Tracker Forum Standings #6



He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
MLB Thru 5/18
[color=Blue][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L18 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ATLSLIM    	59	29	+13340	67%	0 3 0 -1900	+4000 62%
2	hcskip      	77	45	+6396	63%	2 3 0 -680	+1271 61%
3	Coldweather	148	167	+5131	47%	3 7 0 -792	-239 46%
4	Uscsilb24    	15	5	+1575	75%	               	+200 100%
5	Jincka     	82	74	+1496	53%	1 1 0 -72	-138 50%
6	jpr24628   	14	7	+1405	67%	               	+905 65%
7	kaptain    	45	32	+826.04	58%	               	+3480 66%
8	crazy      	18	14	+470	56%	               	-500 33%
9	boxcardrew 	6	3	+360	67%	               	+237 100%
10	6figure     	17	17	+70	50%	1 1 0 +5	-250 44%
11	2Smooth    	1	1	+36	50%	               	               
12	E Vincent   	10	10	+10	50%	               	               
13	Bluetooth    	3	4	-130	43%	               	               
14	ECC        	113	89	-147	56%	               	-1954 46%
15	Jstack34   	37	40	-152	48%	1 1 0 +200	+215 49%
16	seanm0520  	53	46	-180	54%	               	+136 52%
17	Slickwitdadick	28	33	-309	46%	               	-457 39%
18	mplastered   	2	3	-444	40%	               	               
19	ATP       	7	9	-461	44%	               	               
20	JimmyJet   	4	11	-665	27%	               	               
21	bubba-sc   	6	12	-875	33%	0 1 0 -115	-555 40%
22	HookEmHorns	55	55	-929.43	50%	2 0 0 +267	-3488.43 39%
23	oldmanTED  	9	11	-1099	45%	               	-505 50%
24	powerz     	29	33	-1166	47%	               	-842 36%
25	Sal santorre	4	10	-1434	29%	0 2 0 -708	-1434 29%
26	ParkerPerry 	9	15	-1436	38%	               	               
27	sLim901    	26	27	-1710	49%	               	-30 55%
28	METFAN      	200	225	-1829.74 47%	8 13 2 -622.23	+2325.83 54%
29	globulous  	5	14	-1927	26%	0 2 0 -1015	-1927 26%
30	Dubpoet    	7	11	-2371	39%	               	-2371 39%
31	olenubbs   	73	93	-2627	44%	1 1 0 -50	-922 45%
32	Black & Gold	34	58	-9390	37%	1 2 0 -425	-8875 34%
33	Say Hey Kid	350	401	-24358	47%	8 16 1 -3550	-26927 42%

NBA Thru 5/18
[color=Navy][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L18 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	kaptain    	59	42	+5950	58%	               	-50 50%
2	dice711   	73	63	+3870	54%	               	               
3	oldmanTED   	36	25	+3675	59%	1 0 0 +300	+2175 71%
4	HookEmHorns	94	80	+3010	54%	0 1 0 -600	+330 56%
5	Mr_Mark    	371	316	+1810	54%	               	-780 48%
6	YaMar2001	46	34	+1560	58%	               	               
7	baccy   	23	42	+1265	35%	               	               
8	shibbets   	67	53	+1156	56%	               	               
9	Sal santorre 	35	31	+1151	53%	2 0 0 +1000	+1690 60%
10	LarryLegend	18	11	+590	62%	               	               
11	Jstack34   	13	13	+580	50%	               	+490 60%
12	Number Freak	30	27	+480	53%	               	               
13	ATP      	15	13	+70	54%	               	               
14	bubba-sc   	6	5	+50	55%	               	+190 75%
15	glenrobinson 	1	1	-10	50%	               	               
15	gnk2727 	1	1	-10	50%	               	               
15	olenubbs   	12	11	-10	52%	               	+90 67%
18	Just a thought	9	12	-360	43%	               	               
19	bossA3     	33	33	-440	50%	               	               
20	18677     	0	1	-505	0%	               	               
21	halekulani 	21	20	-561	51%	               	               
22	mpn     	0	5	-660	0%	               	               
23	soonerdawg	29	33	-730	47%	               	               
24	Zapster    	74	74	-1290	50%	               	               
25	Royale    	48	57	-1450	46%	               	               
26	Black & Gold	9	11	-1460	45%	               	               
27	ATLSLIM   	17	18	-1830	49%	               	               
28	TheKids    	9	14	-1890	39%	               	               
29	NumberZ     	7	14	-2620	33%	               	               
30	yanni_gogolak 	335	357	-4444.94 48%	               	               
31	Willie99 	12	27	-4560	31%	               	               
32	Coldweather 	393	389	-9520	50%	1 1 0 -50	-1520 49%

NHL Thru 5/18
[color=red][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L18 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	Puckhandler 	272	306	+15076	47%	2 0 0 +700	+2731 64%
2	globulous 	149	268	+1963	36%	3 0 0 +1218	+938 67%
3	Wags4     	38	37	+400	51%	               	               
4	olenubbs  	3	1	+320	75%	               	+125 100%
5	Nojuice9  	4	3	+297	57%	               	               
6	HookEmHorns	2	1	+240	67%	               	+40 50%
7	Hip2Bsq   	1	0	+138	100%	               	               
8	Baccy    	48	52	+87	48%	               	               
9	Willie99  	1	1	-100	50%	               	               
10	Mr_Meogi    	9	10	-206	47%	               	               
11	Number Freak	66	76	-220	46%	               	               
12	Barney     	0	3	-400	0%	               	               
13	mplastered	26	37	-2693.8	41%	               	               
14	MikeBossy	12	25	-4755	32%	               	-775 38%
15	METFAN    	150	221	-6330	40%	               	               

Global Sports Thru 5/18
[color=Gray][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L18 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	Rooney    	161	138	-1004	54%	0 2 0 -915	+3802 61%
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He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
MLB Thru 5/19
[color=Blue][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L19 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ATLSLIM    	59	30	+12640	66%	0 1 0 -700	+3300 60%
2	Coldweather	152	169	+6487	47%	4 2 0 +1356	+1117 47%
3	hcskip      	78	47	+5636	62%	1 2 0 -760	+511 59%
4	Jincka     	83	75	+1796	53%	1 1 0 +300	+162 50%
5	Uscsilb24    	15	5	+1575	75%	               	+200 100%
6	jpr24628   	14	8	+905	64%	0 1 0 -500	+405 62%
7	kaptain    	45	32	+826.04	58%	               	+3480 66%
8	crazy      	18	14	+470	56%	               	-500 33%
9	boxcardrew 	6	3	+360	67%	               	+237 100%
10	Jstack34   	40	40	+248	50%	3 0 0 +400	+615 53%
11	6figure     	18	18	+80	50%	1 1 0 +10	-240 44%
12	2Smooth    	1	1	+36	50%	               	               
13	E Vincent   	10	10	+10	50%	               	               
14	Bluetooth    	3	4	-130	43%	               	               
15	seanm0520  	53	46	-180	54%	               	+136 52%
16	Slickwitdadick	28	33	-309	46%	               	-457 39%
17	ECC        	115	92	-367	56%	2 3 0 -220	-2174 46%
18	mplastered   	2	3	-444	40%	               	               
19	ATP       	7	9	-461	44%	               	               
20	JimmyJet   	4	11	-665	27%	               	               
21	HookEmHorns	57	56	-866.43	50%	2 1 0 +63	-3425.43 41%
22	bubba-sc   	6	12	-875	33%	               	-555 40%
23	Sal santorre	6	11	-1062	35%	2 1 0 +372	-1062 35%
24	oldmanTED  	9	11	-1099	45%	               	-505 50%
25	powerz     	29	33	-1166	47%	               	-842 36%
26	ParkerPerry 	9	15	-1436	38%	               	               
27	sLim901    	26	27	-1710	49%	               	-30 55%
28	METFAN      	207	233	-2009.74 47%	7 8 0 -180	+2145.83 53%
29	globulous  	6	16	-2332	27%	1 2 0 -405	-2332 27%
30	Dubpoet    	7	11	-2371	39%	               	-2371 39%
31	olenubbs   	73	93	-2627	44%	               	-922 45%
32	Black & Gold	34	58	-9390	37%	               	-8875 34%
33	Say Hey Kid	354	401	-22348	47%	4 0 0 +2010	-24917 43%

NBA Thru 5/19
[color=Navy][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L19 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	kaptain    	59	42	+5950	58%	               	-50 50%
2	oldmanTED   	37	25	+3975	60%	1 0 0 +300	+2475 72%
3	dice711   	73	63	+3870	54%	               	               
4	HookEmHorns	94	81	+2665	54%	0 1 0 -345	-15 50%
5	YaMar2001	46	34	+1560	58%	               	               
6	baccy   	23	42	+1265	35%	               	               
7	Mr_Mark    	371	318	+1260	54%	0 2 0 -550	-1330 45%
8	shibbets   	67	53	+1156	56%	               	               
9	Jstack34   	14	13	+680	52%	1 0 0 +100	+590 67%
10	Sal santorre 	35	32	+601	52%	0 1 0 -550	+1140 56%
11	LarryLegend	18	11	+590	62%	               	               
12	Number Freak	30	27	+480	53%	               	               
13	bubba-sc   	7	5	+150	58%	1 0 0 +100	+290 80%
14	ATP      	15	13	+70	54%	               	               
15	glenrobinson 	1	1	-10	50%	               	               
15	gnk2727 	1	1	-10	50%	               	               
15	olenubbs   	12	11	-10	52%	               	+90 67%
18	Just a thought	9	12	-360	43%	               	               
19	bossA3     	33	33	-440	50%	               	               
20	18677     	0	1	-505	0%	               	               
21	halekulani 	21	20	-561	51%	               	               
22	mpn     	0	5	-660	0%	               	               
23	soonerdawg	29	33	-730	47%	               	               
24	Zapster    	74	74	-1290	50%	               	               
25	Royale    	48	57	-1450	46%	               	               
26	Black & Gold	9	11	-1460	45%	               	               
27	ATLSLIM   	17	18	-1830	49%	               	               
28	TheKids    	9	14	-1890	39%	               	               
29	NumberZ     	7	14	-2620	33%	               	               
30	yanni_gogolak 	335	357	-4444.94 48%	               	               
31	Willie99 	12	27	-4560	31%	               	               
32	Coldweather 	394	390	-9570	50%	1 1 0 -50	-1570 49%

