You don't have to round them all up, once you start deporting them and people don't hire them for fear of going to jail they will start to leave on their own.It's not easy at all. You're talking rounding up about 11 million people (never seen the number as high as your estimate of 30) spread out over nearly 4 million square miles.
Mantis, should they stay or go? It's a simple question.
This isn't some theoretical debate. If you lived near the border and illegals were trespassing onto your private property causing havoc, you wouldn't view this in abstract political terms.
We can discuss specific policies once proper leadership starts making the right decisions.
Right now, we have multiple levels of government (welfare programs, law enforcement being TOLD to turn a blind eye, NWO judges and elected representatives who don't believe in borders) corrupting this issue and flaunting existing law(s).
Like Trump says, either we have a country or we don't. Lest anyone forget, it was Democrats who broke the immigration system in the first place for their own political benefit. They are the last people I would listen to for "answers" and advice.
Create a national immigration force to round up and deport 11 million people? Impossible. Join reality man. We aren't pussies or soft just realistic.
E-verify and start prosecuting people who hire them.
There are many hard working Latino people here illegally. I have many on my jobsites. They are good people. The thing about them is they are smart. I am not so sure they want to become citizens. The thing that pisses me off about them is they send a shitload of money back home. Its hard earned money, and they are skilled at what they do, but they should be taxed as well. They buy nice tracks of land, build a nice homestead and move back. Thats their dream. Its like they are here mooching off the system.
My take....start enforcing the boarder strictly. Build a wall, let Mexico pay a large part of it. Give the ones here a 12 month period to get legal status after being vetted. After that, make them live in the middle class. The plan will backfire on Dems because the working illegals make good money. No way they would pay their fair share then vote way.
Deporting 11 million illegals would cripple the construction and poultry industry where I live. That cant happen because lazy whites and blacks wont do their jobs.
Lazy whites and blacks? How do they currently make their living? How do they eat? Food stamps? Easy solution!
The truth is, getting rid of illegal aliens is not a difficult thing to do. The toughest part is getting rid of all the worthless corrupt politicians and replacing them with real-world problem solvers.
I dont know what your profession is, but you cant just kick them out. There is a way to go about it....not just removing would be an economic bomb in many parts of the country.
Where did you get the 30 million number btw?
It's a fantasy number that you'll see used on websites like Breitbart.
Cue Dave with a comment on my love of Breitbart.