Jman, an OK 235lbs, trying to do cardio alot now, working toward a weight of 217lbs, i can look pretty good at that weight..
I was going to try and get there by the 4th of July but ive scapped that idea, in favor of busting my butt on the weights and cardio and maintaining my strength level all the way down,, ill take a solid 1-2lb weight loss per week and get my bench back to 225lb for 25 reps...
I love wearing the tight T'shirts at my store when i work and freaking the people out a little..
at 217lbs, i can be a little freaky and just as strong as i am now..
Chest workout (my favorite)
flat bench: 6 sets (its an ego thing with me),
dumbell incline press: 4 sets (i prefer dumbells, due to shoulder injury)
flat flyes: 4 sets
dips/crossovers/pec-dec combo, kind of a way to finish with a nice pump.. somewhere around 16 sets..
J, i still work everything twice per week, but thats old-school now..