Global Sports Thru 5/19
[color=Gray][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L19 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	Rooney    	162	139	-1124	54%	1 1 0 -120	+3682 61%
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He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
MLB Thru 5/20
[color=Blue][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L20 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ATLSLIM    	59	31	+12090	66%	0 1 0 -550	+2750 59%
2	Coldweather	153	172	+5869	47%	1 3 1 -618	+499 46%
3	hcskip      	78	48	+5176	62%	0 1 0 -460	+51 58%
4	Jincka     	85	77	+1924	52%	2 2 0 +128	+290 50%
5	Uscsilb24    	15	5	+1575	75%	               	+200 100%
6	Jstack34   	43	40	+648	52%	3 0 0 +400	+1015 56%
7	crazy      	18	14	+470	56%	               	-500 33%
8	boxcardrew 	6	3	+360	67%	               	+237 100%
9	2Smooth    	1	1	+36	50%	               	               
10	E Vincent   	10	10	+10	50%	               	               
11	6figure     	18	19	-20	49%	0 1 0 -100	-340 43%
12	Bluetooth    	3	4	-130	43%	               	               
13	seanm0520  	53	46	-180	54%	               	+136 52%
14	jpr24628   	14	10	-280	58%	0 2 0 -1185	-780 57%
15	Slickwitdadick	28	33	-309	46%	               	-457 39%
16	ECC        	115	92	-367	56%	               	-2174 46%
17	mplastered   	2	3	-444	40%	               	               
18	ATP       	7	9	-461	44%	               	               
19	kaptain    	49	38	-503.96	56%	4 6 0 -1330	+2150 61%
20	HookEmHorns	59	57	-596.43	51%	2 1 0 +270	-3155.43 42%
21	JimmyJet   	4	11	-665	27%	               	               
22	Sal santorre	9	13	-921	41%	3 2 0 +141	-921 41%
23	bubba-sc   	7	14	-994	33%	1 2 0 -119	-674 39%
24	oldmanTED  	9	11	-1099	45%	               	-505 50%
25	powerz     	29	33	-1166	47%	               	-842 36%
26	ParkerPerry 	9	15	-1436	38%	               	               
27	sLim901    	26	27	-1710	49%	               	-30 55%
28	METFAN      	215	240	-1788.75 47%	8 7 0 +220.99	+2366.82 53%
29	globulous  	6	16	-2332	27%	               	-2332 27%
30	Dubpoet    	7	11	-2371	39%	               	-2371 39%
31	olenubbs   	73	93	-2627	44%	               	-922 45%
32	Black & Gold	34	58	-9390	37%	               	-8875 34%
33	Say Hey Kid	355	414	-29438	46%	1 13 1 -7090	-32007 42%

Global Sports Thru 5/20
[color=Gray][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L20 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	Rooney    	162	140	-1523	54%	0 1 1 -399	+3283 60%
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He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
MLB Thru 5/21
[color=Blue][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L21 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ATLSLIM    	60	32	+11790	65%	1 1 0 -300	+2450 59%
2	Coldweather	155	175	+5713	47%	2 3 0 -156	+343 46%
3	hcskip      	78	48	+5176	62%	               	+51 58%
4	Jincka     	88	79	+2244	53%	3 2 0 +320	+610 51%
5	Uscsilb24    	15	5	+1575	75%	               	+200 100%
6	Jstack34   	44	42	+492	51%	1 2 0 -156	+859 55%
7	crazy      	18	14	+470	56%	               	-500 33%
8	boxcardrew 	6	3	+360	67%	               	+237 100%
9	2Smooth    	1	1	+36	50%	               	               
10	E Vincent   	10	10	+10	50%	               	               
11	6figure     	19	20	-115	49%	1 1 0 -95	-435 43%
12	Bluetooth    	3	4	-130	43%	               	               
13	seanm0520  	53	46	-180	54%	               	+136 52%
14	Slickwitdadick	28	33	-309	46%	               	-457 39%
15	ECC        	115	92	-367	56%	               	-2174 46%
16	mplastered   	2	3	-444	40%	               	               
17	ATP       	7	9	-461	44%	               	               
18	kaptain    	49	38	-503.96	56%	               	+2150 61%
19	HookEmHorns	59	57	-596.43	51%	               	-3155.43 42%
20	JimmyJet   	4	11	-665	27%	               	               
21	bubba-sc   	8	16	-1089	33%	1 2 0 -95	-769 38%
22	oldmanTED  	9	11	-1099	45%	               	-505 50%
23	powerz     	29	33	-1166	47%	               	-842 36%
24	ParkerPerry 	9	15	-1436	38%	               	               
25	jpr24628   	14	12	-1575	54%	0 2 0 -1295	-2075 52%
26	METFAN      	223	248	-1678.04 47%	8 8 0 +110.71	+2477.53 53%
27	sLim901    	26	27	-1710	49%	               	-30 55%
28	globulous  	6	16	-2332	27%	               	-2332 27%
29	Dubpoet    	7	11	-2371	39%	               	-2371 39%
30	olenubbs   	73	93	-2627	44%	               	-922 45%
31	Sal santorre	9	18	-3036	33%	0 5 0 -2115	-3036 33%
32	Black & Gold	34	58	-9390	37%	               	-8875 34%
33	Say Hey Kid	385	431	-22523	47%	30 17 1 +6915	-25092 44%

NHL Thru 5/21
[color=red][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L21 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	Puckhandler 	273	306	+15276	47%	1 0 0 +200	+2931 65%
2	globulous 	149	268	+1963	36%	               	+938 67%
3	Wags4     	38	37	+400	51%	               	               
4	olenubbs  	3	1	+320	75%	               	+125 100%
5	Nojuice9  	4	3	+297	57%	               	               
6	HookEmHorns	2	1	+240	67%	               	+40 50%
7	Hip2Bsq   	1	0	+138	100%	               	               
8	Baccy    	48	52	+87	48%	               	               
9	Willie99  	1	1	-100	50%	               	               
10	Mr_Meogi    	9	10	-206	47%	               	               
11	Number Freak	66	76	-220	46%	               	               
12	Barney     	0	3	-400	0%	               	               
13	mplastered	26	37	-2693.8	41%	               	               
14	MikeBossy	12	25	-4755	32%	               	-775 38%
15	METFAN    	150	221	-6330	40%	               	               

Global Sports Thru 5/21
[color=Gray][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L21 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	Rooney    	162	142	-2177	53%	0 2 1 -654	+2629 59%


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
MLB Thru 5/22
[color=Blue][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L22 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ATLSLIM    	60	35	+10040	63%	0 3 0 -1750	+700 55%
2	Coldweather	159	180	+5536	47%	4 5 0 -177	+166 46%
3	hcskip      	78	48	+5176	62%	               	+51 58%
4	Jincka     	92	80	+2813	53%	4 1 0 +569	+1179 53%
5	Uscsilb24    	15	5	+1575	75%	               	+200 100%
6	Jstack34   	47	42	+892	53%	3 0 0 +400	+1259 57%
7	crazy      	18	14	+470	56%	               	-500 33%
8	boxcardrew 	6	3	+360	67%	               	+237 100%
9	2Smooth    	1	1	+36	50%	               	               
10	E Vincent   	10	10	+10	50%	               	               
11	6figure     	19	20	-115	49%	               	-435 43%
12	Bluetooth    	3	4	-130	43%	               	               
13	seanm0520  	53	46	-180	54%	               	+136 52%
14	Slickwitdadick	28	33	-309	46%	               	-457 39%
15	ECC        	115	92	-367	56%	               	-2174 46%
16	mplastered   	2	3	-444	40%	               	               
17	ATP       	7	9	-461	44%	               	               
18	kaptain    	49	38	-503.96	56%	               	+2150 61%
19	HookEmHorns	59	57	-596.43	51%	               	-3155.43 42%
20	JimmyJet   	4	11	-665	27%	               	               
21	METFAN      	238	256	-808.13	48%	15 8 0 +869.91	+3347.44 54%
22	oldmanTED  	9	11	-1099	45%	               	-505 50%
23	powerz     	29	33	-1166	47%	               	-842 36%
24	ParkerPerry 	9	15	-1436	38%	               	               
25	bubba-sc   	8	18	-1489	31%	0 2 0 -400	-1169 35%
26	jpr24628   	15	13	-1575	54%	1 1 0 +0	-2075 52%
27	sLim901    	26	27	-1710	49%	               	-30 55%
28	globulous  	6	16	-2332	27%	               	-2332 27%
29	Dubpoet    	7	11	-2371	39%	               	-2371 39%
30	olenubbs   	73	93	-2627	44%	               	-922 45%
31	Sal santorre	9	19	-3536	32%	0 1 0 -500	-3536 32%
32	Black & Gold	35	60	-9905	37%	1 2 0 -515	-9390 34%
33	Say Hey Kid	405	453	-24213	47%	20 22 3 -1690	-26782 45%

NBA Thru 5/22
[color=Navy][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L22 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	kaptain    	59	42	+5950	58%	               	-50 50%
2	oldmanTED   	38	25	+4475	60%	1 0 0 +500	+2975 74%
3	dice711   	73	63	+3870	54%	               	               
4	HookEmHorns	94	81	+2665	54%	               	-15 50%
5	Donkwin47  	4	0	+2000	100%	4 0 0 +2000	+2000 100%
6	YaMar2001	46	34	+1560	58%	               	               
7	baccy   	23	42	+1265	35%	               	               
8	shibbets   	67	53	+1156	56%	               	               
9	Mr_Mark    	371	320	+840	54%	0 2 0 -420	-1750 42%
10	Jstack34   	15	14	+670	52%	1 1 0 -10	+580 63%
11	Sal santorre 	35	32	+601	52%	               	+1140 56%
12	LarryLegend	18	11	+590	62%	               	               
13	Number Freak	30	27	+480	53%	               	               
14	bubba-sc   	7	5	+150	58%	               	+290 80%
15	ATP      	15	13	+70	54%	               	               
16	glenrobinson 	1	1	-10	50%	               	               
16	gnk2727 	1	1	-10	50%	               	               
16	olenubbs   	12	11	-10	52%	               	+90 67%
19	Just a thought	9	12	-360	43%	               	               
20	bossA3     	33	33	-440	50%	               	               
21	18677     	0	1	-505	0%	               	               
22	halekulani 	21	20	-561	51%	               	               
23	mpn     	0	5	-660	0%	               	               
24	soonerdawg	29	33	-730	47%	               	               
25	Zapster    	74	74	-1290	50%	               	               
26	Royale    	48	57	-1450	46%	               	               
27	Black & Gold	9	11	-1460	45%	               	               
28	ATLSLIM   	17	18	-1830	49%	               	               
29	TheKids    	9	14	-1890	39%	               	               
30	NumberZ     	7	14	-2620	33%	               	               
31	yanni_gogolak 	335	357	-4444.94 48%	               	               
32	Willie99 	12	27	-4560	31%	               	               
33	Coldweather 	394	392	-10670	50%	0 2 0 -1100	-2670 47%

Global Sports Thru 5/22
[color=Gray][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L22 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	Rooney    	164	145	-3028	53%	2 3 0 -851	+1778 58%


