matters and it should rule on Trump to avoid the BS from each State. Otherwise it is the State of Confusion

Every state and territory has its own supreme court and every supreme court has tremendous power over legal cases and public policy within its borders—but the resemblances end there. No two courts are exactly the same.

If the US supreme court would rule their decision will take precedent and wasting any more time/more taxpayer money ends. Kinda sounds exactly what DJT wanted to do... Drain it baby, you're FIRED. 🚬

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
This is all Just another roadblock along the way since Supreme Court of US is all that matters and it should rule on Trump to avoid the BS from each State. Otherwise it is the State of Confusion

Every state and territory has its own supreme court and every supreme court has tremendous power over legal cases and public policy within its borders—but the resemblances end there. No two courts are exactly the same.

If the US supreme court would rule their decision will take precedent and wasting any more time/more taxpayer money ends. Kinda sounds exactly what DJT wanted to do... Drain it baby, you're FIRED. 🚬

Probably a good idea for the Supreme Court to end this nonsense quickly, so libtard nation doesn't establish another dangerous precedent impacting national elections

They'll stop at nothing to divide us

Nov 16, 2007
Barry has done an excellent job at this Willie. We all know he’s still in charge. It’s been obvious since day one of Joe’s fake presidency.. All in plain sight.

Dec 13, 2007

Stocks pop as Nasdaq closes in on best year since 2003​

rolling along

Oct 12, 2008
From last month but this report is telling the direction the economy is moving...
Came from our financial planner.

thanks for posting

''The transition to a higher interest rate environment has been bumpy, but investors now face the prospect of much better forward returns on fixed income assets. The big question is whether a return to the pre-GFC rate backdrop is an equilibrium. The answer is more likely to be yes in the US than elsewhere, especially in Europe where sovereign stress might reemerge. Without a clear challenger to the US growth story, the dollar is likely to remain strong.'

dont want to be on the other side of the GS boyz very often but i am with the USD. Pity they didn't elaborate on their forecast for 2024

come Dec 31, 2024? it will be lower ....:)....we shall see .

BEAUTY hammer last week on the weekly , short-term looking up...was hoping for a SECOND hammer end of this week and i'd go long....lookin' like that aint gogin to happen, ha!

Happy New Year :)

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