Tracker Forum Standings #6



He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
MLB Thru 9/16
[color=Blue][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L16 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ATLSLIM    	200	133	+20225	60%	1 0 0 +550	+1450 61%
2	hcskip      	159	111	+4380	59%	               	               
3	KayJoy     	29	27	+2907	52%	               	-1000 0%
4	soonerdawg1	11	23	+1495	32%	               	+1415 32%
5	Uscsilb24    	15	6	+1245	71%	               	               
6	bostonfanbarca	25	12	+1045	68%	               	               
7	boxcardrew 	8	3	+560	73%	               	+200 100%
8	crazy      	18	14	+470	56%	               	               
9	Pimpy McPimp	94	102	+416.97	48%	0 1 0 -100	+405.26 38%
10	oldmanTED  	105	86	+247	55%	0 1 0 -100	+177 57%
11	HookEmHorns	220	189	+178.57	54%	               	-932 50%
12	2Smooth    	1	1	+36	50%	               	               
13	E Vincent   	10	10	+10	50%	               	               
14	moocow     	20	25	-30	44%	1 0 0 +110	-40 44%
15	Riv34       	6	7	-40	46%	               	               
16	Coldweather	529	615	-46	46%	3 6 1 -1627	+1283 49%
17	6figure     	19	20	-115	49%	               	               
18	Bluetooth    	3	4	-130	43%	               	               
19	small units	15	13	-137	54%	               	               
20	seanm0520  	53	46	-180	54%	               	               
21	Slickwitdadick	28	33	-309	46%	               	               
22	nojuice9    	0	2	-315	0%	               	               
23	Jincka     	225	223	-376	50%	               	               
24	mplastered   	2	3	-444	40%	               	               
25	ATP       	7	9	-461	44%	               	               
26	Jstack34   	88	89	-616	50%	               	               
27	JimmyJet   	4	11	-665	27%	               	               
28	ECC        	191	166	-885	54%	               	               
29	powerz     	69	85	-1409	45%	               	-46 46%
30	TheKids      	21	35	-1425	38%	               	               
31	ParkerPerry 	9	15	-1436	38%	               	               
32	bubba-sc   	56	65	-1531	46%	               	               
33	jpr24628   	103	84	-1606.83 55%	               	-5010 
34	sLim901    	26	27	-1710	49%	               	               
35	Betallsports	23	30	-2299	43%	               	               
36	globulous  	6	16	-2332	27%	               	               
37	Dubpoet    	7	11	-2371	39%	               	               
38	olenubbs   	73	93	-2627	44%	               	               
39	Sal santorre	9	19	-3536	32%	               	               
40	Black & Gold	57	73	-3610	44%	               	               
41	kaptain    	89	81	-4308.96 52%	               	               
42	METFAN      	434	492	-6032.30 47%	               	               
43	Michelangelo	108	137	-7825	44%	               	               
44	Say Hey Kid	440	488	-25503	47%	               	               

Global Sports Thru 9/16
[color=Gray][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L16 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	bostonfanbarca	47	29	+1812.57 62%	               	+209 75%
2	Rooney    	208	179	-306	54%	               	               
3	Lakershomer  	69	75	-337	48%	2 1 0 +190	+56 48%

NCAAF Thru 9/16
[color=brown][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L16 Days[/u]
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ParkerPerry   	18	8	+2340	69%	1 1 0 -20	+2340 69%
2	Heatwave     	15	10	+1840	60%	0 1 0 -100	+1840 60%
3	outhouse tim  	13	5	+1805	72%	1 0 0 +200	+1805 72%
4	droculus    	5	2	+1550	71%	               	+1550 71%
5	155mph      	4	2	+780	67%	               	+780 67%
6	azn2050     	9	4	+540	69%	1 0 0 +100	+540 69%
7	seanm0520   	12	11	+510	52%	1 0 0 +300	+510 52%
8	ATLSLIM     	1	0	+500	100%	               	+500 100%
9	Lakershomer  	12	13	+426	48%	               	+426 48%
10	ATP          	9	5	+350	64%	1 0 0 +100	+350 64%
11	mclosin     	10	7	+240	59%	               	+240 59%
12	Jstack34     	4	3	+150	57%	1 0 0 +200	+150 57%
13	Italianole   	4	3	+83.81	57%	               	+83.81 57%
14	Konun8     	4	4	+60	50%	               	+60 50%
15	METFAN     	15	14	+35	52%	               	+35 52%
16	6figure     	3	3	-20	50%	1 0 0 +105	-20 50%
17	RapStar     	5	5	-30	50%	1 0 0 +500	-30 50%
18	Jincka         	4	4	-40	50%	               	-40 50%
19	jonnyangel   	2	2	-60	50%	               	-60 50%
20	bubba-sc	6	6	-80	50%	               	-80 50%
21	ensign_lee   	0	1	-112	0%	               	-112 
22	bostonfanbarca	3	4	-140	43%	               	-140 43%
23	daboyzinblue  	1	3	-230	25%	               	-230 25%
24	HookEmHorns  	4	5	-240	44%	               	-240 44%
25	boxcardrew   	1	4	-320	20%	               	-320 20%
26	CapNCash    	0	1	-550	0%	               	-550 
27	shibbets    	5	8	-569	38%	               	-569 38%
28	tommyjohn44   	7	9	-710	44%	               	-710 44%
29	bamafan2112   	4	11	-810	27%	               	-810 27%
30	powerz      	6	12	-1076	33%	               	-1076 33%
31	imokbutmybetsck	4	10	-1113	29%	0 1 0 -143	-1113 29%
32	Sal santorre   	18	21	-1160	46%	0 1 0 -220	-1160 46%
33	oldmanTED   	1	5	-1332	17%	1 0 0 +300	-1332 17%
34	moocow     	5	16	-1485	24%	               	-1485 24%
35	WinOne      	3	6	-1510	33%	               	-1510 33%
36	Coldweather    	17	27	-3460	39%	0 1 0 -550	-3460 39%
Last edited:


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
MLB Thru 9/17
[color=Blue][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L17 Days[/u]<BR>
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ATLSLIM    	200	135	+19025	60%	0 2 0 -1200	+250 58%
2	hcskip      	159	111	+4380	59%	               	               
3	KayJoy     	29	27	+2907	52%	               	-1000 0%
4	Coldweather	536	619	+1734	46%	7 4 0 +1780	+3063 49%
5	soonerdawg1	11	24	+1395	31%	0 1 0 -100	+1315 31%
6	Uscsilb24    	15	6	+1245	71%	               	               
7	bostonfanbarca	25	12	+1045	68%	               	               
8	boxcardrew 	8	3	+560	73%	               	+200 100%
9	crazy      	18	14	+470	56%	               	               
10	Pimpy McPimp	94	103	+316.97	48%	0 1 0 -100	+305.26 35%
11	oldmanTED  	105	86	+247	55%	               	+177 57%
12	HookEmHorns	220	189	+178.57	54%	               	-932 50%
13	2Smooth    	1	1	+36	50%	               	               
14	E Vincent   	10	10	+10	50%	               	               
15	Riv34       	6	7	-40	46%	               	               
16	6figure     	19	20	-115	49%	               	               
17	Bluetooth    	3	4	-130	43%	               	               
18	small units	15	13	-137	54%	               	               
19	seanm0520  	53	46	-180	54%	               	               
20	Slickwitdadick	28	33	-309	46%	               	               
21	nojuice9    	0	2	-315	0%	               	               
22	moocow     	20	28	-330	42%	0 3 0 -300	-340 40%
23	Jincka     	225	223	-376	50%	               	               
24	mplastered   	2	3	-444	40%	               	               
25	ATP       	7	9	-461	44%	               	               
26	Jstack34   	88	89	-616	50%	               	               
27	JimmyJet   	4	11	-665	27%	               	               
28	ECC        	191	166	-885	54%	               	               
29	powerz     	69	85	-1409	45%	               	-46 46%
30	TheKids      	21	35	-1425	38%	               	               
31	ParkerPerry 	9	15	-1436	38%	               	               
32	bubba-sc   	56	65	-1531	46%	               	               
33	jpr24628   	103	84	-1606.83 55%	               	-5010 0%
34	sLim901    	26	27	-1710	49%	               	               
35	Betallsports	23	30	-2299	43%	               	               
36	globulous  	6	16	-2332	27%	               	               
37	Dubpoet    	7	11	-2371	39%	               	               
38	olenubbs   	73	93	-2627	44%	               	               
39	Sal santorre	9	19	-3536	32%	               	               
40	Black & Gold	57	73	-3610	44%	               	               
41	kaptain    	89	81	-4308.96 52%	               	               
42	METFAN      	434	492	-6032.30 47%	               	               
43	Michelangelo	108	137	-7825	44%	               	               
44	Say Hey Kid	440	488	-25503	47%	               	               

NCAAF Thru 9/17
[color=brown][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L17 Days[/u]<BR>
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ParkerPerry   	18	8	+2340	69%	               	+2340 69%
2	outhouse tim  	14	5	+2005	74%	1 0 0 +200	+2005 74%
3	Heatwave     	15	11	+1730	58%	0 1 0 -110	+1730 58%
4	droculus    	5	2	+1550	71%	               	+1550 71%
5	155mph      	4	2	+780	67%	               	+780 67%
6	ATLSLIM     	1	0	+500	100%	               	+500 100%
7	mclosin     	12	7	+440	63%	2 0 0 +200	+440 63%
8	seanm0520   	13	12	+390	52%	1 1 0 -120	+390 52%
9	Willie99     	1	0	+360	100%	1 0 0 +360	+360 100%
10	ATP          	10	6	+340	63%	1 1 0 -10	+340 63%
11	azn2050     	10	6	+300	63%	1 2 0 -240	+300 63%
12	RapStar     	6	5	+270	55%	1 0 0 +300	+270 55%
13	Lakershomer  	12	14	+206	46%	0 1 0 -220	+206 46%
14	Jstack34     	4	3	+150	57%	               	+150 57%
15	jonnyangel   	3	2	+140	60%	1 0 0 +200	+140 60%
16	Italianole   	4	3	+83.81	57%	               	+83.81 57%
17	6figure     	4	3	+80	57%	1 0 1 +100	+80 57%
18	Konun8     	4	4	+60	50%	               	+60 50%
19	METFAN     	15	14	+35	52%	               	+35 52%
20	Jincka         	4	4	-40	50%	               	-40 50%
21	bubba-sc	6	6	-80	50%	               	-80 50%
22	ensign_lee   	0	1	-112	0%	               	-112 0%
23	bostonfanbarca	3	4	-140	43%	               	-140 43%
24	HookEmHorns  	4	5	-240	44%	               	-240 44%
25	boxcardrew   	1	4	-320	20%	               	-320 20%
26	CapNCash    	0	1	-550	0%	               	-550 0%
27	shibbets    	5	8	-569	38%	               	-569 38%
28	daboyzinblue  	1	4	-690	20%	0 1 0 -460	-690 20%
29	tommyjohn44   	7	9	-710	44%	               	-710 44%
30	bamafan2112   	4	11	-810	27%	               	-810 27%
31	Sal santorre   	20	22	-1070	48%	2 1 0 +90	-1070 48%
32	powerz      	6	12	-1076	33%	               	-1076 33%
33	imokbutmybetsck	4	10	-1113	29%	               	-1113 29%
34	oldmanTED   	2	6	-1362	25%	1 1 0 -30	-1362 25%
35	moocow     	5	16	-1485	24%	               	-1485 24%
36	WinOne      	3	6	-1510	33%	               	-1510 33%
37	Coldweather    	18	28	-3510	39%	1 1 0 -50	-3510 39%
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He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
MLB Thru 9/18
[color=Blue][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L18 Days[/u]<BR>
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ATLSLIM    	200	136	+18200	60%	0 1 0 -825	-575 56%
2	hcskip      	159	111	+4380	59%	               	               
3	KayJoy     	29	27	+2907	52%	               	-1000 0%
4	Uscsilb24    	15	6	+1245	71%	               	               
5	soonerdawg1	11	26	+1195	30%	0 2 0 -200	+1115 29%
6	bostonfanbarca	25	12	+1045	68%	               	               
7	boxcardrew 	8	3	+560	73%	               	+200 100%
8	Pimpy McPimp	95	103	+530.19	48%	1 0 0 +213.22	+518.48 39%
9	crazy      	18	14	+470	56%	               	               
10	oldmanTED  	105	86	+247	55%	               	+177 57%
11	HookEmHorns	220	189	+178.57	54%	               	-932 50%
12	2Smooth    	1	1	+36	50%	               	               
13	E Vincent   	10	10	+10	50%	               	               
14	Riv34       	6	7	-40	46%	               	               
15	6figure     	19	20	-115	49%	               	               
16	Bluetooth    	3	4	-130	43%	               	               
17	small units	15	13	-137	54%	               	               
18	seanm0520  	53	46	-180	54%	               	               
19	Willie99      	1	2	-196	33%	1 2 0 -196	-196 33%
20	Slickwitdadick	28	33	-309	46%	               	               
21	nojuice9    	0	2	-315	0%	               	               
22	moocow     	20	28	-330	42%	               	-340 40%
23	Jincka     	225	223	-376	50%	               	               
24	mplastered   	2	3	-444	40%	               	               
25	ATP       	7	9	-461	44%	               	               
26	Coldweather	542	629	-471	46%	6 10 0 -2205	+858 48%
27	Jstack34   	88	89	-616	50%	               	               
28	JimmyJet   	4	11	-665	27%	               	               
29	ECC        	191	166	-885	54%	               	               
30	powerz     	69	85	-1409	45%	               	-46 46%
31	TheKids      	21	35	-1425	38%	               	               
32	ParkerPerry 	9	15	-1436	38%	               	               
33	bubba-sc   	56	65	-1531	46%	               	               
34	jpr24628   	103	84	-1606.83 55%	               	-5010 0%
35	sLim901    	26	27	-1710	49%	               	               
36	Betallsports	23	30	-2299	43%	               	               
37	globulous  	6	16	-2332	27%	               	               
38	Dubpoet    	7	11	-2371	39%	               	               
39	olenubbs   	73	93	-2627	44%	               	               
40	Sal santorre	9	19	-3536	32%	               	               
41	Black & Gold	57	73	-3610	44%	               	               
42	kaptain    	89	81	-4308.96 52%	               	               
43	METFAN      	434	492	-6032.30 47%	               	               
44	Michelangelo	108	137	-7825	44%	               	               
45	Say Hey Kid	440	488	-25503	47%	               	               