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
MLB Thru 5/23
[color=Blue][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L23 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ATLSLIM    	64	40	+8890	62%	4 5 0 -1150	-450 53%
2	Coldweather	165	180	+8684	48%	6 0 0 +3148	+3314 48%
3	hcskip      	78	48	+5176	62%	               	+51 58%
4	Jincka     	95	82	+3147	54%	3 2 0 +334	+1513 53%
5	Uscsilb24    	15	5	+1575	75%	               	+200 100%
6	Jstack34   	48	44	+627	52%	1 2 0 -265	+994 56%
7	crazy      	18	14	+470	56%	               	-500 33%
8	jpr24628   	20	14	+425	59%	5 1 0 +2000	-75 58%
9	boxcardrew 	6	3	+360	67%	               	+237 100%
10	2Smooth    	1	1	+36	50%	               	               
11	E Vincent   	10	10	+10	50%	               	               
12	6figure     	19	20	-115	49%	               	-435 43%
13	Bluetooth    	3	4	-130	43%	               	               
14	seanm0520  	53	46	-180	54%	               	+136 52%
15	Slickwitdadick	28	33	-309	46%	               	-457 39%
16	ECC        	115	92	-367	56%	               	-2174 46%
17	mplastered   	2	3	-444	40%	               	               
18	ATP       	7	9	-461	44%	               	               
19	kaptain    	49	38	-503.96	56%	               	+2150 61%
20	HookEmHorns	59	57	-596.43	51%	               	-3155.43 42%
21	JimmyJet   	4	11	-665	27%	               	               
22	METFAN      	249	267	-913.13	48%	11 11 1 -105	+3242.44 54%
23	oldmanTED  	9	11	-1099	45%	               	-505 50%
24	powerz     	29	33	-1166	47%	               	-842 36%
25	bubba-sc   	10	21	-1239	32%	2 3 0 +250	-919 36%
26	ParkerPerry 	9	15	-1436	38%	               	               
27	sLim901    	26	27	-1710	49%	               	-30 55%
28	globulous  	6	16	-2332	27%	               	-2332 27%
29	Dubpoet    	7	11	-2371	39%	               	-2371 39%
30	olenubbs   	73	93	-2627	44%	               	-922 45%
31	Sal santorre	9	19	-3536	32%	               	-3536 32%
32	Black & Gold	36	60	-9405	38%	1 0 0 +500	-8890 35%
33	Say Hey Kid	405	453	-24213	47%	               	-26782 45%

NBA Thru 5/23
[color=Navy][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L23 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	kaptain    	59	42	+5950	58%	               	-50 50%
2	oldmanTED   	39	25	+4775	61%	1 0 0 +300	+3275 75%
3	dice711   	73	63	+3870	54%	               	               
4	HookEmHorns	94	82	+2335	53%	0 1 0 -330	-345 45%
5	Donkwin47  	4	0	+2000	100%	               	+2000 100%
6	YaMar2001	46	34	+1560	58%	               	               
7	baccy   	23	42	+1265	35%	               	               
8	shibbets   	67	53	+1156	56%	               	               
9	Mr_Mark    	371	320	+840	54%	               	-1750 42%
10	Jstack34   	15	14	+670	52%	               	+580 63%
11	Sal santorre 	35	32	+601	52%	               	+1140 56%
12	LarryLegend	18	11	+590	62%	               	               
13	Number Freak	30	27	+480	53%	               	               
14	bubba-sc   	7	5	+150	58%	               	+290 80%
15	ATP      	15	13	+70	54%	               	               
16	glenrobinson 	1	1	-10	50%	               	               
16	gnk2727 	1	1	-10	50%	               	               
16	olenubbs   	12	11	-10	52%	               	+90 67%
19	Just a thought	9	12	-360	43%	               	               
20	bossA3     	33	33	-440	50%	               	               
21	18677     	0	1	-505	0%	               	               
22	halekulani 	21	20	-561	51%	               	               
23	mpn     	0	5	-660	0%	               	               
24	soonerdawg	29	33	-730	47%	               	               
25	Zapster    	74	74	-1290	50%	               	               
26	Royale    	48	57	-1450	46%	               	               
27	Black & Gold	9	11	-1460	45%	               	               
28	ATLSLIM   	17	18	-1830	49%	               	               
29	TheKids    	9	14	-1890	39%	               	               
30	NumberZ     	7	14	-2620	33%	               	               
31	yanni_gogolak 	335	357	-4444.94 48%	               	               
32	Willie99 	12	27	-4560	31%	               	               
33	Coldweather 	396	392	-9670	50%	2 0 0 +1000	-1670 49%
Last edited:


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
MLB Thru 5/24
[color=Blue][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L24 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ATLSLIM    	65	40	+9390	62%	1 0 0 +500	+50 54%
2	Coldweather	165	181	+8444	48%	0 1 0 -240	+3074 48%
3	hcskip      	79	49	+5026	62%	1 1 0 -150	-99 57%
4	Jincka     	96	83	+2847	54%	1 1 0 -300	+1213 53%
5	Uscsilb24    	15	5	+1575	75%	               	+200 100%
6	Jstack34   	48	44	+627	52%	               	+994 56%
7	crazy      	18	14	+470	56%	               	-500 33%
8	jpr24628   	20	14	+425	59%	               	-75 58%
9	boxcardrew 	6	3	+360	67%	               	+237 100%
10	2Smooth    	1	1	+36	50%	               	               
11	E Vincent   	10	10	+10	50%	               	               
12	6figure     	19	20	-115	49%	               	-435 43%
13	Bluetooth    	3	4	-130	43%	               	               
14	bostonfanbarca	1	2	-149	33%	1 2 0 -149	-149 33%
15	seanm0520  	53	46	-180	54%	               	+136 52%
16	Slickwitdadick	28	33	-309	46%	               	-457 39%
17	ECC        	115	92	-367	56%	               	-2174 46%
18	mplastered   	2	3	-444	40%	               	               
19	ATP       	7	9	-461	44%	               	               
20	kaptain    	49	38	-503.96	56%	               	+2150 61%
21	HookEmHorns	59	57	-596.43	51%	               	-3155.43 42%
22	JimmyJet   	4	11	-665	27%	               	               
23	METFAN      	249	267	-913.13	48%	               	+3242.44 54%
24	oldmanTED  	9	11	-1099	45%	               	-505 50%
25	powerz     	29	33	-1166	47%	               	-842 36%
26	bubba-sc   	10	21	-1239	32%	               	-919 36%
27	ParkerPerry 	9	15	-1436	38%	               	               
28	sLim901    	26	27	-1710	49%	               	-30 55%
29	globulous  	6	16	-2332	27%	               	-2332 27%
30	Dubpoet    	7	11	-2371	39%	               	-2371 39%
31	olenubbs   	73	93	-2627	44%	               	-922 45%
32	Sal santorre	9	19	-3536	32%	               	-3536 32%
33	Black & Gold	36	60	-9405	38%	               	-8890 35%
34	Say Hey Kid	405	453	-24213	47%	               	-26782 45%

NBA Thru 5/24
[color=Navy][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L24 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	kaptain    	59	42	+5950	58%	               	-50 50%
2	oldmanTED   	39	26	+4225	60%	0 1 0 -550	+2725 71%
3	dice711   	73	63	+3870	54%	               	               
4	HookEmHorns	95	82	+2835	54%	1 0 0 +500	+155 50%
5	Donkwin47  	4	0	+2000	100%	               	+2000 100%
6	YaMar2001	46	34	+1560	58%	               	               
7	baccy   	23	42	+1265	35%	               	               
8	shibbets   	67	53	+1156	56%	               	               
9	Mr_Mark    	371	320	+840	54%	               	-1750 42%
10	Jstack34   	15	14	+670	52%	               	+580 63%
11	Sal santorre 	35	32	+601	52%	               	+1140 56%
12	LarryLegend	18	11	+590	62%	               	               
13	Number Freak	30	27	+480	53%	               	               
14	bubba-sc   	7	5	+150	58%	               	+290 80%
15	ATP      	15	13	+70	54%	               	               
16	glenrobinson 	1	1	-10	50%	               	               
16	gnk2727 	1	1	-10	50%	               	               
16	olenubbs   	12	11	-10	52%	               	+90 67%
19	Just a thought	9	12	-360	43%	               	               
20	bossA3     	33	33	-440	50%	               	               
21	18677     	0	1	-505	0%	               	               
22	halekulani 	21	20	-561	51%	               	               
23	mpn     	0	5	-660	0%	               	               
24	soonerdawg	29	33	-730	47%	               	               
25	Zapster    	74	74	-1290	50%	               	               
26	Royale    	48	57	-1450	46%	               	               
27	Black & Gold	9	11	-1460	45%	               	               
28	ATLSLIM   	17	18	-1830	49%	               	               
29	TheKids    	9	14	-1890	39%	               	               
30	NumberZ     	7	14	-2620	33%	               	               
31	yanni_gogolak 	335	357	-4444.94 48%	               	               
32	Willie99 	12	27	-4560	31%	               	               
33	Coldweather 	397	392	-9170	50%	1 0 1 +500	-1170 50%

NHL Thru 5/24
[color=red][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L24 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	Puckhandler 	273	307	+15076	47%	0 1 0 -200	+2731 63%
2	globulous 	149	268	+1963	36%	               	+938 67%
3	Wags4     	38	37	+400	51%	               	               
4	olenubbs  	3	1	+320	75%	               	+125 100%
5	Nojuice9  	4	3	+297	57%	               	               
6	HookEmHorns	2	1	+240	67%	               	+40 50%
7	Hip2Bsq   	1	0	+138	100%	               	               
8	Baccy    	48	52	+87	48%	               	               
9	Willie99  	1	1	-100	50%	               	               
10	Mr_Meogi    	9	10	-206	47%	               	               
11	Number Freak	66	76	-220	46%	               	               
12	Barney     	0	3	-400	0%	               	               
13	mplastered	26	37	-2693.8	41%	               	               
14	MikeBossy	12	25	-4755	32%	               	-775 38%
15	METFAN    	150	221	-6330	40%	               	               

Global Sports Thru 5/24
[color=Gray][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L24 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	bostonfanbarca	4	3	+87	57%	4 3 0 +87	+87 57%
1	Rooney    	164	145	-3028	53%	               	+1778 58%


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
MLB Thru 5/25

[COLOR=Blue][B]                       [U]Overall[/U]            [U]Last Night[/U]    [U]L25 Days[/U]
Rank    Capper       W    L     Total    Win%    W L P TOTAL    TOTAL W%
1    ATLSLIM        67    40    +10390    63%    2 0 0 +1000    +1050 56%
2    Coldweather    167    184    +8342    48%    2 3 0 -102    +2972 47%
3    hcskip          80    52    +4156    61%    1 3 0 -870    -969 54%
4    Jincka         98    85    +2730    54%    2 2 0 -117    +1096 53%
5    Uscsilb24        15    5    +1575    75%                       +200 100%
6    crazy          18    14    +470    56%                       -500 33%
7    jpr24628       20    14    +425    59%                       -75 58%
8    boxcardrew     6    3    +360    67%                       +237 100%
9    2Smooth        1    1    +36    50%                                      
10    Jstack34       49    47    +16    51%    1 3 0 -611    +383 54%
11    E Vincent       10    10    +10    50%                                      
12    bostonfanbarca    3    3    -62    50%    2 1 0 +87    -62 50%
13    6figure         19    20    -115    49%                       -435 43%
14    Bluetooth        3    4    -130    43%                                      
15    seanm0520      53    46    -180    54%                       +136 52%
16    Slickwitdadick    28    33    -309    46%                       -457 39%
17    nojuice9        0    2    -315    0%    0 2 0 -315    -315 0%
18    ECC            115    92    -367    56%                       -2174 46%
19    HookEmHorns    61    57    -396.43    52%    2 0 0 +200    -2955.43 44%
20    mplastered       2    3    -444    40%                                      
21    ATP           7    9    -461    44%                                      
22    kaptain        49    38    -503.96    56%                       +2150 61%
23    JimmyJet       4    11    -665    27%                                      
24    oldmanTED      9    11    -1099    45%                       -505 50%
25    bubba-sc       11    21    -1139    34%    1 0 0 +100    -819 38%
26    powerz         29    33    -1166    47%                       -842 36%
27    ParkerPerry     9    15    -1436    38%                                      
28    sLim901        26    27    -1710    49%                       -30 55%
29    globulous      6    16    -2332    27%                       -2332 27%
30    METFAN          251    282    -2369.13 47%    2 15 1 -1456    +1786.44 51%
31    Dubpoet        7    11    -2371    39%                       -2371 39%
32    olenubbs       73    93    -2627    44%                       -922 45%
33    Sal santorre    9    19    -3536    32%                       -3536 32%
34    Black & Gold    37    60    -8905    38%    1 0 0 +500    -8390 36%
35    Say Hey Kid    405    453    -24213    47%                       -26782 45%

