Trump donating 1 million dollars to Harvey relief.


Nov 3, 2015
Fuck all these rich people. All these stars can donate millions and millions of dollars. They are donating like 25,000, what a bunch of cheap fucks. Watching this pictures on tv is very depressing. People who were out of work, losing everything. I hope all those rich fucks lose everything one day,

New member
Nov 21, 2013

New member
Nov 21, 2013
Beat me to it.. GW donated a lot too. Many rich people donate a lot of money, especially people that are entrepreneurs.

very well put, thanks

EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
I don't hate Trump. Trump is a pathological liar and also clearly very obese.

Three times a day is usually enough to keep me on even keel :)

See you tomorrow or maybe the next day when FLD puts another public falsehood on a tee for me.

You making fun of someone's weight is surprising. We have seen pictures of your wife. I assume you insult her in a similar fashion, seeing as you are so fair and even-keeled and just calling them like you see them.

Seems harsh.

I have seen you make fun of ck's weight too. Is it possible you are projecting? Food for thought.

Sep 21, 2004
You making fun of someone's weight is surprising. We have seen pictures of your wife. I assume you insult her in a similar fashion, seeing as you are so fair and even-keeled and just calling them like you see them.

Seems harsh.

I have seen you make fun of ck's weight too. Is it possible you are projecting? Food for thought.
way to go HC,right on,well said

New member
Oct 9, 2004
The donation will probably get caught up in bankruptcy court.....the people receiving it will probably have to give it back.

New member
Nov 21, 2013
Fair point, HC

my wife about half the size she was eight years ago, but still plus size

Maybe I am more tolerant towards fat women then I am to chubbies like donnie and ckid

I also occasionally dream about dating Amy Schumer and she's certainly no beanpole

Will bring it all up in next meeting with my shrink and report back ASAP

Oct 12, 2008
Hopefully fat little donnie will honestly follow thru on this pledge unlike the approximately 95% of his charitable donation claims from past 20 years where not a dime was ever received

any evidence for this? Or just having fun?

Sep 21, 2004
steve why do you lie so much, you need to open this forum on friday before you get high, you are not welcome here, we are sick of your act, lie and lie to what make you feel better about what you dont have in life and the way you look maybe

New member
Nov 21, 2013
The donation will probably get caught up in bankruptcy court.....the people receiving it will probably have to give it back.

Also fair point as this morning DOJ and Robert Mueller confirmed he has brought the IRS Criminal Investigation Unit into his ongoing probes of alleged criminal actions by Trump and Co.

Oct 12, 2008
Hopefully fat little donnie will honestly follow thru on this pledge unlike the approximately 95% of his charitable donation claims from past 20 years where not a dime was ever received

i've read of various kind acts. Didn't look for notoriety,either.

thought this was cool;

As the story goes, the future U.S. president woke at 6 a.m. on May 22 and read a front-page story in The New York Times about a skating rink that left him bristling with rage.
But because this was 1986 – and not 2016 – Donald Trump did not tweet venom; rather, he put pen to paper and drafted a scathing letter to his nemesis Ed Koch, then mayor of New York.
The fateful battle that followed over one of Manhattan's public jewels, Wollman Rink, would launch a grand makeover of Mr. Trump's public persona – from second-rate developer into can-do tycoon fit to eradicate government mismanagement – that he has ridden all the way to the White House.

Less known is the story of how this pivotal piece of the Trump mythology that earned an entire chapter in his bestselling 1987 memoir The Art of the Deal also established a Canadian ice-rink company as an international powerhouse.
"It wasn't until that book came out that our phones started ringing off the hook," said David Sinclair, Ontario general manager of CIMCO Refrigeration, today the world's most prominent rink-maker.