NCAAF Thru 9/18
[color=brown][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L18 Days[/u]<BR>
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ParkerPerry   	22	9	+3010	71%	4 1 0 +670	+3010 71%
2	Heatwave     	22	16	+2065	58%	7 5 0 +335	+2065 58%
3	outhouse tim  	18	10	+1750	64%	4 5 0 -255	+1750 64%
4	mclosin     	16	10	+510	62%	4 3 0 +70	+510 62%
5	azn2050     	16	12	+355	57%	6 6 0 +55	+355 57%
6	jonnyangel   	7	5	+350	58%	4 3 0 +210	+350 58%
6	seanm0520   	15	15	+350	50%	2 3 0 -40	+350 50%
8	Jstack34     	4	3	+150	57%	               	+150 57%
9	ATP          	10	8	+120	56%	0 2 0 -220	+120 56%
10	Italianole   	4	3	+83.81	57%	               	+83.81 57%
11	6figure     	4	3	+80	57%	               	+80 57%
12	Willie99     	4	3	+60	57%	3 3 2 -300	+60 57%
13	hiLIFE       	1	1	-7	50%	1 1 0 -7	-7 50%
14	bubba-sc	11	10	-20	52%	5 4 0 +60	-20 52%
15	ATLSLIM     	1	1	-100	50%	0 1 2 -600	-100 50%
16	ensign_lee   	0	1	-112	0%	               	-112 0%
17	bostonfanbarca	3	4	-140	43%	               	-140 43%
18	droculus    	6	6	-200	50%	1 4 0 -1750	-200 50%
19	HookEmHorns  	4	5	-240	44%	               	-240 44%
20	Jincka         	5	6	-270	45%	1 2 1 -230	-270 45%
21	Konun8     	5	8	-280	38%	1 4 0 -340	-280 38%
22	boxcardrew   	1	4	-320	20%	               	-320 20%
23	Lakershomer  	12	16	-344	43%	0 2 1 -550	-344 43%
24	155mph      	6	6	-450	50%	2 4 0 -1230	-450 50%
25	CapNCash    	0	1	-550	0%	               	-550 0%
26	tommyjohn44   	7	9	-710	44%	               	-710 44%
27	daboyzinblue  	2	6	-745	25%	1 2 0 -55	-745 25%
28	shibbets    	5	10	-784	33%	0 2 0 -215	-784 33%
29	bamafan2112   	4	11	-810	27%	               	-810 27%
30	METFAN     	18	22	-896.74	45%	3 8 0 -931.74	-896.74 45%
31	powerz      	6	12	-1076	33%	               	-1076 33%
32	oldmanTED   	7	10	-1140	41%	5 4 0 +222	-1140 41%
33	imokbutmybetsck	7	13	-1203	35%	3 3 0 -90	-1203 35%
34	RapStar     	6	8	-1380	43%	0 3 0 -1650	-1380 43%
35	moocow     	5	16	-1485	24%	               	-1485 24%
36	Sal santorre   	29	33	-1830	47%	9 11 0 -760	-1830 47%
37	WinOne      	5	12	-3220	29%	2 6 0 -1710	-3220 29%
38	Coldweather    	25	34	-3310	42%	7 6 0 +200	-3310 42%
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He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
MLB Thru 9/19
[color=Blue][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L19 Days[/u]<BR>
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ATLSLIM    	200	139	+16350	59%	0 3 0 -1850	-2425 51%
2	hcskip      	159	111	+4380	59%	               	               
3	KayJoy     	29	27	+2907	52%	               	-1000 0%
4	soonerdawg1	13	27	+1665	33%	2 1 0 +470	+1585 32%
5	Uscsilb24    	15	6	+1245	71%	               	               
6	bostonfanbarca	25	12	+1045	68%	               	               
7	boxcardrew 	8	3	+560	73%	               	+200 100%
8	crazy      	18	14	+470	56%	               	               
9	Pimpy McPimp	95	104	+430.19	48%	0 1 0 -100	+418.48 37%
10	oldmanTED  	105	86	+247	55%	               	+177 57%
11	HookEmHorns	220	189	+178.57	54%	               	-932 50%
12	2Smooth    	1	1	+36	50%	               	               
13	E Vincent   	10	10	+10	50%	               	               
14	Riv34       	6	7	-40	46%	               	               
15	6figure     	19	20	-115	49%	               	               
16	Bluetooth    	3	4	-130	43%	               	               
17	small units	15	13	-137	54%	               	               
18	seanm0520  	53	46	-180	54%	               	               
19	Willie99      	1	2	-196	33%	               	-196 33%
20	Slickwitdadick	28	33	-309	46%	               	               
21	nojuice9    	0	2	-315	0%	               	               
22	Jincka     	225	223	-376	50%	               	               
23	mplastered   	2	3	-444	40%	               	               
24	ATP       	7	9	-461	44%	               	               
25	Jstack34   	88	89	-616	50%	               	               
26	moocow     	20	31	-635	39%	0 3 0 -305	-645 36%
27	JimmyJet   	4	11	-665	27%	               	               
28	ECC        	191	166	-885	54%	               	               
29	powerz     	69	85	-1409	45%	               	-46 46%
30	TheKids      	21	35	-1425	38%	               	               
31	ParkerPerry 	9	15	-1436	38%	               	               
32	bubba-sc   	56	65	-1531	46%	               	               
33	jpr24628   	103	84	-1606.83 55%	               	-5010 0%
34	sLim901    	26	27	-1710	49%	               	               
35	Betallsports	23	30	-2299	43%	               	               
36	globulous  	6	16	-2332	27%	               	               
37	Dubpoet    	7	11	-2371	39%	               	               
38	olenubbs   	73	93	-2627	44%	               	               
39	Coldweather	547	638	-2711	46%	5 9 0 -2240	-1382 48%
40	Sal santorre	9	19	-3536	32%	               	               
41	Black & Gold	57	73	-3610	44%	               	               
42	kaptain    	89	81	-4308.96 52%	               	               
43	METFAN      	434	492	-6032.30 47%	               	               
44	Michelangelo	108	137	-7825	44%	               	               
45	Say Hey Kid	440	488	-25503	47%	               	               

Global Sports Thru 9/19
[color=Gray][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L19 Days[/u]<BR>
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	bostonfanbarca	47	29	+1812.57 62%	               	+209 75%
2	Lakershomer  	72	76	+363	49%	3 1 1 +700	+756 49%
3	Rooney    	208	179	-306	54%	               	               

NFL Thru 9/19
[color=black][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L19 Days[/u]<BR>
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	droculus   	7	2	+1520	78%	1 1 0 -50	+1850 88%
2	jonnyangel    	7	2	+1040	78%	4 0 0 +800	+1040 78%
3	Jstack34    	5	3	+1010	63%	2 1 0 +425	+1010 63%
4	outhouse tim  	3	0	+700	100%	1 0 1 +200	+700 100%
5	Sal santorre	13	10	+560	57%	6 3 0 +650	+560 57%
6	Profit01    	6	3	+515.07	67%	3 1 0 +195	+515.07 67%
7	shdw01      	6	6	+479	50%	3 2 0 +645	+479 50%
8	DJax24      	7	4	+325	64%	3 2 0 -10	+325 64%
9	ThSportScientst	8	5	+232	62%	2 2 0 -13	+232 62%
10	kroyrunner89	5	4	+230	56%	3 1 0 +990	-70 50%
11	ProPokerPlayer	4	2	+190	67%	1 2 0 -110	+190 67%
12	jimmyshivers	8	7	+80	53%	3 4 1 -230	+80 53%
13	ensign_lee   	8	11	+13.09	42%	4 4 0 +192	+13.09 42%
14	dice711      	1	1	-10	50%	               	-10 50%
15	155mph      	3	3	-30	50%	1 0 0 +500	-30 50%
16	imokbutmybetsck	3	2	-40	60%	2 1 1 +80	-40 60%
17	Kegler       	2	3	-80	40%	               	-80 40%
18	bubba-sc     	6	6	-85	50%	3 2 0 +55	-85 50%
19	hiLIFE       	0	1	-104	0%	0 1 0 -104	-104 0%
20	Uno          	0	1	-120	0%	               	-120 0%
21	shibbets    	7	8	-156	47%	3 4 0 -122	-156 47%
22	roundrobin11	5	6	-240	45%	2 4 0 -326	-240 45%
23	powerz       	4	6	-260	40%	3 2 0 +80	-260 40%
24	ATP         	5	7	-270	42%	1 4 0 -340	-270 42%
25	Jincka       	2	4	-350	33%	               	-350 33%
26	Mr_Mark     	4	7	-400	36%	1 4 0 -680	-400 36%
27	halekulani  	3	7	-470	30%	1 4 0 -340	-470 30%
28	jpr24628     	7	7	-475	50%	2 3 1 -850	-475 50%
29	azn2050      	1	3	-505	25%	1 3 1 -505	-505 25%
30	METFAN      	10	12	-520	45%	               	-520 45%
31	oldmanTED   	2	3	-559	40%	1 2 0 -559	-559 40%
32	Heatwave    	6	9	-780	40%	3 5 0 -490	-780 40%
33	moocow       	3	8	-920	27%	2 2 0 -30	-920 27%
34	Lakershomer 	10	15	-1165	40%	4 6 0 +255	-1165 40%
35	seanm0520   	5	8	-1190	38%	1 3 1 -460	-1190 38%
36	ATLSLIM      	0	2	-1200	0%	0 2 0 -1200	-1200 0%
37	KayJoy      	4	7	-1520	36%	1 2 0 -535	-1520 36%
38	Willie99     	4	7	-1550	36%	2 4 0 -1250	-1550 36%
39	ParkerPerry  	1	7	-2050	13%	               	-2050 13%
40	RapStar     	1	5	-2250	17%	               	-2250 17%
41	Coldweather  	11	18	-4400	38%	5 5 0 -250	-4400 38%
Last edited:


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
MLB Thru 9/20
[color=Blue][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L20 Days[/u]<BR>
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ATLSLIM    	200	139	+16350	59%	               	-2425 51%
2	hcskip      	159	111	+4380	59%	               	               
3	KayJoy     	29	27	+2907	52%	               	-1000 0%
4	soonerdawg1	13	28	+1565	32%	0 1 0 -100	+1485 32%
5	Uscsilb24    	15	6	+1245	71%	               	               
6	bostonfanbarca	25	12	+1045	68%	               	               
7	boxcardrew 	8	3	+560	73%	               	+200 100%
8	crazy      	18	14	+470	56%	               	               
9	Pimpy McPimp	95	105	+330.19	48%	0 1 0 -100	+318.48 35%
10	oldmanTED  	105	86	+247	55%	               	+177 57%
11	HookEmHorns	220	189	+178.57	54%	               	-932 50%
12	2Smooth    	1	1	+36	50%	               	               
13	E Vincent   	10	10	+10	50%	               	               
14	Riv34       	6	7	-40	46%	               	               
15	6figure     	19	20	-115	49%	               	               
16	Bluetooth    	3	4	-130	43%	               	               
17	small units	15	13	-137	54%	               	               
18	seanm0520  	53	46	-180	54%	               	               
19	Willie99      	1	2	-196	33%	               	-196 33%
20	Slickwitdadick	28	33	-309	46%	               	               
21	nojuice9    	0	2	-315	0%	               	               
22	Jincka     	225	223	-376	50%	               	               
23	mplastered   	2	3	-444	40%	               	               
24	ATP       	7	9	-461	44%	               	               
25	Jstack34   	88	89	-616	50%	               	               
26	moocow     	20	31	-635	39%	               	-645 36%
27	JimmyJet   	4	11	-665	27%	               	               
28	ECC        	191	166	-885	54%	               	               
29	powerz     	69	85	-1409	45%	               	-46 46%
30	TheKids      	21	35	-1425	38%	               	               
31	ParkerPerry 	9	15	-1436	38%	               	               
32	bubba-sc   	56	65	-1531	46%	               	               
33	jpr24628   	103	84	-1606.83 55%	               	-5010 0%
34	sLim901    	26	27	-1710	49%	               	               
35	Betallsports	23	30	-2299	43%	               	               
36	globulous  	6	16	-2332	27%	               	               
37	Dubpoet    	7	11	-2371	39%	               	               
38	olenubbs   	73	93	-2627	44%	               	               
39	Sal santorre	9	19	-3536	32%	               	               
40	Black & Gold	57	73	-3610	44%	               	               
41	kaptain    	89	81	-4308.96 52%	               	               
42	Coldweather	552	647	-5051	46%	5 9 0 -2340	-3722 47%
43	METFAN      	434	492	-6032.30 47%	               	               
44	Michelangelo	108	137	-7825	44%	               	               
45	Say Hey Kid	440	488	-25503	47%	               	               

Global Sports Thru 9/20
[color=Gray][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L20 Days[/u]<BR>
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	Lakershomer  	79	76	+2763	51%	7 0 0 +2400	+3156 52%
2	bostonfanbarca	47	29	+1812.57 62%	               	+209 75%
3	Rooney    	208	179	-306	54%	               	               

NFL Thru 9/20
[color=black][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L20 Days[/u]<BR>
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	droculus   	7	3	+1205	70%	0 1 0 -315	+1535 78%
2	jonnyangel    	7	2	+1040	78%	               	+1040 78%
3	Jstack34    	5	3	+1010	63%	               	+1010 63%
4	outhouse tim  	4	0	+1000	100%	1 0 0 +300	+1000 100%
5	shdw01      	8	6	+979	57%	2 0 0 +500	+979 57%
6	Profit01    	8	3	+928.71	73%	2 0 0 +413.64	+928.71 73%
7	Sal santorre	14	10	+760	58%	1 0 0 +200	+760 58%
8	kroyrunner89	6	4	+730	60%	1 0 0 +500	+430 56%
9	DJax24      	8	4	+625	67%	1 0 0 +300	+625 67%
10	jimmyshivers	9	7	+280	56%	1 0 0 +200	+280 56%
11	ThSportScientst	8	5	+232	62%	               	+232 62%
12	ProPokerPlayer	4	2	+190	67%	               	+190 67%
13	jpr24628     	8	7	+25	53%	1 0 0 +500	+25 53%
14	dice711      	1	1	-10	50%	               	-10 50%
15	155mph      	3	3	-30	50%	               	-30 50%
16	Kegler       	2	3	-80	40%	               	-80 40%
17	bubba-sc     	6	6	-85	50%	               	-85 50%
18	Mr_Mark     	5	7	-100	42%	1 0 0 +300	-100 42%
19	Uno          	0	1	-120	0%	               	-120 0%
20	shibbets    	7	8	-156	47%	               	-156 47%
21	ATP         	6	7	-170	46%	1 0 0 +100	-170 46%
22	ensign_lee   	8	12	-186.91	40%	0 1 0 -200	-186.91 40%
23	hiLIFE       	0	2	-214	0%	0 1 0 -110	-214 0%
24	imokbutmybetsck	4	3	-220	57%	1 1 0 -180	-220 57%
25	roundrobin11	5	6	-240	45%	               	-240 45%
26	powerz       	4	6	-260	40%	               	-260 40%
27	Jincka       	2	4	-350	33%	               	-350 33%
28	METFAN      	10	12	-520	45%	               	-520 45%
29	halekulani  	3	8	-580	27%	0 1 0 -110	-580 27%
30	azn2050      	1	4	-670	20%	0 1 0 -165	-670 20%
31	oldmanTED   	2	4	-868	33%	0 1 0 -309	-868 33%
32	Heatwave    	6	10	-1000	38%	0 1 0 -220	-1000 38%
33	moocow       	4	9	-1040	31%	1 1 0 -120	-1040 31%
34	KayJoy      	5	8	-1170	38%	1 1 0 +350	-1170 38%
35	seanm0520   	5	8	-1190	38%	               	-1190 38%
36	ATLSLIM      	0	2	-1200	0%	               	-1200 0%
37	Willie99     	4	7	-1550	36%	               	-1550 36%
38	Lakershomer 	10	16	-1715	38%	0 1 0 -550	-1715 38%
39	RapStar     	2	5	-1750	29%	1 0 0 +500	-1750 29%
40	ParkerPerry  	1	7	-2050	13%	               	-2050 13%
41	Coldweather  	13	18	-3400	42%	2 0 0 +1000	-3400 42%
Last edited:


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
MLB Thru 9/21
[color=Blue][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L21 Days[/u]<BR>
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ATLSLIM    	200	140	+15650	59%	0 1 0 -700	-3125 50%
2	hcskip      	159	111	+4380	59%	               	               
3	KayJoy     	29	27	+2907	52%	               	-1000 0%
4	soonerdawg1	14	29	+1765	33%	1 1 0 +200	+1685 33%
5	Uscsilb24    	15	6	+1245	71%	               	               
6	bostonfanbarca	25	12	+1045	68%	               	               
7	boxcardrew 	8	3	+560	73%	               	+200 100%
8	crazy      	18	14	+470	56%	               	               
9	oldmanTED  	106	87	+225	55%	1 1 0 -22	+155 56%
10	HookEmHorns	220	189	+178.57	54%	               	-932 50%
11	Pimpy McPimp	95	106	+130.19	47%	0 1 0 -200	+118.48 33%
12	2Smooth    	1	1	+36	50%	               	               
13	E Vincent   	10	10	+10	50%	               	               
14	Riv34       	6	7	-40	46%	               	               
15	6figure     	19	20	-115	49%	               	               
16	Bluetooth    	3	4	-130	43%	               	               
17	small units	15	13	-137	54%	               	               
18	seanm0520  	53	46	-180	54%	               	               
19	Slickwitdadick	28	33	-309	46%	               	               
20	nojuice9    	0	2	-315	0%	               	               
21	Jincka     	225	223	-376	50%	               	               
22	mplastered   	2	3	-444	40%	               	               
23	ATP       	7	9	-461	44%	               	               
24	Willie99      	2	4	-608	33%	1 2 0 -412	-608 33%
25	Jstack34   	88	89	-616	50%	               	               
26	moocow     	20	31	-635	39%	               	-645 36%
27	JimmyJet   	4	11	-665	27%	               	               
28	ECC        	191	166	-885	54%	               	               
29	powerz     	69	85	-1409	45%	               	-46 46%
30	TheKids      	21	35	-1425	38%	               	               
31	ParkerPerry 	9	15	-1436	38%	               	               
32	bubba-sc   	56	65	-1531	46%	               	               
33	jpr24628   	103	84	-1606.83 55%	               	-5010 0%
34	sLim901    	26	27	-1710	49%	               	               
35	Betallsports	23	30	-2299	43%	               	               
36	globulous  	6	16	-2332	27%	               	               
37	Dubpoet    	7	11	-2371	39%	               	               
38	olenubbs   	73	93	-2627	44%	               	               
39	Sal santorre	9	19	-3536	32%	               	               
40	Black & Gold	57	73	-3610	44%	               	               
41	kaptain    	89	81	-4308.96 52%	               	               
42	Coldweather	557	653	-5381	46%	5 6 0 -330	-4052 47%
43	METFAN      	434	492	-6032.30 47%	               	               
44	Michelangelo	108	137	-7825	44%	               	               
45	Say Hey Kid	440	488	-25503	47%	               	               

Global Sports Thru 9/21
[color=Gray][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L21 Days[/u]<BR>
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	Lakershomer  	89	80	+3442	53%	10 4 0 +679	+3835 54%
2	bostonfanbarca	47	29	+1812.57 62%	               	+209 75%
3	Rooney    	208	179	-306	54%	               	               