NBA Thru 5/25

[COLOR=Navy][B]                       [U]Overall[/U]            [U]Last Night[/U]    [U]L25 Days[/U]
Rank    Capper       W    L     Total    Win%    W L P TOTAL    TOTAL W%
1    kaptain        59    42    +5950    58%                       -50 50%
2    oldmanTED       39    27    +3922    59%    0 1 0 -303    +2422 68%
3    dice711       73    63    +3870    54%                                      
4    HookEmHorns    95    82    +2835    54%                       +155 50%
5    Donkwin47      4    0    +2000    100%                       +2000 100%
6    YaMar2001    46    34    +1560    58%                                      
7    Mr_Mark        373    320    +1360    54%    2 0 0 +520    -1230 45%
8    baccy       23    42    +1265    35%                                      
9    shibbets       67    53    +1156    56%                                      
10    LarryLegend    18    11    +590    62%                                      
11    Number Freak    30    27    +480    53%                                      
12    Jstack34       15    15    +340    50%    0 1 0 -330    +250 56%
13    bubba-sc       7    5    +150    58%    0 0 1 +0    +290 80%
14    ATP          15    13    +70    54%                                      
15    Sal santorre     35    33    +51    51%    0 1 0 -550    +590 53%
16    glenrobinson     1    1    -10    50%                                      
16    gnk2727     1    1    -10    50%                                      
16    olenubbs       12    11    -10    52%                       +90 67%
19    Just a thought    9    12    -360    43%                                      
20    bossA3         33    33    -440    50%                                      
21    18677         0    1    -505    0%                                      
22    halekulani     21    20    -561    51%                                      
23    mpn         0    5    -660    0%                                      
24    soonerdawg    29    33    -730    47%                                      
25    Zapster        74    74    -1290    50%                                      
26    Royale        48    57    -1450    46%                                      
27    Black & Gold    9    11    -1460    45%                                      
28    ATLSLIM       17    18    -1830    49%                                      
29    TheKids        9    14    -1890    39%                                      
30    NumberZ         7    14    -2620    33%                                      
31    yanni_gogolak     335    357    -4444.94 48%                                      
32    Willie99     12    27    -4560    31%                                      
33    Coldweather     397    393    -9720    50%    0 1 1 -550    -1720 49%

Global Sports Thru 5/25

[COLOR=Gray][B]                       [U]Overall[/U]            [U]Last Night[/U]    [U]L25 Days[/U]
Rank    Capper       W    L     Total    Win%    W L P TOTAL    TOTAL W%
1    bostonfanbarca    9    6    +319.55    60%    5 3 0 +232.55    +319.55 60%
1    Rooney        164    145    -3028    53%                       +1778 58%
Last edited:


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
MLB Thru 5/26
[color=Blue][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L26 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ATLSLIM    	69	41	+10940	63%	2 1 0 +550	+1600 56%
2	Coldweather	172	188	+9566	48%	5 4 0 +1224	+4196 48%
3	hcskip      	80	52	+4156	61%	               	-969 54%
4	Jincka     	101	88	+2796	53%	3 3 0 +66	+1162 53%
5	Uscsilb24    	15	5	+1575	75%	               	+200 100%
6	jpr24628   	23	16	+1275	59%	3 2 0 +850	+775 58%
7	crazy      	18	14	+470	56%	               	-500 33%
8	boxcardrew 	6	3	+360	67%	               	+237 100%
9	2Smooth    	1	1	+36	50%	               	               
10	Jstack34   	49	47	+16	51%	               	+383 54%
11	E Vincent   	10	10	+10	50%	               	               
12	6figure     	19	20	-115	49%	               	-435 43%
13	Bluetooth    	3	4	-130	43%	               	               
14	seanm0520  	53	46	-180	54%	               	+136 52%
15	bostonfanbarca	4	5	-243	44%	1 2 0 -181	-243 44%
16	Slickwitdadick	28	33	-309	46%	               	-457 39%
17	nojuice9    	0	2	-315	0%	               	-315 0%
18	mplastered   	2	3	-444	40%	               	               
19	ATP       	7	9	-461	44%	               	               
20	ECC        	115	93	-477	55%	0 1 0 -110	-2284 45%
21	kaptain    	49	38	-503.96	56%	               	+2150 61%
22	JimmyJet   	4	11	-665	27%	               	               
23	HookEmHorns	61	61	-876.43	50%	0 4 0 -480	-3435.43 41%
24	bubba-sc   	12	21	-1034	36%	1 0 0 +105	-714 40%
25	oldmanTED  	9	11	-1099	45%	               	-505 50%
26	powerz     	29	33	-1166	47%	               	-842 36%
27	ParkerPerry 	9	15	-1436	38%	               	               
28	sLim901    	26	27	-1710	49%	               	-30 55%
29	globulous  	6	16	-2332	27%	               	-2332 27%
30	Dubpoet    	7	11	-2371	39%	               	-2371 39%
31	olenubbs   	73	93	-2627	44%	               	-922 45%
32	METFAN      	254	287	-2774.61 47%	3 5 0 -405.48	+1380.96 51%
33	Sal santorre	9	19	-3536	32%	               	-3536 32%
34	Black & Gold	38	60	-8130	39%	1 0 0 +775	-7615 37%
35	Say Hey Kid	406	455	-24863	47%	1 2 0 -650	-27432 45%

NBA Thru 5/26
[color=Navy][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L26 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	kaptain    	59	42	+5950	58%	               	-50 50%
2	oldmanTED   	40	27	+4222	60%	1 0 0 +300	+2722 70%
3	dice711   	73	63	+3870	54%	               	               
4	HookEmHorns	96	82	+3035	54%	1 0 0 +200	+355 54%
5	Donkwin47  	4	0	+2000	100%	               	+2000 100%
6	YaMar2001	46	34	+1560	58%	               	               
7	Mr_Mark    	374	321	+1360	54%	1 1 0 +0	-1230 46%
8	baccy   	23	42	+1265	35%	               	               
9	shibbets   	67	53	+1156	56%	               	               
10	LarryLegend	18	11	+590	62%	               	               
11	Number Freak	30	27	+480	53%	               	               
12	Jstack34   	15	15	+340	50%	               	+250 56%
13	bubba-sc   	7	5	+150	58%	               	+290 80%
14	ATP      	15	13	+70	54%	               	               
15	Sal santorre 	35	33	+51	51%	               	+590 53%
16	glenrobinson 	1	1	-10	50%	               	               
16	gnk2727 	1	1	-10	50%	               	               
16	olenubbs   	12	11	-10	52%	               	+90 67%
19	Just a thought	9	12	-360	43%	               	               
20	bossA3     	33	33	-440	50%	               	               
21	18677     	0	1	-505	0%	               	               
22	halekulani 	21	20	-561	51%	               	               
23	mpn     	0	5	-660	0%	               	               
24	soonerdawg	29	33	-730	47%	               	               
25	Zapster    	74	74	-1290	50%	               	               
26	Royale    	48	57	-1450	46%	               	               
27	Black & Gold	9	11	-1460	45%	               	               
28	ATLSLIM   	17	18	-1830	49%	               	               
29	TheKids    	9	14	-1890	39%	               	               
30	NumberZ     	7	14	-2620	33%	               	               
31	yanni_gogolak 	335	357	-4444.94 48%	               	               
32	Willie99 	12	27	-4560	31%	               	               
33	Coldweather 	399	393	-8720	50%	2 0 0 +1000	-720 51%

Global Sports Thru 5/26
[color=Gray][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L26 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	bostonfanbarca	10	9	-58.45	53%	1 3 0 -378	-58.45 53%
1	Rooney    	167	146	-2421	53%	3 1 0 +607	+2385 58%


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
MLB Thru 5/27
[color=Blue][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L27 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ATLSLIM    	72	41	+12515	64%	3 0 0 +1575	+3175 58%
2	Coldweather	177	193	+9721	48%	5 5 0 +155	+4351 48%
3	hcskip      	80	52	+4156	61%	               	-969 54%
4	Jincka     	103	90	+2745	53%	2 2 0 -51	+1111 53%
5	jpr24628   	24	16	+1775	60%	1 0 0 +500	+1275 59%
6	Uscsilb24    	15	5	+1575	75%	               	+200 100%
7	crazy      	18	14	+470	56%	               	-500 33%
8	boxcardrew 	6	3	+360	67%	               	+237 100%
9	Jstack34   	50	49	+86	51%	1 2 0 +70	+453 53%
10	2Smooth    	1	1	+36	50%	               	               
11	E Vincent   	10	10	+10	50%	               	               
12	6figure     	19	20	-115	49%	               	-435 43%
13	Bluetooth    	3	4	-130	43%	               	               
14	bostonfanbarca	6	6	-166	50%	2 1 0 +77	-166 50%
15	seanm0520  	53	46	-180	54%	               	+136 52%
16	Slickwitdadick	28	33	-309	46%	               	-457 39%
17	nojuice9    	0	2	-315	0%	               	-315 0%
18	mplastered   	2	3	-444	40%	               	               
19	ATP       	7	9	-461	44%	               	               
20	ECC        	115	93	-477	55%	               	-2284 45%
21	kaptain    	49	38	-503.96	56%	               	+2150 61%
22	JimmyJet   	4	11	-665	27%	               	               
23	bubba-sc   	14	22	-939	39%	2 1 0 +95	-619 42%
24	oldmanTED  	9	11	-1099	45%	               	-505 50%
25	HookEmHorns	62	62	-1146.43 50%	1 1 0 -270	-3705.43 42%
26	powerz     	29	33	-1166	47%	               	-842 36%
27	ParkerPerry 	9	15	-1436	38%	               	               
28	sLim901    	26	27	-1710	49%	               	-30 55%
29	globulous  	6	16	-2332	27%	               	-2332 27%
30	Dubpoet    	7	11	-2371	39%	               	-2371 39%
31	olenubbs   	73	93	-2627	44%	               	-922 45%
32	METFAN      	264	296	-2769.61 47%	10 9 2 +5	+1385.96 51%
33	Sal santorre	9	19	-3536	32%	               	-3536 32%
34	Black & Gold	38	60	-8130	39%	               	-7615 37%
35	Say Hey Kid	406	455	-24863	47%	               	-27432 45%