By the time Mr. Trump penned his letter, Wollman Rink – in the southeastern corner of Central Park and among the largest public skating rinks on the continent – had become a symbol of government ineptitude. Closed in 1980 for a planned 2 1/2-year, $4.7-million (U.S.) renovation, the rink had $12-million poured into it before city officials announced on that day in May, 1986, plans to scrap all previous efforts and start over from scratch.
If all went according to plan – and there was no reason to believe it would – Wollman Rink would reopen in 1988.
"I and all other New Yorkers are tired of watching the catastrophe at Wollman Rink," Mr. Trump wrote in a letter that was later picked up in city newspapers. "The incompetence displayed at this simple construction project must be considered one of the greatest embarrassments of your administration."
He went on to propose a far-fetched plan: Mr. Trump himself would personally direct and bankroll the reconstruction effort and get Wollman Rink running within six months for just $3-million.
"I believed the rink was something that hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers, including my own children, had a right to enjoy," Mr. Trump later wrote in The Art of the Deal. "Whatever anyone might think, my motive was that simple."

At first, Mr. Koch mocked the developer's offer. But New Yorkers tend to embrace chutzpah, especially at the expense of a politician, and they rallied around Mr. Trump's idea. The mayor relented.

That's how a man who doesn't skate and never wanted to be in the ice business found himself presiding over the biggest outdoor-rink project in the country. It was a stretch, and he knew it.
"Since I myself knew absolutely nothing about building rinks, I set out to find the best skating-rink builder I could," he wrote. "Logic suggested the best place to look was Canada."
Advisers pointed him toward CIMCO, a 75-year-old Toronto-based company that was, at the time, responsible for the ice in both Maple Leaf Gardens and the Montreal Forum. Any company entrusted with those hallowed hockey shrines was good enough for the Donald.
Just like so many prospective cabinet members in recent weeks, three CIMCO employees were summoned to Trump Tower. They quickly diagnosed Wollman's problem. Most artificial ice sheets use ammonium as a primary refrigerant. In New York, however, ammonium was banned. The city had opted to use liquid Freon instead, a more energy-efficient but less reliable system using fragile copper piping.
"The city was pumping in millions of dollars just trying to keep the Freon in it," said CIMCO's Mr. Sinclair, who wasn't involved in the deal but heard the story recounted by his late father-in-law Roy Gardner, a participant at the initial Trump Tower meeting. "The rink was down more than it was up."

The Canadians proposed an easy fix: Swap the Freon for a brine solution – essentially salt water – and pump it through plastic piping, a pricier but far more dependable way of creating ice.
"It was a dull, Canadian response," said then-CIMCO president Steve McLeod in a 1987 Globe and Mail article.
Mr. Trump was taken with the northern ice gurus. He hired the Toronto firm to advise and build 35 kilometres of pipe along with two 16,000-kilogram refrigeration units. He promised to treat CIMCO's crew well – too well, as it turned out.
"We sent a crew down from Toronto and Trump paid to put them up in the Plaza," Mr. Sinclair said, referring to the opulent Manhattan hotel that Mr. Trump would purchase two years later. "Well, the guys showed up at this fancy hotel in their trade clothes and they felt very uncomfortable. So [we] called Trump and said, 'We appreciate the kind offer to put our guys up in a really nice hotel. They would be better off in a Holiday Inn.'"
For months, Mr. Trump kept a close watch on the project from his nearby penthouse perch through a high-powered telescope, according to family biographer Gwenda Blair.
He stoked media interest with regular news conferences, where he boasted of a project running ahead of schedule and under budget.
"My father-in-law said he was bold, brash, very much a showman," Mr. Sinclair said.
On Oct. 15, the ice crew conducted its first test, sending brine through the pipes. "That night, following a rainfall, ice formed on the rink – beautiful, clear, long-awaited ice," Mr. Trump recounted in his book.
The project was completed two months ahead of schedule and $750,000 under budget, figures Mr. Trump would cite for years to demonstrate the superiority of his singular will over bureaucratic inertia.
Mr. Trump gave CIMCO ample credit in The Art of the Deal, placing a glowing company endorsement in the hands of more than one million book buyers.
"We always had strength in Canada with a little presence in the States," Mr. Sinclair said. "The book gave huge exposure to CIMCO … The U.S. business was fostered after '86, after that book was written."
Now, with more than 5,500 rink projects to its credit, CIMCO is the go-to company for prospective arena-builders worldwide. Rinks make up about 40 per cent of the firm's revenues – most of the rest comes from commercial refrigeration applications – which have grown from $37-million in 1985 to over $230-million last year. The company is responsible for the ice beneath the NHL's newest franchise, the Las Vegas Golden Knights as well as rinks in Beijing, Lahore and Moscow.
During a recent basement renovation, Mr. Sinclair found a token of the future president's appreciation, a framed memento featuring a reproduction of a newspaper article detailing CIMCO's involvement in the project, an artist's rendering of the rink and a picture of Mr. Trump. He's not sure what to do with it. "It really predates much of the news today and how people feel about him," Mr. Sinclair said. "It's history, it happened."
As for Mr. Trump, he can still admire the CIMCO installation between meetings with foreign power brokers, future cabinet members and Kardashian spouses. Just don't expect him to don a pair of skates.
"I get a real kick every time I look out the window of my living room in Trump Tower and see hundreds of skaters on the Wollman Rink," he wrote in his memoir. "However, I won't be one of them. People have been waiting for years to watch me fall. I'm not about to help the cause."


EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
Fair point, HC

my wife about half the size she was eight years ago, but still plus size

Maybe I am more tolerant towards fat women then I am to chubbies like donnie and ckid

I also occasionally dream about dating Amy Schumer and she's certainly no beanpole

Will bring it all up in next meeting with my shrink and report back ASAP

I wasn't trying to be insulting. It's just that you're a smart chap. You clearly have command of the English language sufficient to make an intelligent case that someone is a buffoon. The weight jokes just devalue what might otherwise be an informed criticism. You are better than that.

New member
Nov 21, 2013
any evidence for this? Or just having fun?

After Trump was found last May to have failed in truly delivering a pledged $5m to various veteran's groups (the donations were finally made after WP brought it to light), the Washington Post did a detailed investigation that took most of last year in hopes of verifying the outcome of dozens of pledges by Trump totalling multi millions over about a 20 year period.

They were able to confirm just two.

Now if you happen to perceive the WP as a reputable journalism source, you can easily find the coverage from early summer 2016.

For those who agree with Trump that the WP is 100% dishonest, then of course save yourself the quick google search because after all, it's Fake News

New member
Nov 21, 2013
I wasn't trying to be insulting. It's just that you're a smart chap. You clearly have command of the English language sufficient to make an intelligent case that someone is a buffoon. The weight jokes just devalue what might otherwise be an informed criticism. You are better than that.

Yes I am

Using this venue to overly demean anyone is a pretty dubious use of my time.

But it's a Rays off night!


Will make a deal with you - someone I likewise view as a smart chap - to dial it down a bit.

The POTUS is certainly worthy of stern critique, but it's not like my 'exposing' ckid's illiteracy is heavily needed here. Everyone kinda already knows.

Cheers and repeat props to you for civilly disobeying laws against cannabis use :)

Oct 12, 2008
can see how he rubs a lot people the wrong way. At the same time, gotta be somewhat fair ? Seems to be getting worse-can't win for losing even when he makes/says something nice. Perhaps he doesn't help himself , get it. Don't get the rallies- he won. Why does he do that? what good comes out of that?

New member
Nov 21, 2013
can see how he rubs a lot people the wrong way. At the same time, gotta be somewhat fair ? Seems to be getting worse-can't win for losing even when he makes/says something nice. Perhaps he doesn't help himself , get it. Don't get the rallies- he won. Why does he do that? what good comes out of that?

A clearly fascinating pathology that will continue to be painfully scrutinized and studied over the next decade or more.

It's reasonable to believe that 99% or more of Trump's pathological narcisism and dishonesty have always been known to most, but until past four to five years never pulled truly detailed investigation because at the end of the day he was pretty much a circus sideshow barker with modestly decent grip on creating media attention.

That has of course changed dramatically in past 24 months and so we can look forward in say the next 10-15 years reading more educated and astute analysis of just what created DJT and also how that shapes his short run on the world's biggest stage

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