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
MLB Thru 9/22
[color=Blue][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L22 Days[/u]<BR>
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ATLSLIM    	200	141	+15100	59%	0 1 0 -550	-3675 49%
2	hcskip      	159	111	+4380	59%	               	               
3	KayJoy     	29	27	+2907	52%	               	-1000 0%
4	soonerdawg1	14	30	+1665	32%	0 1 0 -100	+1585 32%
5	Uscsilb24    	15	6	+1245	71%	               	               
6	bostonfanbarca	25	12	+1045	68%	               	               
7	boxcardrew 	8	3	+560	73%	               	+200 100%
8	crazy      	18	14	+470	56%	               	               
9	HookEmHorns	220	189	+178.57	54%	               	-932 50%
10	oldmanTED  	106	88	+125	55%	0 1 0 -100	+55 53%
11	2Smooth    	1	1	+36	50%	               	               
12	E Vincent   	10	10	+10	50%	               	               
13	Pimpy McPimp	96	108	-19.81	47%	1 2 0 -150	-31.52 33%
14	Riv34       	6	7	-40	46%	               	               
15	6figure     	19	20	-115	49%	               	               
16	Bluetooth    	3	4	-130	43%	               	               
17	small units	15	13	-137	54%	               	               
18	seanm0520  	53	46	-180	54%	               	               
19	Slickwitdadick	28	33	-309	46%	               	               
20	nojuice9    	0	2	-315	0%	               	               
21	Jincka     	225	223	-376	50%	               	               
22	mplastered   	2	3	-444	40%	               	               
23	ATP       	7	9	-461	44%	               	               
24	Willie99      	2	4	-608	33%	               	-608 33%
25	Jstack34   	88	89	-616	50%	               	               
26	moocow     	20	31	-635	39%	               	-645 36%
27	JimmyJet   	4	11	-665	27%	               	               
28	ECC        	191	166	-885	54%	               	               
29	powerz     	69	85	-1409	45%	               	-46 46%
30	TheKids      	21	35	-1425	38%	               	               
31	ParkerPerry 	9	15	-1436	38%	               	               
32	bubba-sc   	56	65	-1531	46%	               	               
33	jpr24628   	103	84	-1606.83 55%	               	-5010 0%
34	sLim901    	26	27	-1710	49%	               	               
35	Betallsports	23	30	-2299	43%	               	               
36	globulous  	6	16	-2332	27%	               	               
37	Dubpoet    	7	11	-2371	39%	               	               
38	olenubbs   	73	93	-2627	44%	               	               
39	Sal santorre	9	19	-3536	32%	               	               
40	Black & Gold	57	73	-3610	44%	               	               
41	kaptain    	89	81	-4308.96 52%	               	               
42	Coldweather	565	661	-4686	46%	8 8 1 +695	-3357 47%
43	METFAN      	434	492	-6032.30 47%	               	               
44	Michelangelo	108	137	-7825	44%	               	               
45	Say Hey Kid	440	488	-25503	47%	               	               


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
MLB Thru 9/23
[color=Blue][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L23 Days[/u]<BR>
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ATLSLIM    	201	141	+15750	59%	1 0 0 +650	-3025 50%
2	hcskip      	159	111	+4380	59%	               	               
3	KayJoy     	29	27	+2907	52%	               	-1000 0%
4	soonerdawg1	14	30	+1665	32%	               	+1585 32%
5	Uscsilb24    	15	6	+1245	71%	               	               
6	bostonfanbarca	25	12	+1045	68%	               	               
7	boxcardrew 	8	3	+560	73%	               	+200 100%
8	crazy      	18	14	+470	56%	               	               
9	HookEmHorns	220	189	+178.57	54%	               	-932 50%
10	2Smooth    	1	1	+36	50%	               	               
11	oldmanTED  	106	89	+15	54%	0 1 0 -110	-55 50%
12	E Vincent   	10	10	+10	50%	               	               
13	Riv34       	6	7	-40	46%	               	               
14	6figure     	19	20	-115	49%	               	               
15	Bluetooth    	3	4	-130	43%	               	               
16	small units	15	13	-137	54%	               	               
17	seanm0520  	53	46	-180	54%	               	               
18	Slickwitdadick	28	33	-309	46%	               	               
19	nojuice9    	0	2	-315	0%	               	               
20	Jincka     	225	223	-376	50%	               	               
21	Pimpy McPimp	96	111	-384.81	46%	0 3 0 -365	-396.52 30%
22	mplastered   	2	3	-444	40%	               	               
23	ATP       	7	9	-461	44%	               	               
24	Jstack34   	88	89	-616	50%	               	               
25	moocow     	20	31	-635	39%	               	-645 36%
26	JimmyJet   	4	11	-665	27%	               	               
27	ECC        	191	166	-885	54%	               	               
28	Willie99      	2	5	-1028	29%	0 1 0 -420	-1028 29%
29	Coldweather	575	665	-1291	46%	10 4 0 +3395	+38 48%
30	powerz     	69	85	-1409	45%	               	-46 46%
31	TheKids      	21	35	-1425	38%	               	               
32	ParkerPerry 	9	15	-1436	38%	               	               
33	bubba-sc   	56	65	-1531	46%	               	               
34	jpr24628   	103	84	-1606.83 55%	               	-5010 0%
35	sLim901    	26	27	-1710	49%	               	               
36	Betallsports	23	30	-2299	43%	               	               
37	globulous  	6	16	-2332	27%	               	               
38	Dubpoet    	7	11	-2371	39%	               	               
39	olenubbs   	73	93	-2627	44%	               	               
40	Sal santorre	9	19	-3536	32%	               	               
41	Black & Gold	57	73	-3610	44%	               	               
42	kaptain    	89	81	-4308.96 52%	               	               
43	METFAN      	434	492	-6032.30 47%	               	               
44	Michelangelo	108	137	-7825	44%	               	               
45	Say Hey Kid	440	488	-25503	47%	               	               

NCAAF Thru 9/23
[color=brown][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L23 Days[/u]<BR>
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ParkerPerry   	22	9	+3010	71%	               	+3010 71%
2	Heatwave     	23	16	+2265	59%	1 0 0 +200	+2265 59%
3	outhouse tim  	19	11	+1575	63%	1 1 0 -175	+1575 63%
4	mclosin     	17	10	+610	63%	1 0 0 +100	+610 63%
5	ATLSLIM     	2	1	+400	67%	1 0 0 +500	+400 67%
6	azn2050     	16	12	+355	57%	               	+355 57%
7	seanm0520   	15	15	+350	50%	               	+350 50%
8	ATP          	11	8	+220	58%	1 0 0 +100	+220 58%
9	Jstack34     	4	3	+150	57%	               	+150 57%
10	johnnyangel	7	6	+140	54%	0 1 0 -210	+140 54%
11	droculus    	7	6	+100	54%	1 0 0 +300	+100 54%
12	Italianole   	4	3	+83.81	57%	               	+83.81 57%
13	hiLIFE       	1	1	-7	50%	               	-7 50%
14	6figure     	4	4	-20	50%	0 1 0 -100	-20 50%
14	bubba-sc	11	10	-20	52%	               	-20 52%
16	ensign_lee   	0	1	-112	0%	               	-112 0%
17	bostonfanbarca	3	4	-140	43%	               	-140 43%
18	HookEmHorns  	4	5	-240	44%	               	-240 44%
19	Jincka         	5	6	-270	45%	               	-270 45%
20	Konun8     	5	8	-280	38%	               	-280 38%
21	boxcardrew   	1	4	-320	20%	               	-320 20%
22	Lakershomer  	12	16	-344	43%	               	-344 43%
23	155mph      	6	6	-450	50%	               	-450 50%
24	Willie99     	4	5	-505	44%	0 2 0 -565	-505 44%
25	CapNCash    	0	1	-550	0%	               	-550 0%
26	tommyjohn44   	7	9	-710	44%	               	-710 44%
27	daboyzinblue  	2	6	-745	25%	               	-745 25%
28	shibbets    	5	10	-784	33%	               	-784 33%
29	bamafan2112   	4	11	-810	27%	               	-810 27%
30	oldmanTED   	8	10	-840	44%	1 0 0 +300	-840 44%
31	RapStar     	7	8	-880	47%	1 0 0 +500	-880 47%
32	METFAN     	18	22	-896.74	45%	               	-896.74 45%
33	powerz      	6	12	-1076	33%	               	-1076 33%
34	imokbutmybetsck	7	13	-1203	35%	               	-1203 35%
35	moocow     	5	16	-1485	24%	               	-1485 24%
36	Sal santorre   	29	34	-2050	46%	0 1 0 -220	-2050 46%
37	WinOne      	5	12	-3220	29%	               	-3220 29%
38	Coldweather    	25	36	-4410	41%	0 2 0 -1100	-4410 41%
Last edited:


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
MLB Thru 9/24
[color=Blue][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L24 Days[/u]<BR>
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ATLSLIM    	201	141	+15750	59%	               	-3025 50%
2	hcskip      	159	111	+4380	59%	               	               
3	KayJoy     	29	27	+2907	52%	               	-1000 0%
4	HookEmHorns	225	191	+1578.57 54%	5 2 0 +1400	+468 56%
5	soonerdawg1	14	31	+1565	31%	0 1 0 -100	+1485 31%
6	Uscsilb24    	15	6	+1245	71%	               	               
7	bostonfanbarca	25	12	+1045	68%	               	               
8	boxcardrew 	8	3	+560	73%	               	+200 100%
9	crazy      	18	14	+470	56%	               	               
10	oldmanTED  	108	89	+230	55%	2 0 0 +215	+160 55%
11	2Smooth    	1	1	+36	50%	               	               
12	E Vincent   	10	10	+10	50%	               	               
13	Riv34       	6	7	-40	46%	               	               
14	6figure     	19	20	-115	49%	               	               
15	Bluetooth    	3	4	-130	43%	               	               
16	small units	15	13	-137	54%	               	               
17	seanm0520  	53	46	-180	54%	               	               
18	Slickwitdadick	28	33	-309	46%	               	               
19	nojuice9    	0	2	-315	0%	               	               
20	Jincka     	225	223	-376	50%	               	               
21	mplastered   	2	3	-444	40%	               	               
22	ATP       	7	9	-461	44%	               	               
23	Pimpy McPimp	96	112	-584.81	46%	0 1 0 -200	-596.52 29%
24	Jstack34   	88	89	-616	50%	               	               
25	moocow     	20	31	-635	39%	               	-645 36%
26	JimmyJet   	4	11	-665	27%	               	               
27	ECC        	191	166	-885	54%	               	               
28	Willie99      	2	5	-1028	29%	               	-1028 29%
29	powerz     	69	85	-1409	45%	               	-46 46%
30	TheKids      	21	35	-1425	38%	               	               
31	ParkerPerry 	9	15	-1436	38%	               	               
32	bubba-sc   	56	65	-1531	46%	               	               
33	Coldweather	579	671	-1551	46%	4 6 1 -260	-222 48%
34	jpr24628   	103	84	-1606.83 55%	               	-5010 0%
35	sLim901    	26	27	-1710	49%	               	               
36	Betallsports	23	30	-2299	43%	               	               
37	globulous  	6	16	-2332	27%	               	               
38	Dubpoet    	7	11	-2371	39%	               	               
39	olenubbs   	73	93	-2627	44%	               	               
40	Sal santorre	9	19	-3536	32%	               	               
41	Black & Gold	57	73	-3610	44%	               	               
42	kaptain    	89	81	-4308.96 52%	               	               
43	METFAN      	434	492	-6032.30 47%	               	               
44	Michelangelo	108	137	-7825	44%	               	               
45	Say Hey Kid	440	488	-25503	47%	               	               

Global Sports Thru 9/24
[color=Gray][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L24 Days[/u]<BR>
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	Lakershomer  	91	82	+3258	53%	2 2 0 -184	+3651 53%
2	bostonfanbarca	47	29	+1812.57 62%	               	+209 75%
3	Rooney    	208	179	-306	54%	               	               