NBA Thru 5/27
[color=Navy][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L27 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	kaptain    	59	42	+5950	58%	               	-50 50%
2	oldmanTED   	41	27	+4522	60%	1 0 0 +300	+3022 71%
3	dice711   	73	63	+3870	54%	               	               
4	HookEmHorns	96	82	+3035	54%	               	+355 54%
5	Donkwin47  	4	0	+2000	100%	               	+2000 100%
6	YaMar2001	46	34	+1560	58%	               	               
7	Mr_Mark    	375	322	+1340	54%	1 1 0 -20	-1250 46%
8	baccy   	23	42	+1265	35%	               	               
9	shibbets   	67	53	+1156	56%	               	               
10	LarryLegend	18	11	+590	62%	               	               
11	Number Freak	30	27	+480	53%	               	               
12	Jstack34   	15	15	+340	50%	               	+250 56%
13	bubba-sc   	7	5	+150	58%	               	+290 80%
14	ATP      	15	13	+70	54%	               	               
15	Sal santorre 	35	33	+51	51%	               	+590 53%
16	glenrobinson 	1	1	-10	50%	               	               
16	gnk2727 	1	1	-10	50%	               	               
16	olenubbs   	12	11	-10	52%	               	+90 67%
19	Just a thought	9	12	-360	43%	               	               
20	bossA3     	33	33	-440	50%	               	               
21	18677     	0	1	-505	0%	               	               
22	halekulani 	21	20	-561	51%	               	               
23	mpn     	0	5	-660	0%	               	               
24	soonerdawg	29	33	-730	47%	               	               
25	Zapster    	74	74	-1290	50%	               	               
26	Royale    	48	57	-1450	46%	               	               
27	Black & Gold	9	11	-1460	45%	               	               
28	ATLSLIM   	17	18	-1830	49%	               	               
29	TheKids    	9	14	-1890	39%	               	               
30	NumberZ     	7	14	-2620	33%	               	               
31	yanni_gogolak 	335	357	-4444.94 48%	               	               
32	Willie99 	12	27	-4560	31%	               	               
33	Coldweather 	400	394	-8770	50%	1 1 0 -50	-770 51%

Global Sports Thru 5/27
[color=Gray][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L27 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	bostonfanbarca	11	9	+41.66	55%	1 0 1 +100.11	+41.66 55%
1	Rooney    	167	147	-2766	53%	0 1 0 -345	+2040 58%


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
MLB Thru 5/28
[color=Blue][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L28 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ATLSLIM    	73	41	+13015	64%	1 0 0 +500	+3675 59%
2	Coldweather	181	195	+10591	48%	4 2 0 +870	+5221 48%
3	hcskip      	80	52	+4156	61%	               	-969 54%
4	jpr24628   	26	16	+2525	62%	2 0 0 +750	+2025 61%
5	Jincka     	103	94	+2211	52%	0 4 0 -534	+577 50%
6	Uscsilb24    	15	5	+1575	75%	               	+200 100%
7	crazy      	18	14	+470	56%	               	-500 33%
8	boxcardrew 	6	3	+360	67%	               	+237 100%
9	2Smooth    	1	1	+36	50%	               	               
10	bostonfanbarca	9	7	+34	56%	3 1 0 +200	+34 56%
11	E Vincent   	10	10	+10	50%	               	               
12	6figure     	19	20	-115	49%	               	-435 43%
13	Bluetooth    	3	4	-130	43%	               	               
14	seanm0520  	53	46	-180	54%	               	+136 52%
15	Slickwitdadick	28	33	-309	46%	               	-457 39%
16	nojuice9    	0	2	-315	0%	               	-315 
17	mplastered   	2	3	-444	40%	               	               
18	ATP       	7	9	-461	44%	               	               
19	ECC        	115	93	-477	55%	               	-2284 45%
20	kaptain    	49	38	-503.96	56%	               	+2150 61%
21	JimmyJet   	4	11	-665	27%	               	               
22	Jstack34   	51	51	-666	50%	1 2 0 -752	-299 52%
23	bubba-sc   	16	23	-854	41%	2 1 0 +85	-534 44%
24	oldmanTED  	9	11	-1099	45%	               	-505 50%
25	HookEmHorns	62	62	-1146.43 50%	               	-3705.43 42%
26	powerz     	29	33	-1166	47%	               	-842 36%
27	ParkerPerry 	9	15	-1436	38%	               	               
28	sLim901    	26	27	-1710	49%	               	-30 55%
29	globulous  	6	16	-2332	27%	               	-2332 27%
30	Dubpoet    	7	11	-2371	39%	               	-2371 39%
31	olenubbs   	73	93	-2627	44%	               	-922 45%
32	METFAN      	270	304	-3001.61 47%	6 8 2 -232	+1153.96 51%
33	Sal santorre	9	19	-3536	32%	               	-3536 32%
34	Black & Gold	40	60	-6950	40%	2 0 0 +1180	-6435 39%
35	Say Hey Kid	406	455	-24863	47%	               	-27432 45%

NBA Thru 5/28
[color=Navy][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L28 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	kaptain    	59	42	+5950	58%	               	-50 50%
2	oldmanTED   	41	28	+4210	59%	0 1 0 -312	+2710 68%
3	dice711   	73	63	+3870	54%	               	               
4	HookEmHorns	96	82	+3035	54%	               	+355 54%
5	Donkwin47  	4	0	+2000	100%	               	+2000 100%
6	Mr_Mark    	377	322	+1740	54%	2 0 0 +400	-850 49%
7	YaMar2001	46	34	+1560	58%	               	               
8	baccy   	23	42	+1265	35%	               	               
9	shibbets   	67	53	+1156	56%	               	               
10	LarryLegend	18	11	+590	62%	               	               
11	Number Freak	30	27	+480	53%	               	               
12	Jstack34   	15	15	+340	50%	               	+250 56%
13	ATP      	15	13	+70	54%	               	               
14	Sal santorre 	35	33	+51	51%	               	+590 53%
15	bubba-sc   	7	6	+40	54%	0 1 0 -110	+180 67%
16	glenrobinson 	1	1	-10	50%	               	               
16	gnk2727 	1	1	-10	50%	               	               
16	olenubbs   	12	11	-10	52%	               	+90 67%
19	Just a thought	9	12	-360	43%	               	               
20	bossA3     	33	33	-440	50%	               	               
21	18677     	0	1	-505	0%	               	               
22	halekulani 	21	20	-561	51%	               	               
23	mpn     	0	5	-660	0%	               	               
24	soonerdawg	29	33	-730	47%	               	               
25	Zapster    	74	74	-1290	50%	               	               
26	Royale    	48	57	-1450	46%	               	               
27	Black & Gold	9	11	-1460	45%	               	               
28	ATLSLIM   	17	18	-1830	49%	               	               
29	TheKids    	9	14	-1890	39%	               	               
30	NumberZ     	7	14	-2620	33%	               	               
31	yanni_gogolak 	335	357	-4444.94 48%	               	               
32	Willie99 	12	27	-4560	31%	               	               
33	Coldweather 	400	396	-9870	50%	0 2 0 -1100	-1870 49%

Global Sports Thru 5/28
[color=Gray][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L28 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	bostonfanbarca	14	11	+232.68	56%	3 2 0 +191.02	+232.68 56%
1	Rooney    	168	148	-2672	53%	1 1 0 +94	+2134 58%


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
MLB Thru 5/29
[color=Blue][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L29 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ATLSLIM    	76	43	+13915	64%	3 2 0 +900	+4575 59%
2	Coldweather	183	204	+8751	47%	2 9 0 -1840	+3381 47%
3	hcskip      	82	53	+3636	61%	2 1 0 -520	-1489 55%
4	jpr24628   	28	17	+2630	62%	2 1 0 +105	+2130 61%
5	Jincka     	105	98	+1669	52%	2 4 0 -542	+35 50%
6	Uscsilb24    	15	5	+1575	75%	               	+200 100%
7	crazy      	18	14	+470	56%	               	-500 33%
8	boxcardrew 	6	3	+360	67%	               	+237 100%
9	2Smooth    	1	1	+36	50%	               	               
10	bostonfanbarca	10	8	+16	56%	1 1 1 -18	+16 56%
11	E Vincent   	10	10	+10	50%	               	               
12	6figure     	19	20	-115	49%	               	-435 43%
13	Bluetooth    	3	4	-130	43%	               	               
14	seanm0520  	53	46	-180	54%	               	+136 52%
15	Slickwitdadick	28	33	-309	46%	               	-457 39%
16	nojuice9    	0	2	-315	0%	               	-315 
17	mplastered   	2	3	-444	40%	               	               
18	ATP       	7	9	-461	44%	               	               
19	ECC        	115	93	-477	55%	               	-2284 45%
20	kaptain    	49	38	-503.96	56%	               	+2150 61%
21	JimmyJet   	4	11	-665	27%	               	               
22	Jstack34   	51	51	-666	50%	               	-299 52%
23	bubba-sc   	16	23	-854	41%	               	-534 44%
24	oldmanTED  	9	11	-1099	45%	               	-505 50%
25	HookEmHorns	62	62	-1146.43 50%	               	-3705.43 42%
26	powerz     	29	33	-1166	47%	               	-842 36%
27	ParkerPerry 	9	15	-1436	38%	               	               
28	Michelangelo	1	6	-1625	14%	1 6 0 -1625	-1625 14%
29	sLim901    	26	27	-1710	49%	               	-30 55%
30	globulous  	6	16	-2332	27%	               	-2332 27%
31	Dubpoet    	7	11	-2371	39%	               	-2371 39%
32	olenubbs   	73	93	-2627	44%	               	-922 45%
33	METFAN      	270	304	-3001.61 47%	               	+1153.96 51%
34	Sal santorre	9	19	-3536	32%	               	-3536 32%
35	Black & Gold	41	61	-6950	40%	1 1 0 +0	-6435 39%
36	Say Hey Kid	406	455	-24863	47%	               	-27432 45%

NBA Thru 5/29
[color=Navy][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L29 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	kaptain    	59	42	+5950	58%	               	-50 50%
2	dice711   	73	63	+3870	54%	               	               
3	oldmanTED   	41	29	+3660	59%	0 1 0 -550	+2160 65%
4	HookEmHorns	96	82	+3035	54%	               	+355 54%
5	Donkwin47  	4	0	+2000	100%	               	+2000 100%
6	YaMar2001	46	34	+1560	58%	               	               
7	Mr_Mark    	377	324	+1300	54%	0 2 0 -440	-1290 46%
8	baccy   	23	42	+1265	35%	               	               
9	shibbets   	67	53	+1156	56%	               	               
10	LarryLegend	18	11	+590	62%	               	               
11	Number Freak	30	27	+480	53%	               	               
12	Jstack34   	15	15	+340	50%	               	+250 56%
13	ATP      	15	13	+70	54%	               	               
14	Sal santorre 	35	33	+51	51%	               	+590 53%
15	bubba-sc   	7	6	+40	54%	               	+180 67%
16	glenrobinson 	1	1	-10	50%	               	               
16	gnk2727 	1	1	-10	50%	               	               
16	olenubbs   	12	11	-10	52%	               	+90 67%
19	Just a thought	9	12	-360	43%	               	               
20	bossA3     	33	33	-440	50%	               	               
21	18677     	0	1	-505	0%	               	               
22	halekulani 	21	20	-561	51%	               	               
23	mpn     	0	5	-660	0%	               	               
24	soonerdawg	29	33	-730	47%	               	               
25	Zapster    	74	74	-1290	50%	               	               
26	Royale    	48	57	-1450	46%	               	               
27	Black & Gold	9	11	-1460	45%	               	               
28	ATLSLIM   	17	18	-1830	49%	               	               
29	TheKids    	9	14	-1890	39%	               	               
30	NumberZ     	7	14	-2620	33%	               	               
31	yanni_gogolak 	335	357	-4444.94 48%	               	               
32	Willie99 	12	27	-4560	31%	               	               
33	Coldweather 	400	398	-10970	50%	0 2 0 -1100	-2970 47%

NHL Thru 5/29
[color=red][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L29 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	Puckhandler 	273	308	+14576	47%	0 1 0 -500	+2231 61%
2	globulous 	149	268	+1963	36%	               	+938 67%
3	Wags4     	38	37	+400	51%	               	               
4	olenubbs  	3	1	+320	75%	               	+125 100%
5	Nojuice9  	4	3	+297	57%	               	               
6	HookEmHorns	2	1	+240	67%	               	+40 50%
7	Hip2Bsq   	1	0	+138	100%	               	               
8	Baccy    	48	52	+87	48%	               	               
9	Willie99  	1	1	-100	50%	               	               
10	Mr_Meogi    	9	10	-206	47%	               	               
11	Number Freak	66	76	-220	46%	               	               
12	Barney     	0	3	-400	0%	               	               
13	mplastered	26	37	-2693.8	41%	               	               
14	MikeBossy	12	25	-4755	32%	               	-775 38%
15	METFAN    	150	221	-6330	40%	               	               

Global Sports Thru 5/29
[color=Gray][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L29 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	bostonfanbarca	26	16	+751.19	62%	12 5 3 +518.51	+751.19 62%
1	Rooney    	172	149	-1436	54%	4 1 0 +1236	+3370 59%
Last edited:


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
MLB Thru 5/30
[color=Blue][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L30 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ATLSLIM    	79	46	+13615	63%	3 3 0 -300	+4275 58%
2	Coldweather	186	211	+8192	47%	3 7 0 -559	+2822 46%
3	hcskip      	84	54	+4136	61%	2 1 0 +500	-989 56%
4	Jincka     	106	99	+1769	52%	1 1 0 +100	+135 50%
5	jpr24628   	31	21	+1710	60%	3 4 0 -920	+1210 59%
6	Uscsilb24    	15	5	+1575	75%	               	+200 100%
7	crazy      	18	14	+470	56%	               	-500 33%
8	boxcardrew 	6	3	+360	67%	               	+237 100%
9	2Smooth    	1	1	+36	50%	               	               
10	bostonfanbarca	10	8	+16	56%	               	+16 56%
11	E Vincent   	10	10	+10	50%	               	               
12	6figure     	19	20	-115	49%	               	-435 43%
13	Bluetooth    	3	4	-130	43%	               	               
14	seanm0520  	53	46	-180	54%	               	+136 52%
15	Slickwitdadick	28	33	-309	46%	               	-457 39%
16	nojuice9    	0	2	-315	0%	               	-315 
17	mplastered   	2	3	-444	40%	               	               
18	ATP       	7	9	-461	44%	               	               
19	ECC        	115	93	-477	55%	               	-2284 45%
20	kaptain    	49	38	-503.96	56%	               	+2150 61%
21	JimmyJet   	4	11	-665	27%	               	               
22	Jstack34   	51	51	-666	50%	               	-299 52%
23	bubba-sc   	16	23	-854	41%	               	-534 44%
24	powerz     	29	33	-1166	47%	               	-842 36%
25	HookEmHorns	63	64	-1376.43 50%	1 2 0 -230	-3935.43 41%
26	ParkerPerry 	9	15	-1436	38%	               	               
27	oldmanTED  	9	12	-1599	43%	0 1 0 -500	-1005 43%
28	sLim901    	26	27	-1710	49%	               	-30 55%
29	Michelangelo	3	9	-1995	25%	2 3 0 -370	-1995 25%
30	globulous  	6	16	-2332	27%	               	-2332 27%
31	Dubpoet    	7	11	-2371	39%	               	-2371 39%
32	olenubbs   	73	93	-2627	44%	               	-922 45%
33	METFAN      	278	311	-2911.61 47%	8 7 0 +90	+1243.96 51%
34	Sal santorre	9	19	-3536	32%	               	-3536 32%
35	Black & Gold	41	61	-6950	40%	               	-6435 39%
36	Say Hey Kid	411	455	-22088	47%	5 0 0 +2775	-24657 45%

Global Sports Thru 5/30
[color=Gray][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L30 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	bostonfanbarca	31	18	+1221.19 63%	5 2 0 +470	+1221.19 63%
1	Rooney    	175	150	-778	54%	3 1 1 +658	+4028 59%


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
MLB Thru 5/31
[color=Blue][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L31 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ATLSLIM    	82	47	+14465	64%	3 1 0 +850	+5125 59%
2	Coldweather	188	214	+8129	47%	2 3 0 -63	+2759 46%
3	hcskip      	84	54	+4136	61%	               	-989 56%
4	jpr24628   	32	21	+2210	60%	1 0 0 +500	+1710 60%
5	Jincka     	109	102	+1607	52%	3 3 0 -162	-27 50%
6	Uscsilb24    	15	5	+1575	75%	               	+200 100%
7	crazy      	18	14	+470	56%	               	-500 33%
8	boxcardrew 	6	3	+360	67%	               	+237 100%
9	2Smooth    	1	1	+36	50%	               	               
10	bostonfanbarca	10	8	+16	56%	               	+16 56%
11	E Vincent   	10	10	+10	50%	               	               
12	Jstack34   	53	52	-1	50%	2 1 0 +665	+366 52%
13	6figure     	19	20	-115	49%	               	-435 43%
14	Bluetooth    	3	4	-130	43%	               	               
15	seanm0520  	53	46	-180	54%	               	+136 52%
16	Slickwitdadick	28	33	-309	46%	               	-457 39%
17	nojuice9    	0	2	-315	0%	               	-315 
18	mplastered   	2	3	-444	40%	               	               
19	ATP       	7	9	-461	44%	               	               
20	ECC        	115	93	-477	55%	               	-2284 45%
21	kaptain    	49	38	-503.96	56%	               	+2150 61%
22	JimmyJet   	4	11	-665	27%	               	               
23	bubba-sc   	17	23	-754	43%	1 0 0 +100	-434 46%
24	powerz     	29	33	-1166	47%	               	-842 36%
25	HookEmHorns	63	64	-1376.43 50%	               	-3935.43 41%
26	ParkerPerry 	9	15	-1436	38%	               	               
27	oldmanTED  	9	12	-1599	43%	               	-1005 43%
28	sLim901    	26	27	-1710	49%	               	-30 55%
29	globulous  	6	16	-2332	27%	               	-2332 27%
30	Dubpoet    	7	11	-2371	39%	               	-2371 39%
31	olenubbs   	73	93	-2627	44%	               	-922 45%
32	METFAN      	282	316	-3071.61 47%	4 5 1 -160	+1083.96 51%
33	Sal santorre	9	19	-3536	32%	               	-3536 32%
34	Michelangelo	5	15	-3625	25%	2 6 0 -1630	-3625 25%
35	Black & Gold	41	61	-6950	40%	               	-6435 39%
36	Say Hey Kid	411	455	-22088	47%	               	-24657 45%

Global Sports Thru 5/31
[color=Gray][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L31 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	bostonfanbarca	30	22	443.57	58%	1 2 0 -85	+1136.19 62%
2	Rooney    	174	151	-1638	54%	               	+3168 58%


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
MLB Thru 6/1
[color=Blue][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L32 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ATLSLIM    	83	47	+14965	64%	1 0 0 +500	+5625 60%
2	Coldweather	191	216	+8726	47%	3 2 0 +597	+3356 46%
3	hcskip      	84	54	+4136	61%	               	-989 56%
4	kaptain    	60	40	+4071.04 60%	11 2 0 +4575	+6725 66%
5	jpr24628   	33	21	+2710	61%	1 0 0 +500	+2210 60%
6	Uscsilb24    	15	5	+1575	75%	               	+200 100%
7	Jincka     	110	104	+1438	51%	1 2 0 -169	-196 49%
8	crazy      	18	14	+470	56%	               	-500 33%
9	boxcardrew 	6	3	+360	67%	               	+237 100%
10	Jstack34   	55	53	+199	51%	2 1 0 +200	+566 53%
11	bostonfanbarca	13	9	+72	59%	3 1 0 +56	+72 59%
12	2Smooth    	1	1	+36	50%	               	               
13	E Vincent   	10	10	+10	50%	               	               
14	6figure     	19	20	-115	49%	               	-435 43%
15	Bluetooth    	3	4	-130	43%	               	               
16	seanm0520  	53	46	-180	54%	               	+136 52%
17	Pimpy McPimp	2	3	-290	40%	2 3 0 -290	-290 40%
18	Slickwitdadick	28	33	-309	46%	               	-457 39%
19	nojuice9    	0	2	-315	0%	               	-315 
20	mplastered   	2	3	-444	40%	               	               
21	ATP       	7	9	-461	44%	               	               
22	ECC        	115	93	-477	55%	               	-2284 45%
23	JimmyJet   	4	11	-665	27%	               	               
24	bubba-sc   	17	24	-879	41%	0 1 0 -125	-559 45%
25	powerz     	29	33	-1166	47%	               	-842 36%
26	HookEmHorns	63	64	-1376.43 50%	               	-3935.43 41%
27	ParkerPerry 	9	15	-1436	38%	               	               
28	oldmanTED  	9	12	-1599	43%	               	-1005 43%
29	sLim901    	26	27	-1710	49%	               	-30 55%
30	globulous  	6	16	-2332	27%	               	-2332 27%
31	Dubpoet    	7	11	-2371	39%	               	-2371 39%
32	olenubbs   	73	93	-2627	44%	               	-922 45%
33	METFAN      	290	324	-3124.61 47%	8 8 1 -53	+1030.96 51%
34	Sal santorre	9	19	-3536	32%	               	-3536 32%
35	Michelangelo	9	20	-3575	31%	4 5 0 +50	-3575 31%
36	Black & Gold	42	62	-6625	40%	1 1 0 +325	-6110 39%
37	Say Hey Kid	414	459	-23233	47%	3 4 0 -1145	-25802 45%

Global Sports Thru 6/1
[color=Gray][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L32 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	bostonfanbarca	31	22	+543.57	58%	1 0 0 +100	+543.57 58%
2	Rooney    	177	151	-635	54%	3 0 0 +1003	+4171 59%

[indent][indent][color=Blue][b]	           	[center][u]May 2010[/u][/center]<B>					
Rank	Capper   	W	L	P	$$	Win%	Sport