NCAAF Thru 9/24
[color=brown][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L24 Days[/u]<BR>
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ParkerPerry   	22	9	+3010	71%	               	+3010 71%
2	Heatwave     	23	17	+2155	58%	0 1 0 -110	+2155 58%
3	outhouse tim  	19	11	+1575	63%	               	+1575 63%
4	mclosin     	17	10	+610	63%	               	+610 63%
5	jonnyangel   	8	5	+550	62%	1 0 0 +200	+550 62%
6	ATLSLIM     	2	1	+400	67%	               	+400 67%
7	azn2050     	17	13	+395	57%	1 1 0 +40	+395 57%
8	seanm0520   	15	15	+350	50%	               	+350 50%
9	ATP          	12	8	+320	60%	1 0 0 +100	+320 60%
10	Jstack34     	4	3	+150	57%	               	+150 57%
11	droculus    	7	6	+100	54%	               	+100 54%
12	Italianole   	4	3	+83.81	57%	               	+83.81 57%
13	6figure     	4	4	-20	50%	               	-20 50%
13	bubba-sc	11	10	-20	52%	               	-20 52%
15	ensign_lee   	0	1	-112	0%	               	-112 0%
16	hiLIFE       	1	2	-129	33%	0 1 0 -122	-129 33%
17	bostonfanbarca	3	4	-140	43%	               	-140 43%
18	HookEmHorns  	4	5	-240	44%	               	-240 44%
19	Jincka         	5	6	-270	45%	               	-270 45%
20	Konun8     	5	8	-280	38%	               	-280 38%
21	boxcardrew   	1	4	-320	20%	               	-320 20%
22	Lakershomer  	12	16	-344	43%	               	-344 43%
23	155mph      	6	6	-450	50%	               	-450 50%
24	Willie99     	4	5	-505	44%	               	-505 44%
25	oldmanTED   	9	10	-540	47%	1 0 0 +300	-540 47%
26	CapNCash    	0	1	-550	0%	               	-550 0%
27	tommyjohn44   	7	9	-710	44%	               	-710 44%
28	daboyzinblue  	2	6	-745	25%	               	-745 25%
29	shibbets    	5	10	-784	33%	               	-784 33%
30	bamafan2112   	4	11	-810	27%	               	-810 27%
31	RapStar     	7	8	-880	47%	               	-880 47%
32	METFAN     	18	22	-896.74	45%	               	-896.74 45%
33	powerz      	6	12	-1076	33%	               	-1076 33%
34	imokbutmybetsck	7	13	-1203	35%	               	-1203 35%
35	moocow     	5	16	-1485	24%	               	-1485 24%
36	Sal santorre   	30	34	-1850	47%	1 0 0 +200	-1850 47%
37	WinOne      	5	12	-3220	29%	               	-3220 29%
38	Coldweather    	27	36	-3410	43%	2 0 0 +1000	-3410 43%
Last edited:


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
MLB Thru 9/25
[color=Blue][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L25 Days[/u]<BR>
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ATLSLIM    	202	141	+16250	59%	1 0 0 +500	-2525 51%
2	hcskip      	159	111	+4380	59%	               	               
3	KayJoy     	29	27	+2907	52%	               	-1000 0%
4	HookEmHorns	225	191	+1578.57 54%	               	+468 56%
5	soonerdawg1	14	32	+1465	30%	0 1 0 -100	+1385 30%
6	Uscsilb24    	15	6	+1245	71%	               	               
7	bostonfanbarca	25	12	+1045	68%	               	               
8	boxcardrew 	8	3	+560	73%	               	+200 100%
9	crazy      	18	14	+470	56%	               	               
10	oldmanTED  	108	90	+130	55%	0 1 0 -100	+60 52%
11	2Smooth    	1	1	+36	50%	               	               
12	E Vincent   	10	10	+10	50%	               	               
13	Riv34       	6	7	-40	46%	               	               
14	6figure     	19	20	-115	49%	               	               
15	Bluetooth    	3	4	-130	43%	               	               
16	small units	15	13	-137	54%	               	               
17	seanm0520  	53	46	-180	54%	               	               
18	Slickwitdadick	28	33	-309	46%	               	               
19	nojuice9    	0	2	-315	0%	               	               
20	Jincka     	225	223	-376	50%	               	               
21	mplastered   	2	3	-444	40%	               	               
22	ATP       	7	9	-461	44%	               	               
23	Coldweather	585	676	-506	46%	6 5 1 +1045	+823 48%
24	Jstack34   	88	89	-616	50%	               	               
25	moocow     	20	31	-635	39%	               	-645 36%
26	JimmyJet   	4	11	-665	27%	               	               
27	Pimpy McPimp	96	114	-784.81	46%	0 2 0 -200	-796.52 27%
28	ECC        	191	166	-885	54%	               	               
29	Willie99      	2	5	-1028	29%	               	-1028 29%
30	powerz     	69	85	-1409	45%	               	-46 46%
31	TheKids      	21	35	-1425	38%	               	               
32	ParkerPerry 	9	15	-1436	38%	               	               
33	bubba-sc   	56	65	-1531	46%	               	               
34	jpr24628   	103	84	-1606.83 55%	               	-5010 0%
35	sLim901    	26	27	-1710	49%	               	               
36	Betallsports	23	30	-2299	43%	               	               
37	globulous  	6	16	-2332	27%	               	               
38	Dubpoet    	7	11	-2371	39%	               	               
39	olenubbs   	73	93	-2627	44%	               	               
40	Sal santorre	9	19	-3536	32%	               	               
41	Black & Gold	57	73	-3610	44%	               	               
42	kaptain    	89	81	-4308.96 52%	               	               
43	METFAN      	434	492	-6032.30 47%	               	               
44	Michelangelo	108	137	-7825	44%	               	               
45	Say Hey Kid	440	488	-25503	47%	               	               

Global Sports Thru 9/25
[color=Gray][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L26 Days[/u]<BR>
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	bostonfanbarca	47	29	+1812.57 62%	               	+209 75%
2	Lakershomer  	94	85	+987	53%	3 3 0 -2271	+1380 53%
3	Rooney    	208	179	-306	54%	               	               

NCAAF Thru 9/25
[color=brown][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L25 Days[/u]<BR>
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	Heatwave     	28	22	+2585	56%	5 5 0 +430	+2585 56%
2	ParkerPerry   	24	14	+2450	63%	2 5 0 -560	+2450 63%
3	outhouse tim  	24	13	+2100	65%	5 2 0 +525	+2100 65%
4	seanm0520   	20	16	+830	56%	5 1 0 +480	+830 56%
5	mclosin     	20	13	+580	61%	3 3 0 -30	+580 61%
6	Willie99     	9	8	+445	53%	5 3 0 +950	+445 53%
7	ATLSLIM     	2	1	+400	67%	               	+400 67%
8	ATP          	15	10	+400	60%	3 2 0 +80	+400 60%
9	azn2050     	21	19	+375	53%	4 6 0 -20	+375 53%
10	jonnyangel   	9	7	+320	56%	1 1 0 -20	+320 56%
11	Jincka         	12	10	+190	55%	7 4 0 +460	+190 55%
12	6figure     	6	4	+180	60%	2 0 0 +200	+180 60%
13	sports freak	7	8	+110	47%	7 8 0 +110	+110 47%
14	Italianole   	4	3	+83.81	57%	               	+83.81 57%
15	ensign_lee   	0	1	-112	0%	               	-112 0%
16	hiLIFE       	1	2	-129	33%	               	-129 33%
17	bostonfanbarca	3	4	-140	43%	               	-140 43%
18	HookEmHorns  	4	5	-240	44%	               	-240 44%
19	Jstack34     	4	5	-280	44%	0 2 0 -430	-280 44%
19	Konun8     	5	8	-280	38%	               	-280 38%
21	oldmanTED   	13	13	-285	50%	4 3 0 +255	-285 50%
22	boxcardrew   	1	4	-320	20%	               	-320 20%
23	bubba-sc	14	16	-380	47%	3 6 0 -360	-380 47%
24	CapNCash    	0	1	-550	0%	               	-550 0%
25	droculus    	9	10	-610	47%	2 4 0 -710	-610 47%
26	Lakershomer  	14	19	-624	42%	2 3 0 -280	-624 42%
27	tommyjohn44   	7	9	-710	44%	               	-710 44%
28	daboyzinblue  	2	6	-745	25%	               	-745 25%
29	shibbets    	5	10	-784	33%	               	-784 33%
30	bamafan2112   	4	11	-810	27%	               	-810 27%
31	METFAN     	18	22	-896.74	45%	               	-896.74 45%
32	155mph      	8	10	-950	44%	2 4 0 -500	-950 44%
33	RapStar     	9	10	-980	47%	2 2 0 -100	-980 47%
34	powerz      	6	12	-1076	33%	               	-1076 33%
35	moocow     	5	16	-1485	24%	               	-1485 24%
36	imokbutmybetsck	9	15	-1683	38%	2 2 0 -480	-1683 38%
37	Coldweather    	35	41	-2160	46%	8 5 0 +1250	-2160 46%
38	Sal santorre   	34	41	-2590	45%	4 7 0 -740	-2590 45%
39	WinOne      	5	12	-3220	29%	               	-3220 29%
Last edited:


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
MLB Thru 9/26
[color=Blue][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L26 Days[/u]<BR>
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ATLSLIM    	203	143	+15675	59%	1 2 0 -575	-3100 50%
2	hcskip      	159	111	+4380	59%	               	               
3	KayJoy     	29	27	+2907	52%	               	-1000 0%
4	soonerdawg1	17	34	+2255	33%	3 2 0 +790	+2175 33%
5	HookEmHorns	226	191	+1678.57 54%	1 0 0 +100	+568 57%
6	Coldweather	593	683	+1284	46%	8 7 0 +1790	+2613 48%
7	Uscsilb24    	15	6	+1245	71%	               	               
8	bostonfanbarca	25	12	+1045	68%	               	               
9	boxcardrew 	8	3	+560	73%	               	+200 100%
10	crazy      	18	14	+470	56%	               	               
11	oldmanTED  	109	90	+230	55%	1 0 0 +100	+160 55%
12	2Smooth    	1	1	+36	50%	               	               
13	E Vincent   	10	10	+10	50%	               	               
14	Riv34       	6	7	-40	46%	               	               
15	6figure     	19	20	-115	49%	               	               
16	Bluetooth    	3	4	-130	43%	               	               
17	small units	15	13	-137	54%	               	               
18	seanm0520  	53	46	-180	54%	               	               
19	Slickwitdadick	28	33	-309	46%	               	               
20	nojuice9    	0	2	-315	0%	               	               
21	Jincka     	225	223	-376	50%	               	               
22	mplastered   	2	3	-444	40%	               	               
23	ATP       	7	9	-461	44%	               	               
24	Jstack34   	88	89	-616	50%	               	               
25	moocow     	20	31	-635	39%	               	-645 36%
26	JimmyJet   	4	11	-665	27%	               	               
27	Pimpy McPimp	96	114	-784.81	46%	               	-796.52 27%
28	ECC        	191	166	-885	54%	               	               
29	powerz     	69	85	-1409	45%	               	-46 46%
30	TheKids      	21	35	-1425	38%	               	               
31	Willie99      	2	6	-1428	25%	0 1 0 -400	-1428 25%
32	ParkerPerry 	9	15	-1436	38%	               	               
33	bubba-sc   	56	65	-1531	46%	               	               
34	jpr24628   	103	84	-1606.83 55%	               	-5010 0%
35	sLim901    	26	27	-1710	49%	               	               
36	Betallsports	23	30	-2299	43%	               	               
37	globulous  	6	16	-2332	27%	               	               
38	Dubpoet    	7	11	-2371	39%	               	               
39	olenubbs   	73	93	-2627	44%	               	               
40	Sal santorre	9	19	-3536	32%	               	               
41	Black & Gold	57	73	-3610	44%	               	               
42	kaptain    	89	81	-4308.96 52%	               	               
43	METFAN      	434	492	-6032.30 47%	               	               
44	Michelangelo	108	137	-7825	44%	               	               
45	Say Hey Kid	440	488	-25503	47%	               	               

NFL Thru 9/26
[color=black][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L26 Days[/u]<BR>
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	Profit01    	12	3	+2000.25 80%	4 0 0 +1071.54	+2000.25 80%
2	DJax24      	13	5	+1525	72%	5 1 0 +900	+1525 72%
3	jonnyangel    	8	2	+1440	80%	1 0 0 +400	+1440 80%
4	droculus   	7	3	+1205	70%	               	+1535 78%
5	shdw01      	10	9	+1040	53%	2 3 0 +61	+1040 53%
6	outhouse tim  	4	0	+1000	100%	               	+1000 100%
7	Mr_Mark     	11	9	+850	55%	6 2 0 +950	+850 55%
8	ThSportScientst	13	6	+717	68%	5 1 0 +485	+717 68%
9	Ezdoesit     	1	0	+500	100%	1 0 0 +500	+500 100%
10	155mph      	4	3	+470	57%	1 0 0 +500	+470 57%
11	jimmyshivers	13	10	+425	57%	4 3 0 +145	+425 57%
12	Sal santorre	16	14	+390	53%	2 4 0 -370	+390 53%
13	Jstack34    	5	5	+350	50%	0 2 0 -660	+350 50%
14	bubba-sc     	11	7	+305	61%	5 1 0 +390	+305 61%
15	Heatwave    	14	12	+290	54%	8 2 0 +1290	+290 54%
16	ProPokerPlayer	4	2	+190	67%	               	+190 67%
17	powerz       	8	6	+140	57%	4 0 0 +400	+140 57%
18	Jincka       	7	6	+130	54%	5 2 0 +480	+130 54%
19	NumberZ      	5	4	+85	56%	5 4 0 +85	+85 56%
20	dice711      	1	1	-10	50%	               	-10 50%
21	jpr24628     	9	8	-25	53%	1 1 0 -50	-25 53%
22	Kegler       	2	3	-80	40%	               	-80 40%
23	Uno          	0	1	-120	0%	               	-120 0%
24	roundrobin11	7	8	-136	47%	2 2 0 +104	-136 47%
25	shibbets    	7	8	-156	47%	               	-156 47%
26	imokbutmybetsck	7	6	-180	54%	3 3 0 +40	-180 54%
27	hiLIFE       	0	2	-214	0%	               	-214 0%
28	ATP         	6	8	-280	43%	0 1 0 -110	-280 43%
29	METFAN      	10	12	-520	45%	               	-520 45%
30	azn2050      	1	4	-670	20%	               	-670 20%
31	ensign_lee   	10	21	-721.91	32%	2 9 0 -535	-721.91 32%
32	halekulani  	5	12	-820	29%	2 4 0 -240	-820 29%
33	oldmanTED   	2	4	-868	33%	               	-868 33%
34	seanm0520   	9	9	-910	50%	4 1 0 +280	-910 50%
35	Lakershomer 	16	19	-975	46%	6 3 1 +740	-975 46%
36	moocow       	4	9	-1040	31%	               	-1040 31%
37	KayJoy      	5	8	-1170	38%	               	-1170 38%
38	ATLSLIM      	0	2	-1200	0%	               	-1200 0%
39	kroyrunner89	6	8	-1435	43%	0 4 0 -2165	-1735 38%
40	Willie99     	7	11	-1731	39%	3 4 0 -181	-1731 39%
41	RapStar     	2	5	-1750	29%	               	-1750 29%
42	ParkerPerry  	1	7	-2050	13%	               	-2050 13%
43	Coldweather  	20	28	-5400	42%	7 10 0 -2000	-5400 42%
Last edited:


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
MLB Thru 9/27
[color=Blue][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L27 Days[/u]<BR>
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ATLSLIM    	203	143	+15675	59%	               	-3100 50%
2	hcskip      	159	111	+4380	59%	               	               
3	KayJoy     	29	27	+2907	52%	               	-1000 0%
4	soonerdawg1	17	34	+2255	33%	               	+2175 33%
5	Coldweather	598	688	+1639	47%	5 5 0 +355	+2968 49%
6	HookEmHorns	229	195	+1388.57 54%	3 4 0 -290	+278 54%
7	Uscsilb24    	15	6	+1245	71%	               	               
8	bostonfanbarca	25	12	+1045	68%	               	               
9	boxcardrew 	8	3	+560	73%	               	+200 100%
10	crazy      	18	14	+470	56%	               	               
11	oldmanTED  	109	90	+230	55%	               	+160 55%
12	2Smooth    	1	1	+36	50%	               	               
13	E Vincent   	10	10	+10	50%	               	               
14	Riv34       	6	7	-40	46%	               	               
15	6figure     	19	20	-115	49%	               	               
16	Bluetooth    	3	4	-130	43%	               	               
17	small units	15	13	-137	54%	               	               
18	seanm0520  	53	46	-180	54%	               	               
19	Slickwitdadick	28	33	-309	46%	               	               
20	nojuice9    	0	2	-315	0%	               	               
21	Jincka     	225	223	-376	50%	               	               
22	mplastered   	2	3	-444	40%	               	               
23	ATP       	7	9	-461	44%	               	               
24	Jstack34   	88	89	-616	50%	               	               
25	moocow     	20	31	-635	39%	               	-645 36%
26	JimmyJet   	4	11	-665	27%	               	               
27	Pimpy McPimp	96	114	-784.81	46%	               	-796.52 27%
28	ECC        	191	166	-885	54%	               	               
29	Willie99      	4	7	-1062	36%	2 1 0 +366	-1062 36%
30	powerz     	69	85	-1409	45%	               	-46 46%
31	TheKids      	21	35	-1425	38%	               	               
32	ParkerPerry 	9	15	-1436	38%	               	               
33	bubba-sc   	56	65	-1531	46%	               	               
34	jpr24628   	103	84	-1606.83 55%	               	-5010 0%
35	sLim901    	26	27	-1710	49%	               	               
36	Betallsports	23	30	-2299	43%	               	               
37	globulous  	6	16	-2332	27%	               	               
38	Dubpoet    	7	11	-2371	39%	               	               
39	olenubbs   	73	93	-2627	44%	               	               
40	Sal santorre	9	19	-3536	32%	               	               
41	Black & Gold	57	73	-3610	44%	               	               
42	kaptain    	89	81	-4308.96 52%	               	               
43	METFAN      	434	492	-6032.30 47%	               	               
44	Michelangelo	108	137	-7825	44%	               	               
45	Say Hey Kid	440	488	-25503	47%	               	               
NFL Thru 9/27
[color=black][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L27 Days[/u]<BR>
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	Profit01    	13	5	+1900.25 72%	1 2 0 -100	+1900.25 72%
2	DJax24      	14	5	+1825	74%	1 0 0 +300	+1825 74%
3	jonnyangel    	8	2	+1440	80%	               	+1440 80%
4	droculus   	7	3	+1205	70%	               	+1535 78%
5	Mr_Mark     	12	9	+1050	57%	1 0 0 +200	+1050 57%
6	shdw01      	10	9	+1040	53%	               	+1040 53%
7	outhouse tim  	4	0	+1000	100%	               	+1000 100%
8	Heatwave    	15	12	+790	56%	1 0 0 +500	+790 56%
9	jimmyshivers	14	10	+725	58%	1 0 0 +300	+725 58%
10	ThSportScientst	13	6	+717	68%	               	+717 68%
11	Ezdoesit     	1	0	+500	100%	               	+500 100%
12	155mph      	4	3	+470	57%	               	+470 57%
13	Jincka       	8	6	+330	57%	1 0 0 +200	+330 57%
14	powerz       	9	6	+240	60%	1 0 0 +100	+240 60%
15	bubba-sc     	11	8	+195	58%	0 1 0 -110	+195 58%
16	ProPokerPlayer	4	2	+190	67%	               	+190 67%
17	NumberZ      	5	4	+85	56%	               	+85 56%
18	Jstack34    	5	6	+50	45%	0 1 0 -300	+50 45%
19	roundrobin11	8	8	+1	50%	1 0 0 +137	+1 50%
20	dice711      	1	1	-10	50%	               	-10 50%
20	HookEmHorns	1	1	-10	50%	1 1 0 -10	-10 50%
22	jpr24628     	9	8	-25	53%	               	-25 53%
23	Kegler       	2	3	-80	40%	               	-80 40%
24	Uno          	0	1	-120	0%	               	-120 0%
25	shibbets    	7	8	-156	47%	               	-156 47%
26	Sal santorre	16	15	-160	52%	0 1 0 -550	-160 52%
27	imokbutmybetsck	7	6	-180	54%	               	-180 54%
28	hiLIFE       	0	2	-214	0%	               	-214 0%
29	ATP         	6	9	-400	40%	0 1 0 -120	-400 40%
30	METFAN      	10	12	-520	45%	               	-520 45%
31	seanm0520   	10	9	-610	53%	1 0 0 +300	-610 53%
32	azn2050      	1	4	-670	20%	               	-670 20%
33	halekulani  	6	12	-720	33%	1 0 0 +100	-720 33%
34	ensign_lee   	10	21	-721.91	32%	               	-721.91 32%
35	oldmanTED   	2	4	-868	33%	               	-868 33%
36	Willie99     	10	11	-876	48%	3 0 0 +855	-876 48%
37	Lakershomer 	16	19	-975	46%	               	-975 46%
38	moocow       	4	9	-1040	31%	               	-1040 31%
39	KayJoy      	5	8	-1170	38%	               	-1170 38%
40	ATLSLIM      	0	2	-1200	0%	               	-1200 0%
41	kroyrunner89	6	8	-1435	43%	               	-1735 38%
42	ParkerPerry  	1	7	-2050	13%	               	-2050 13%
43	RapStar     	2	6	-2300	25%	0 1 0 -550	-2300 25%
44	Coldweather  	21	29	-5450	42%	1 1 0 -50	-5450 42%
Last edited:


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
MLB Thru 9/28
[color=Blue][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L28 Days[/u]<BR>
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ATLSLIM    	203	143	+15675	59%	               	-3100 50%
2	hcskip      	159	111	+4380	59%	               	               
3	KayJoy     	29	27	+2907	52%	               	-1000 0%
4	soonerdawg1	17	36	+2055	32%	0 2 0 -200	+1975 32%
5	HookEmHorns	231	197	+1438.57 54%	2 2 0 +50	+328 54%
6	Uscsilb24    	15	6	+1245	71%	               	               
7	bostonfanbarca	25	12	+1045	68%	               	               
8	boxcardrew 	8	3	+560	73%	               	+200 100%
9	crazy      	18	14	+470	56%	               	               
10	Coldweather	601	693	+414	46%	3 5 0 -1225	+1743 48%
11	oldmanTED  	109	90	+230	55%	               	+160 55%
12	2Smooth    	1	1	+36	50%	               	               
13	E Vincent   	10	10	+10	50%	               	               
14	Riv34       	6	7	-40	46%	               	               
15	6figure     	19	20	-115	49%	               	               
16	Bluetooth    	3	4	-130	43%	               	               
17	small units	15	13	-137	54%	               	               
18	seanm0520  	53	46	-180	54%	               	               
19	Slickwitdadick	28	33	-309	46%	               	               
20	nojuice9    	0	2	-315	0%	               	               
21	Jincka     	225	223	-376	50%	               	               
22	mplastered   	2	3	-444	40%	               	               
23	ATP       	7	9	-461	44%	               	               
24	Jstack34   	88	89	-616	50%	               	               
25	moocow     	20	31	-635	39%	               	-645 36%
26	JimmyJet   	4	11	-665	27%	               	               
27	Pimpy McPimp	96	114	-784.81	46%	               	-796.52 27%
28	ECC        	191	166	-885	54%	               	               
29	Willie99      	4	7	-1062	36%	               	-1062 36%
30	powerz     	69	85	-1409	45%	               	-46 46%
31	TheKids      	21	35	-1425	38%	               	               
32	ParkerPerry 	9	15	-1436	38%	               	               
33	bubba-sc   	56	65	-1531	46%	               	               
34	jpr24628   	103	84	-1606.83 55%	               	-5010 0%
35	sLim901    	26	27	-1710	49%	               	               
36	Betallsports	23	30	-2299	43%	               	               
37	globulous  	6	16	-2332	27%	               	               
38	Dubpoet    	7	11	-2371	39%	               	               
39	olenubbs   	73	93	-2627	44%	               	               
40	Sal santorre	9	19	-3536	32%	               	               
41	Black & Gold	57	73	-3610	44%	               	               
42	kaptain    	89	81	-4308.96 52%	               	               
43	METFAN      	434	492	-6032.30 47%	               	               
44	Michelangelo	108	137	-7825	44%	               	               
45	Say Hey Kid	440	488	-25503	47%	               	               