1	ATLSLIM    	49	34	0	5125	59%	mlb
2	Rooney    	63	45	14	3168	58%	gbl
3	Coldweather	101	119	3	2759	46%	mlb
4	Puckhandler 	17	11	4	2231	61%	nhl
5	oldmanTED   	17	9	1	2160	65%	nba
6	kaptain    	35	22	0	2150	61%	mlb
7	Donkwin47  	4	0	0	2000	100%	nba
8	jpr24628   	31	21	0	1710	60%	mlb
9	METFAN      	178	173	15	1083.96	51%	mlb
10	globulous 	4	2	0	938	67%	nhl
11	Sal santorre 	9	8	1	590	53%	nba
12	Jstack34   	33	30	0	366	52%	mlb
13	HookEmHorns	7	6	0	355	54%	nba
14	Jstack34   	5	4	0	250	56%	nba
15	boxcardrew 	2	0	0	237	100%	mlb
16	Uscsilb24    	1	0	0	200	100%	mlb
17	bubba-sc   	4	2	1	180	67%	nba
18	seanm0520  	12	11	0	136	52%	mlb
19	olenubbs  	1	0	0	125	100%	nhl
20	olenubbs   	2	1	0	90	67%	nba
21	HookEmHorns	1	1	0	40	50%	nhl
22	bostonfanbarca	10	8	1	16	56%	mlb
23	Jincka     	58	59	0	-27	50%	mlb
24	sLim901    	6	5	0	-30	55%	mlb
25	kaptain    	1	1	0	-50	50%	nba
26	nojuice9    	0	2	0	-315	0%	mlb
27	bubba-sc   	17	20	0	-434	46%	mlb
28	6figure     	13	17	2	-435	43%	mlb
29	Slickwitdadick	9	14	2	-457	39%	mlb
30	crazy      	2	4	0	-500	33%	mlb
31	MikeBossy	3	5	0	-775	38%	nhl
32	powerz     	5	9	0	-842	36%	mlb
33	olenubbs   	30	37	1	-922	45%	mlb
34	bostonfanbarca	26	26	4	-941.67	50%	gbl
35	hcskip      	29	23	0	-989	56%	mlb
36	oldmanTED  	3	4	0	-1005	43%	mlb
37	Mr_Mark    	19	22	1	-1290	46%	nba
38	ECC        	26	32	0	-2284	45%	mlb
39	globulous  	6	16	0	-2332	27%	mlb
40	Dubpoet    	7	11	0	-2371	39%	mlb
41	Coldweather 	28	31	3	-2970	47%	nba
42	Sal santorre	9	19	0	-3536	32%	mlb
43	Michelangelo	5	15	0	-3625	25%	mlb
44	HookEmHorns	26	37	0	-3935.43 41%	mlb
45	Black & Gold	28	44	0	-6435	39%	mlb
46	Say Hey Kid	193	233	11	-24657	45%	mlb
Last edited:


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
MLB Thru 6/3
[color=Blue][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L3 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ATLSLIM    	84	47	+15465	64%	1 0 0 +500	+1000 100%
2	Coldweather	193	222	+7503	47%	2 6 0 -1223	-626 38%
3	hcskip      	86	54	+4536	61%	2 0 0 +400	+400 100%
4	kaptain    	60	40	+4071.04 60%	               	+4575 85%
5	jpr24628   	34	21	+3110	62%	1 0 0 +400	+900 100%
6	Jincka     	111	104	+1738	52%	1 0 0 +300	+131 50%
7	Uscsilb24    	15	5	+1575	75%	               	               
8	crazy      	18	14	+470	56%	               	               
9	boxcardrew 	6	3	+360	67%	               	               
10	bostonfanbarca	16	11	+252	59%	3 2 0 +180	+236 67%
11	Jstack34   	55	53	+199	51%	               	+200 67%
12	2Smooth    	1	1	+36	50%	               	               
13	E Vincent   	10	10	+10	50%	               	               
14	6figure     	19	20	-115	49%	               	               
15	Bluetooth    	3	4	-130	43%	               	               
16	seanm0520  	53	46	-180	54%	               	               
17	Slickwitdadick	28	33	-309	46%	               	               
18	nojuice9    	0	2	-315	0%	               	               
19	mplastered   	2	3	-444	40%	               	               
20	ATP       	7	9	-461	44%	               	               
21	ECC        	115	93	-477	55%	               	               
22	Pimpy McPimp	3	5	-477.5	38%	1 2 0 -187.5	-477.5 38%
23	JimmyJet   	4	11	-665	27%	               	               
24	bubba-sc   	17	24	-879	41%	               	-125 0%
25	powerz     	29	33	-1166	47%	               	               
26	HookEmHorns	63	64	-1376.43 50%	               	               
27	oldmanTED  	11	12	-1399	48%	2 0 0 +200	+200 100%
28	ParkerPerry 	9	15	-1436	38%	               	               
29	sLim901    	26	27	-1710	49%	               	               
30	METFAN      	303	330	-2267.13 48%	13 6 0 +857.48	+804.48 60%
31	globulous  	6	16	-2332	27%	               	               
32	Dubpoet    	7	11	-2371	39%	               	               
33	olenubbs   	73	93	-2627	44%	               	               
34	Sal santorre	9	19	-3536	32%	               	               
35	Michelangelo	9	21	-4075	30%	0 1 0 -500	-450 40%
36	Black & Gold	42	62	-6625	40%	               	+325 50%
37	Say Hey Kid	433	480	-24258	47%	19 21 0 -1025	-2170 47%

NHL Thru 6/3
[color=red][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L3 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	Puckhandler 	273	310	+13961	47%	0 2 0 -615	-615 0%
2	globulous 	149	268	+1963	36%	               	               
3	Wags4     	38	37	+400	51%	               	               
4	olenubbs  	3	1	+320	75%	               	               
5	Nojuice9  	4	3	+297	57%	               	               
6	HookEmHorns	2	1	+240	67%	               	               
7	Hip2Bsq   	1	0	+138	100%	               	               
8	Baccy    	48	52	+87	48%	               	               
9	Willie99  	1	1	-100	50%	               	               
10	Mr_Meogi    	9	10	-206	47%	               	               
11	Number Freak	66	76	-220	46%	               	               
12	Barney     	0	3	-400	0%	               	               
13	mplastered	26	37	-2693.8	41%	               	               
14	MikeBossy	12	25	-4755	32%	               	               
15	METFAN    	150	221	-6330	40%	               	               

Global Sports Thru 6/3
[color=Gray][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L3 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	bostonfanbarca	32	22	+643.57	59%	1 0 0 +100	+200 100%
2	Rooney    	179	153	-941	54%	2 2 0 -306	+697 71%
Last edited:


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
MLB Thru 6/3
[color=Blue][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L3 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ATLSLIM    	84	47	+15465	64%	               	+1000 100%
2	Coldweather	196	223	+8515	47%	3 1 0 +1012	+386 47%
3	hcskip      	89	55	+4791	62%	3 1 0 +255	+655 83%
4	kaptain    	60	40	+4071.04 60%	               	+4575 85%
5	jpr24628   	35	21	+3610	63%	1 0 0 +500	+1400 100%
6	Uscsilb24    	15	5	+1575	75%	               	               
7	Jincka     	111	105	+1498	51%	0 1 0 -240	-109 40%
8	crazy      	18	14	+470	56%	               	               
9	boxcardrew 	6	3	+360	67%	               	               
10	bostonfanbarca	16	11	+252	59%	               	+236 67%
11	2Smooth    	1	1	+36	50%	               	               
12	E Vincent   	10	10	+10	50%	               	               
13	Jstack34   	55	54	-31	50%	0 1 1 -230	-30 50%
14	6figure     	19	20	-115	49%	               	               
15	Bluetooth    	3	4	-130	43%	               	               
16	seanm0520  	53	46	-180	54%	               	               
17	Slickwitdadick	28	33	-309	46%	               	               
18	nojuice9    	0	2	-315	0%	               	               
19	mplastered   	2	3	-444	40%	               	               
20	ATP       	7	9	-461	44%	               	               
21	ECC        	115	93	-477	55%	               	               
22	JimmyJet   	4	11	-665	27%	               	               
23	Pimpy McPimp	3	8	-832.5	27%	0 3 0 -355	-832.5 27%
24	bubba-sc   	18	25	-889	42%	1 1 1 -10	-135 33%
25	powerz     	29	33	-1166	47%	               	               
26	HookEmHorns	63	64	-1376.43 50%	               	               
27	oldmanTED  	11	12	-1399	48%	               	+200 100%
28	ParkerPerry 	9	15	-1436	38%	               	               
29	sLim901    	26	27	-1710	49%	               	               
30	METFAN      	308	336	-2327.94 48%	5 6 0 -60.81	+743.67 57%
31	globulous  	6	16	-2332	27%	               	               
32	Dubpoet    	7	11	-2371	39%	               	               
33	olenubbs   	73	93	-2627	44%	               	               
34	Sal santorre	9	19	-3536	32%	               	               
35	Michelangelo	9	22	-4575	29%	0 1 0 -500	-950 36%
36	Black & Gold	42	62	-6625	40%	               	+325 50%
37	Say Hey Kid	433	480	-24258	47%	               	-2170 47%

NBA Thru 6/3
[color=Navy][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L3 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	kaptain    	59	42	+5950	58%	               	               
2	dice711   	73	63	+3870	54%	               	               
3	oldmanTED   	41	30	+3345	58%	0 1 0 -315	-315 0%
4	HookEmHorns	97	82	+3235	54%	1 0 0 +200	+200 100%
5	Donkwin47  	4	0	+2000	100%	               	               
6	YaMar2001	46	34	+1560	58%	               	               
7	baccy   	23	42	+1265	35%	               	               
8	shibbets   	67	53	+1156	56%	               	               
9	Mr_Mark    	377	326	+640	54%	0 2 0 -660	-660 0%
10	LarryLegend	18	11	+590	62%	               	               
11	Number Freak	30	27	+480	53%	               	               
12	Jstack34   	15	15	+340	50%	               	               
13	ATP      	15	13	+70	54%	               	               
14	bubba-sc   	7	6	+40	54%	               	               
15	glenrobinson 	1	1	-10	50%	               	               
15	gnk2727 	1	1	-10	50%	               	               
15	olenubbs   	12	11	-10	52%	               	               
18	Just a thought	9	12	-360	43%	               	               
19	bossA3     	33	33	-440	50%	               	               
20	Sal santorre 	35	34	-449	51%	0 1 0 -500	-500 0%
21	18677     	0	1	-505	0%	               	               
22	halekulani 	21	20	-561	51%	               	               
23	mpn     	0	5	-660	0%	               	               
24	soonerdawg	29	33	-730	47%	               	               
25	Zapster    	74	74	-1290	50%	               	               
26	Royale    	48	57	-1450	46%	               	               
27	Black & Gold	9	11	-1460	45%	               	               
28	ATLSLIM   	17	18	-1830	49%	               	               
29	TheKids    	9	14	-1890	39%	               	               
30	NumberZ     	7	14	-2620	33%	               	               
31	yanni_gogolak 	335	357	-4444.94 48%	               	               
32	Willie99 	12	27	-4560	31%	               	               
33	Coldweather 	400	400	-12070	50%	0 2 0 -1100	-1100 0%

Global Sports Thru 6/3
[color=Gray][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L3 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	bostonfanbarca	32	22	+643.57	59%	               	+200 100%
2	Rooney    	180	154	-1101	54%	1 1 0 -160	+537 67%