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
MLB Thru 9/29
[color=Blue][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L29 Days[/u]<BR>
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ATLSLIM    	203	143	+15675	59%	               	-3100 50%
2	hcskip      	159	111	+4380	59%	               	               
3	KayJoy     	29	27	+2907	52%	               	-1000 0%
4	soonerdawg1	18	37	+2225	33%	1 1 0 +170	+2145 33%
5	Uscsilb24    	15	6	+1245	71%	               	               
6	bostonfanbarca	25	12	+1045	68%	               	               
7	HookEmHorns	233	202	+1006.57 54%	2 5 0 -432	-104 50%
8	boxcardrew 	8	3	+560	73%	               	+200 100%
9	crazy      	18	14	+470	56%	               	               
10	oldmanTED  	110	91	+230	55%	1 1 0 +0	+160 54%
11	2Smooth    	1	1	+36	50%	               	               
12	E Vincent   	10	10	+10	50%	               	               
13	Riv34       	6	7	-40	46%	               	               
14	6figure     	19	20	-115	49%	               	               
15	Bluetooth    	3	4	-130	43%	               	               
16	small units	15	13	-137	54%	               	               
17	seanm0520  	53	46	-180	54%	               	               
18	Slickwitdadick	28	33	-309	46%	               	               
19	nojuice9    	0	2	-315	0%	               	               
20	Jincka     	225	223	-376	50%	               	               
21	mplastered   	2	3	-444	40%	               	               
22	ATP       	7	9	-461	44%	               	               
23	Jstack34   	88	89	-616	50%	               	               
24	moocow     	20	31	-635	39%	               	-645 36%
25	JimmyJet   	4	11	-665	27%	               	               
26	Pimpy McPimp	96	114	-784.81	46%	               	-796.52 27%
27	ECC        	191	166	-885	54%	               	               
28	Willie99      	4	7	-1062	36%	               	-1062 36%
29	powerz     	69	85	-1409	45%	               	-46 46%
30	TheKids      	21	35	-1425	38%	               	               
31	ParkerPerry 	9	15	-1436	38%	               	               
32	bubba-sc   	56	65	-1531	46%	               	               
33	jpr24628   	103	84	-1606.83 55%	               	-5010 0%
34	sLim901    	26	27	-1710	49%	               	               
35	Betallsports	23	30	-2299	43%	               	               
36	globulous  	6	16	-2332	27%	               	               
37	Dubpoet    	7	11	-2371	39%	               	               
38	olenubbs   	73	93	-2627	44%	               	               
39	Sal santorre	9	19	-3536	32%	               	               
40	Black & Gold	57	73	-3610	44%	               	               
41	kaptain    	89	81	-4308.96 52%	               	               
42	Coldweather	606	708	-4466	46%	5 15 0 -4880	-3137 47%
43	METFAN      	434	492	-6032.30 47%	               	               
44	Michelangelo	108	137	-7825	44%	               	               
45	Say Hey Kid	440	488	-25503	47%	               	               


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
MLB Thru 9/30
[color=Blue][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L30 Days[/u]<BR>
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ATLSLIM    	204	143	+16175	59%	1 0 0 +500	-2600 51%
2	hcskip      	159	111	+4380	59%	               	               
3	KayJoy     	29	27	+2907	52%	               	-1000 0%
4	soonerdawg1	18	37	+2225	33%	               	+2145 33%
5	Uscsilb24    	15	6	+1245	71%	               	               
6	HookEmHorns	241	209	+1146.57 54%	8 7 0 +140	+36 51%
7	bostonfanbarca	25	12	+1045	68%	               	               
8	boxcardrew 	8	3	+560	73%	               	+200 100%
9	crazy      	18	14	+470	56%	               	               
10	oldmanTED  	110	91	+230	55%	               	+160 54%
11	2Smooth    	1	1	+36	50%	               	               
12	E Vincent   	10	10	+10	50%	               	               
13	Riv34       	6	7	-40	46%	               	               
14	6figure     	19	20	-115	49%	               	               
15	Bluetooth    	3	4	-130	43%	               	               
16	small units	15	13	-137	54%	               	               
17	seanm0520  	53	46	-180	54%	               	               
18	Slickwitdadick	28	33	-309	46%	               	               
19	nojuice9    	0	2	-315	0%	               	               
20	Jincka     	225	223	-376	50%	               	               
21	mplastered   	2	3	-444	40%	               	               
22	ATP       	7	9	-461	44%	               	               
23	Jstack34   	88	89	-616	50%	               	               
24	moocow     	20	31	-635	39%	               	-645 36%
25	JimmyJet   	4	11	-665	27%	               	               
26	Willie99      	6	8	-752	43%	2 1 0 +310	-752 43%
27	Pimpy McPimp	96	114	-784.81	46%	               	-796.52 27%
28	ECC        	191	166	-885	54%	               	               
29	powerz     	69	85	-1409	45%	               	-46 46%
30	TheKids      	21	35	-1425	38%	               	               
31	ParkerPerry 	9	15	-1436	38%	               	               
32	bubba-sc   	56	65	-1531	46%	               	               
33	jpr24628   	103	84	-1606.83 55%	               	-5010 0%
34	sLim901    	26	27	-1710	49%	               	               
35	Betallsports	23	30	-2299	43%	               	               
36	globulous  	6	16	-2332	27%	               	               
37	Dubpoet    	7	11	-2371	39%	               	               
38	olenubbs   	73	93	-2627	44%	               	               
39	Sal santorre	9	19	-3536	32%	               	               
40	Black & Gold	57	73	-3610	44%	               	               
41	Coldweather	614	716	-4041	46%	8 8 0 +425	-2712 47%
42	kaptain    	89	81	-4308.96 52%	               	               
43	METFAN      	434	492	-6032.30 47%	               	               
44	Michelangelo	108	137	-7825	44%	               	               
45	Say Hey Kid	440	488	-25503	47%	               	               

NCAAF Thru 9/30
[color=brown][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L30 Days[/u]<BR>
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	Heatwave     	28	22	+2585	56%	               	+2585 56%
2	ParkerPerry   	24	14	+2450	63%	               	+2450 63%
3	outhouse tim  	24	13	+2100	65%	               	+2100 65%
4	seanm0520   	20	16	+830	56%	0 0 1 +0	+830 56%
5	mclosin     	20	13	+580	61%	0 0 1 +0	+580 61%
6	ATLSLIM     	2	1	+400	67%	0 0 1 +0	+400 67%
6	ATP          	15	10	+400	60%	0 0 1 +0	+400 60%
8	jonnyangel   	9	7	+320	56%	0 0 1 +0	+320 56%
9	6figure     	6	4	+180	60%	               	+180 60%
10	azn2050     	21	21	+155	50%	0 2 0 -220	+155 50%
11	Willie99     	9	9	+145	50%	0 1 0 -300	+145 50%
12	sports freak	7	8	+110	47%	               	+110 47%
13	Italianole   	4	3	+83.81	57%	               	+83.81 57%
14	Jincka         	12	11	+80	52%	0 1 0 -110	+80 52%
15	oldmanTED   	14	13	+15	52%	1 0 0 +300	+15 52%
16	ensign_lee   	0	1	-112	0%	               	-112 0%
17	hiLIFE       	1	2	-129	33%	               	-129 33%
18	bostonfanbarca	3	4	-140	43%	               	-140 43%
18	HookEmHorns  	5	5	-140	50%	1 0 0 +100	-140 50%
20	Jstack34     	4	5	-280	44%	               	-280 44%
20	Konun8     	5	8	-280	38%	               	-280 38%
22	droculus    	10	10	-310	50%	1 0 0 +300	-310 50%
23	boxcardrew   	1	4	-320	20%	               	-320 20%
24	bubba-sc	14	16	-380	47%	               	-380 47%
25	RapStar     	10	10	-480	50%	1 0 0 +500	-480 50%
26	CapNCash    	0	1	-550	0%	               	-550 0%
27	Lakershomer  	14	19	-624	42%	               	-624 42%
28	tommyjohn44   	7	9	-710	44%	               	-710 44%
29	daboyzinblue  	2	6	-745	25%	               	-745 25%
30	shibbets    	5	10	-784	33%	               	-784 33%
31	bamafan2112   	4	11	-810	27%	               	-810 27%
32	METFAN     	18	22	-896.74	45%	               	-896.74 45%
33	155mph      	8	10	-950	44%	               	-950 44%
34	powerz      	6	12	-1076	33%	               	-1076 33%
35	moocow     	5	16	-1485	24%	               	-1485 24%
36	Coldweather    	36	41	-1660	47%	1 0 1 +500	-1660 47%
37	imokbutmybetsck	9	15	-1683	38%	               	-1683 38%
38	Sal santorre   	35	41	-2390	46%	1 0 0 +200	-2390 46%
39	WinOne      	5	12	-3220	29%	               	-3220 29%
Last edited:


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
MLB Thru 10/1
[color=Blue][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L1 Days[/u]<BR>
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ATLSLIM    	204	143	+16175	59%	               	               
2	hcskip      	159	111	+4380	59%	               	               
3	KayJoy     	29	27	+2907	52%	               	               
4	soonerdawg1	18	37	+2225	33%	               	               
5	Uscsilb24    	15	6	+1245	71%	               	               
6	bostonfanbarca	25	12	+1045	68%	               	               
7	boxcardrew 	8	3	+560	73%	               	               
8	crazy      	18	14	+470	56%	               	               
9	oldmanTED  	110	92	+130	54%	0 1 0 -100	-100 0%
10	2Smooth    	1	1	+36	50%	               	               
11	E Vincent   	10	10	+10	50%	               	               
12	Riv34       	6	7	-40	46%	               	               
13	6figure     	19	20	-115	49%	               	               
14	Bluetooth    	3	4	-130	43%	               	               
15	small units	15	13	-137	54%	               	               
16	seanm0520  	53	46	-180	54%	               	               
17	Slickwitdadick	28	33	-309	46%	               	               
18	nojuice9    	0	2	-315	0%	               	               
19	Jincka     	225	223	-376	50%	               	               
20	mplastered   	2	3	-444	40%	               	               
21	ATP       	7	9	-461	44%	               	               
22	Jstack34   	88	89	-616	50%	               	               
23	moocow     	20	31	-635	39%	               	               
24	JimmyJet   	4	11	-665	27%	               	               
25	Willie99      	6	8	-752	43%
26	HookEmHorns	242	215	-783.43	53%	1 6 0 -1930	-1930 14%
27	Pimpy McPimp	96	114	-784.81	46%	               	               
28	ECC        	191	166	-885	54%	               	               
29	powerz     	69	85	-1409	45%	               	               
30	TheKids      	21	35	-1425	38%	               	               
31	ParkerPerry 	9	15	-1436	38%	               	               
32	bubba-sc   	56	65	-1531	46%	               	               
33	jpr24628   	103	84	-1606.83 55%	               	               
34	sLim901    	26	27	-1710	49%	               	               
35	Betallsports	23	30	-2299	43%	               	               
36	globulous  	6	16	-2332	27%	               	               
37	Dubpoet    	7	11	-2371	39%	               	               
38	olenubbs   	73	93	-2627	44%	               	               
39	Coldweather	621	722	-3371	46%	7 6 0 +670	+670 54%
40	Sal santorre	9	19	-3536	32%	               	               
41	Black & Gold	57	73	-3610	44%	               	               
42	kaptain    	89	81	-4308.96 52%	               	               
43	METFAN      	434	492	-6032.30 47%	               	               
44	Michelangelo	108	137	-7825	44%	               	               
45	Say Hey Kid	440	488	-25503	47%	               	               