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
MLB Thru 6/4
[color=Blue][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L4 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ATLSLIM    	86	47	+16515	65%	2 0 0 +1050	+2050 100%
2	Coldweather	198	227	+8005	47%	2 4 0 -510	-124 43%
3	hcskip      	90	55	+5091	62%	1 0 0 +300	+955 86%
4	jpr24628   	37	21	+4110	64%	2 0 0 +500	+1900 100%
5	kaptain    	60	40	+4071.04 60%	               	+4575 85%
6	Uscsilb24    	15	5	+1575	75%	               	               
7	Jincka     	113	110	+637	51%	2 5 0 -861	-970 33%
8	crazy      	18	14	+470	56%	               	               
9	boxcardrew 	6	3	+360	67%	               	               
10	bostonfanbarca	16	11	+252	59%	               	+236 67%
11	Jstack34   	56	55	+169	50%	1 1 0 +200	+170 50%
12	2Smooth    	1	1	+36	50%	               	               
13	E Vincent   	10	10	+10	50%	               	               
14	6figure     	19	20	-115	49%	               	               
15	Bluetooth    	3	4	-130	43%	               	               
16	HookEmHorns	67	64	-176.43	51%	4 0 0 +1200	+1200 100%
17	seanm0520  	53	46	-180	54%	               	               
18	Slickwitdadick	28	33	-309	46%	               	               
19	nojuice9    	0	2	-315	0%	               	               
20	mplastered   	2	3	-444	40%	               	               
21	ATP       	7	9	-461	44%	               	               
22	ECC        	115	93	-477	55%	               	               
23	JimmyJet   	4	11	-665	27%	               	               
24	Pimpy McPimp	5	11	-740	31%	2 3 0 +92.5	-740 31%
25	bubba-sc   	19	26	-869	42%	1 1 0 +20	-115 40%
26	METFAN      	324	342	-1059.38 49%	16 6 1 +1268.56	+2012.23 62%
27	powerz     	29	33	-1166	47%	               	               
28	oldmanTED  	12	12	-1279	50%	1 0 0 +120	+320 100%
29	ParkerPerry 	9	15	-1436	38%	               	               
30	sLim901    	26	27	-1710	49%	               	               
31	globulous  	6	16	-2332	27%	               	               
32	Dubpoet    	7	11	-2371	39%	               	               
33	olenubbs   	73	93	-2627	44%	               	               
34	Sal santorre	9	19	-3536	32%	               	               
35	Black & Gold	42	62	-6625	40%	               	+325 50%
36	Michelangelo	11	29	-7140	28%	2 7 0 -2565	-3515 30%
37	Say Hey Kid	433	480	-24258	47%	               	-2170 47%

Global Sports Thru 6/4
[color=Gray][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L4 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	bostonfanbarca	32	22	+643.57	59%	               	+200 100%
2	Rooney    	182	154	-492	54%	2 0 0 +609	+1146 73%


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
MLB Thru 6/5
[color=Blue][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L5 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ATLSLIM    	87	49	+16165	64%	1 2 0 -350	+1700 71%
2	Coldweather	200	230	+7783	47%	2 3 0 -222	-346 43%
3	hcskip      	92	56	+5310	62%	2 1 0 +219	+1174 80%
4	jpr24628   	38	21	+4610	64%	1 0 0 +500	+2400 100%
5	kaptain    	60	40	+4071.04 60%	               	+4575 85%
6	Uscsilb24    	15	5	+1575	75%	               	               
7	crazy      	18	14	+470	56%	               	               
8	ECC        	119	95	+443	56%	4 2 0 +920	+920 67%
9	Jincka     	114	113	+405	50%	1 3 0 -232	-1202 31%
10	boxcardrew 	6	3	+360	67%	               	               
11	Jstack34   	57	56	+359	50%	1 1 0 +190	+360 50%
12	bostonfanbarca	16	11	+252	59%	               	+236 67%
13	2Smooth    	1	1	+36	50%	               	               
14	E Vincent   	10	10	+10	50%	               	               
15	6figure     	19	20	-115	49%	               	               
16	Bluetooth    	3	4	-130	43%	               	               
17	HookEmHorns	67	64	-176.43	51%	               	+1200 100%
18	seanm0520  	53	46	-180	54%	               	               
19	Slickwitdadick	28	33	-309	46%	               	               
20	nojuice9    	0	2	-315	0%	               	               
21	mplastered   	2	3	-444	40%	               	               
22	ATP       	7	9	-461	44%	               	               
23	JimmyJet   	4	11	-665	27%	               	               
24	bubba-sc   	19	26	-869	42%	               	-115 40%
25	Pimpy McPimp	7	13	-885	35%	2 2 0 -145	-885 35%
26	oldmanTED  	14	12	-1049	54%	2 0 0 +230	+550 100%
27	powerz     	29	33	-1166	47%	               	               
28	METFAN      	328	349	-1381.38 48%	4 7 0 -322	+1690.23 58%
29	ParkerPerry 	9	15	-1436	38%	               	               
30	sLim901    	26	27	-1710	49%	               	               
31	globulous  	6	16	-2332	27%	               	               
32	Dubpoet    	7	11	-2371	39%	               	               
33	olenubbs   	73	93	-2627	44%	               	               
34	Sal santorre	9	19	-3536	32%	               	               
35	Black & Gold	42	62	-6625	40%	               	+325 50%
36	Michelangelo	11	29	-7140	28%	               	-3515 30%
37	Say Hey Kid	433	480	-24258	47%	               	-2170 47%

Global Sports Thru 6/5
[color=Gray][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L5 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	bostonfanbarca	32	22	+643.57	59%	               	+200 100%
2	Rooney    	186	156	+271	54%	4 2 0 +763	+1909 71%


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
MLB Thru 6/6
[color=Blue][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L6 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ATLSLIM    	88	51	+15315	63%	1 2 0 -850	+850 60%
2	Coldweather	203	234	+7432	46%	3 4 0 -351	-697 43%
3	kaptain    	70	44	+6871.04 61%	10 4 1 +2800	+7375 78%
4	hcskip      	92	59	+4160	61%	0 3 0 -1150	+24 62%
5	jpr24628   	38	22	+3735	63%	0 1 0 -875	+1525 86%
6	Uscsilb24    	15	5	+1575	75%	               	               
7	Jincka     	119	114	+842	51%	5 1 0 +437	-765 45%
8	crazy      	18	14	+470	56%	               	               
9	boxcardrew 	6	3	+360	67%	               	               
10	bostonfanbarca	16	11	+252	59%	               	+236 67%
11	Jstack34   	58	58	+159	50%	1 2 0 -200	+160 45%
12	2Smooth    	1	1	+36	50%	               	               
13	E Vincent   	10	10	+10	50%	               	               
14	6figure     	19	20	-115	49%	               	               
15	Bluetooth    	3	4	-130	43%	               	               
16	HookEmHorns	67	64	-176.43	51%	               	+1200 100%
17	seanm0520  	53	46	-180	54%	               	               
18	Slickwitdadick	28	33	-309	46%	               	               
19	nojuice9    	0	2	-315	0%	               	               
20	mplastered   	2	3	-444	40%	               	               
21	ATP       	7	9	-461	44%	               	               
22	JimmyJet   	4	11	-665	27%	               	               
23	ECC        	120	97	-732	55%	1 2 0 -1175	-255 56%
24	Pimpy McPimp	9	14	-945	39%	2 1 0 -60	-945 39%
25	bubba-sc   	20	28	-1012	42%	1 2 0 -143	-258 38%
26	oldmanTED  	15	13	-1079	54%	1 1 0 -30	+520 86%
27	powerz     	29	33	-1166	47%	               	               
28	ParkerPerry 	9	15	-1436	38%	               	               
29	sLim901    	26	27	-1710	49%	               	               
30	METFAN      	335	360	-1953.38 48%	7 11 0 -572	+1118.23 55%
31	globulous  	6	16	-2332	27%	               	               
32	Dubpoet    	7	11	-2371	39%	               	               
33	olenubbs   	73	93	-2627	44%	               	               
34	Sal santorre	9	19	-3536	32%	               	               
35	Black & Gold	42	62	-6625	40%	               	+325 50%
36	Michelangelo	14	34	-7835	29%	3 5 0 -695	-4210 32%
37	Say Hey Kid	433	480	-24258	47%	               	-2170 47%

NBA Thru 6/6
[color=Navy][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L6 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	kaptain    	59	42	+5950	58%	               	               
2	dice711   	73	63	+3870	54%	               	               
3	oldmanTED   	42	30	+3645	58%	1 0 0 +300	-15 50%
4	HookEmHorns	97	82	+3235	54%	               	+200 100%
5	Donkwin47  	4	0	+2000	100%	               	               
6	YaMar2001	46	34	+1560	58%	               	               
7	Mr_Mark    	379	326	+1380	54%	2 0 0 +740	+80 50%
8	baccy   	23	42	+1265	35%	               	               
9	shibbets   	67	53	+1156	56%	               	               
10	LarryLegend	18	11	+590	62%	               	               
11	Number Freak	30	27	+480	53%	               	               
12	Jstack34   	15	15	+340	50%	               	               
13	ATP      	15	13	+70	54%	               	               
14	bubba-sc   	7	6	+40	54%	               	               
15	glenrobinson 	1	1	-10	50%	               	               
15	gnk2727 	1	1	-10	50%	               	               
15	olenubbs   	12	11	-10	52%	               	               
18	Just a thought	9	12	-360	43%	               	               
19	bossA3     	33	33	-440	50%	               	               
20	Sal santorre 	35	34	-449	51%	               	-500 0%
21	18677     	0	1	-505	0%	               	               
22	halekulani 	21	20	-561	51%	               	               
23	mpn     	0	5	-660	0%	               	               
24	soonerdawg	29	33	-730	47%	               	               
25	Zapster    	74	74	-1290	50%	               	               
26	Royale    	48	57	-1450	46%	               	               
27	Black & Gold	9	11	-1460	45%	               	               
28	ATLSLIM   	17	18	-1830	49%	               	               
29	TheKids    	9	14	-1890	39%	               	               
30	NumberZ     	7	14	-2620	33%	               	               
31	yanni_gogolak 	335	357	-4444.94 48%	               	               
32	Willie99 	12	27	-4560	31%	               	               
33	Coldweather 	402	400	-11070	50%	2 0 0 +1000	-100 50%

NHL Thru 6/6
[color=red][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L6 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	Puckhandler 	273	312	+13141	47%	0 2 0 -820	-1435 0%
2	globulous 	149	268	+1963	36%	               	               
3	Wags4     	38	37	+400	51%	               	               
4	olenubbs  	3	1	+320	75%	               	               
5	Nojuice9  	4	3	+297	57%	               	               
6	HookEmHorns	2	1	+240	67%	               	               
7	Hip2Bsq   	1	0	+138	100%	               	               
8	Baccy    	48	52	+87	48%	               	               
9	Willie99  	1	1	-100	50%	               	               
10	Mr_Meogi    	9	10	-206	47%	               	               
11	Number Freak	66	76	-220	46%	               	               
12	Barney     	0	3	-400	0%	               	               
13	mplastered	26	37	-2693.8	41%	               	               
14	MikeBossy	12	25	-4755	32%	               	               
15	METFAN    	150	221	-6330	40%	               	               

Global Sports Thru 6/6
[color=Gray][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L6 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	Rooney    	189	157	+1026	55%	3 1 0 +755	+2664 71%
2	bostonfanbarca	32	22	+643.57	59%	               	+200 100%
Last edited:

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