Global Sports Thru 10/1
[color=Gray][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L1 Days[/u]<BR>
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	bostonfanbarca	47	30	+1712.57 61%	0 1 0 -100	-100 0%
2	Lakershomer  	94	85	+987	53%	               	               
3	Rooney    	208	179	-306	54%	               	               

NCAAF Thru 10/1
[color=brown][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L1 Days[/u]<BR>
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	Heatwave     	28	22	+2585	56%	               	               
2	ParkerPerry   	24	14	+2450	63%	               	               
3	outhouse tim  	24	13	+2100	65%	               	               
4	seanm0520   	20	16	+830	56%	               	               
5	mclosin     	21	13	+680	62%	1 0 0 +100	+100 100%
6	ATP          	16	10	+500	62%	1 0 0 +100	+100 100%
7	ATLSLIM     	2	1	+400	67%	               	               
8	jonnyangel   	9	7	+320	56%	               	               
9	sports freak	8	8	+310	50%	1 0 0 +200	+200 100%
10	6figure     	6	4	+180	60%	               	               
11	Willie99     	9	9	+145	50%	               	               
12	Italianole   	4	3	+83.81	57%	               	               
13	Jincka         	12	11	+80	52%	               	               
14	azn2050     	21	22	-65	49%	0 1 0 -220	-220 0%
15	ensign_lee   	0	1	-112	0%	               	               
16	hiLIFE       	1	2	-129	33%	               	               
17	HookEmHorns  	5	5	-140	50%	               	               
18	Jstack34     	4	5	-280	44%	               	               
18	Konun8     	5	8	-280	38%	               	               
20	oldmanTED   	14	14	-300	50%	0 1 0 -315	-315 0%
21	droculus    	10	10	-310	50%	               	               
22	boxcardrew   	1	4	-320	20%	               	               
23	bubba-sc	14	16	-380	47%	               	               
24	bostonfanbarca	3	5	-470	38%	0 1 0 -330	-330 0%
25	RapStar     	10	10	-480	50%	               	               
26	CapNCash    	0	1	-550	0%	               	               
27	Lakershomer  	14	19	-624	42%	               	               
28	tommyjohn44   	7	9	-710	44%	               	               
29	daboyzinblue  	2	6	-745	25%	               	               
30	shibbets    	5	10	-784	33%	               	               
31	bamafan2112   	4	11	-810	27%	               	               
32	METFAN     	18	22	-896.74	45%	               	               
33	155mph      	8	10	-950	44%	               	               
34	powerz      	6	12	-1076	33%	               	               
35	moocow     	5	16	-1485	24%	               	               
36	imokbutmybetsck	9	15	-1683	38%	               	               
37	Coldweather    	37	42	-1710	47%	1 1 0 -50	-50 50%
38	Sal santorre   	35	42	-2830	45%	0 1 0 -440	-440 0%
39	WinOne      	5	12	-3220	29%	               	               
Last edited:


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
MLB Thru 10/2
[color=Blue][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L2 Days[/u]<BR>
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ATLSLIM    	204	144	+15675	59%	0 1 0 -500	-500 0%
2	hcskip      	159	111	+4380	59%	               	               
3	KayJoy     	29	27	+2907	52%	               	               
4	soonerdawg1	18	37	+2225	33%	               	               
5	Uscsilb24    	15	6	+1245	71%	               	               
6	bostonfanbarca	25	12	+1045	68%	               	               
7	boxcardrew 	8	3	+560	73%	               	               
8	crazy      	18	14	+470	56%	               	               
9	oldmanTED  	110	92	+130	54%	               	-100 0%
10	2Smooth    	1	1	+36	50%	               	               
11	E Vincent   	10	10	+10	50%	               	               
12	Riv34       	6	7	-40	46%	               	               
13	6figure     	19	20	-115	49%	               	               
14	Bluetooth    	3	4	-130	43%	               	               
15	small units	15	13	-137	54%	               	               
16	seanm0520  	53	46	-180	54%	               	               
17	Slickwitdadick	28	33	-309	46%	               	               
18	nojuice9    	0	2	-315	0%	               	               
19	Jincka     	225	223	-376	50%	               	               
20	mplastered   	2	3	-444	40%	               	               
21	ATP       	7	9	-461	44%	               	               
22	Jstack34   	88	89	-616	50%	               	               
23	moocow     	20	31	-635	39%	               	               
24	JimmyJet   	4	11	-665	27%	               	               
25	Willie99      	6	8	-752	43%
26	Pimpy McPimp	96	114	-784.81	46%	               	               
27	ECC        	191	166	-885	54%	               	               
28	HookEmHorns	245	218	-1283.43 53%	3 3 0 -500	-2430 31%
29	powerz     	69	85	-1409	45%	               	               
30	TheKids      	21	35	-1425	38%	               	               
31	ParkerPerry 	9	15	-1436	38%	               	               
32	bubba-sc   	56	65	-1531	46%	               	               
33	jpr24628   	103	84	-1606.83 55%	               	               
34	sLim901    	26	27	-1710	49%	               	               
35	Betallsports	23	30	-2299	43%	               	               
36	globulous  	6	16	-2332	27%	               	               
37	Dubpoet    	7	11	-2371	39%	               	               
38	olenubbs   	73	93	-2627	44%	               	               
39	Sal santorre	9	19	-3536	32%	               	               
40	Black & Gold	57	73	-3610	44%	               	               
41	Coldweather	627	731	-4236	46%	6 9 1 -865	-195 46%
42	kaptain    	89	81	-4308.96 52%	               	               
43	METFAN      	434	492	-6032.30 47%	               	               
44	Michelangelo	108	137	-7825	44%	               	               
45	Say Hey Kid	440	488	-25503	47%	               	               

Global Sports Thru 10/2
[color=Gray][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L2 Days[/u]<BR>
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	Lakershomer  	98	86	+1713	53%	4 1 0 +726	+726 80%
2	bostonfanbarca	47	30	+1712.57 61%	               	-100 0%
3	Rooney    	208	179	-306	54%	               	               

NCAAF Thru 10/2
[color=brown][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L2 Days[/u]<BR>
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ParkerPerry   	25	16	+2320	61%	1 2 0 -130	-130 33%
2	outhouse tim  	24	13	+2100	65%	               	               
3	Willie99     	13	11	+1085	54%	4 2 0 +940	+940 67%
4	155mph      	14	11	+1005	56%	6 1 0 +1955	+1955 86%
5	Heatwave     	34	37	+655	48%	6 15 0 -1930	-1930 29%
6	mclosin     	24	16	+650	60%	3 3 0 -30	+70 57%
7	jonnyangel   	12	10	+460	55%	3 3 0 +140	+140 50%
8	Lakershomer  	20	21	+456	49%	6 2 0 +1080	+1080 75%
9	azn2050     	25	25	+440	50%	4 3 0 +505	+285 50%
10	ATP          	17	12	+380	59%	1 2 0 -120	-20 50%
11	seanm0520   	23	22	+240	51%	3 6 0 -590	-590 33%
12	6figure     	6	4	+180	60%	               	               
13	Ezdoesit    	2	1	+90	67%	2 1 1 +90	+90 67%
14	Italianole   	4	3	+83.81	57%	               	               
15	Jincka         	14	14	-50	50%	2 3 0 -130	-130 40%
16	ensign_lee   	0	1	-112	0%	               	               
17	hiLIFE       	1	2	-129	33%	               	               
18	ATLSLIM     	3	3	-200	50%	1 2 0 -600	-600 33%
18	droculus    	13	13	-200	50%	3 3 0 +110	+110 50%
20	imokbutmybetsck	14	16	-203	47%	5 1 0 +1480	+1480 83%
21	Jstack34     	4	5	-280	44%	               	               
21	Konun8     	5	8	-280	38%	               	               
23	boxcardrew   	1	4	-320	20%	               	               
23	RapStar     	13	14	-320	48%	3 4 0 +160	+160 43%
25	sports freak	14	16	-380	47%	6 8 0 -690	-490 47%
26	bostonfanbarca	3	5	-470	38%	               	-330 0%
27	CapNCash    	0	1	-550	0%	               	               
28	HookEmHorns  	7	9	-620	44%	2 4 0 -480	-480 33%
29	tommyjohn44   	7	9	-710	44%	               	               
30	daboyzinblue  	2	6	-745	25%	               	               
31	bubba-sc	18	21	-750	46%	4 5 0 -370	-370 44%
32	shibbets    	5	10	-784	33%	               	               
33	bamafan2112   	4	11	-810	27%	               	               
34	Coldweather    	42	45	-860	48%	5 3 0 +850	+800 60%
35	METFAN     	18	22	-896.74	45%	               	               
36	powerz      	6	12	-1076	33%	               	               
37	moocow     	5	16	-1485	24%	               	               
38	oldmanTED   	16	20	-1665	44%	2 6 0 -1365	-1680 22%
39	Sal santorre   	39	50	-3530	44%	4 8 0 -700	-1140 31%
40	WinOne      	8	17	-3880	32%	3 5 0 -660	-660 38%
Last edited:


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
MLB Thru 10/3
[color=Blue][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L3 Days[/u]<BR>
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ATLSLIM    	207	145	+16725	59%	3 1 0 +1050	+550 60%
2	hcskip      	159	111	+4380	59%	               	               
3	KayJoy     	29	27	+2907	52%	               	               
4	soonerdawg1	18	37	+2225	33%	               	               
5	Uscsilb24    	15	6	+1245	71%	               	               
6	bostonfanbarca	25	12	+1045	68%	               	               
7	boxcardrew 	8	3	+560	73%	               	               
8	crazy      	18	14	+470	56%	               	               
9	oldmanTED  	110	92	+130	54%	               	-100 0%
10	2Smooth    	1	1	+36	50%	               	               
11	E Vincent   	10	10	+10	50%	               	               
12	Riv34       	6	7	-40	46%	               	               
13	6figure     	19	20	-115	49%	               	               
14	Bluetooth    	3	4	-130	43%	               	               
15	small units	15	13	-137	54%	               	               
16	seanm0520  	53	46	-180	54%	               	               
17	Slickwitdadick	28	33	-309	46%	               	               
18	nojuice9    	0	2	-315	0%	               	               
19	Jincka     	225	223	-376	50%	               	               
20	mplastered   	2	3	-444	40%	               	               
21	ATP       	7	9	-461	44%	               	               
22	Jstack34   	88	89	-616	50%	               	               
23	moocow     	20	31	-635	39%	               	               
24	JimmyJet   	4	11	-665	27%	               	               
25	Willie99      	6	8	-752	43%
26	Pimpy McPimp	96	114	-784.81	46%	               	               
27	ECC        	191	166	-885	54%	               	               
28	HookEmHorns	245	218	-1283.43 53%	               	-2430 31%
29	powerz     	69	85	-1409	45%	               	               
30	TheKids      	21	35	-1425	38%	               	               
31	ParkerPerry 	9	15	-1436	38%	               	               
32	bubba-sc   	56	65	-1531	46%	               	               
33	jpr24628   	103	84	-1606.83 55%	               	               
34	sLim901    	26	27	-1710	49%	               	               
35	Betallsports	23	30	-2299	43%	               	               
36	globulous  	6	16	-2332	27%	               	               
37	Dubpoet    	7	11	-2371	39%	               	               
38	olenubbs   	73	93	-2627	44%	               	               
39	Sal santorre	9	19	-3536	32%	               	               
40	Black & Gold	57	73	-3610	44%	               	               
41	kaptain    	89	81	-4308.96 52%	               	               
42	Coldweather	631	737	-4751	46%	4 6 1 -515	-710 45%
43	METFAN      	434	492	-6032.30 47%	               	               
44	Michelangelo	108	137	-7825	44%	               	               
45	Say Hey Kid	440	488	-25503	47%	               	               

Global Sports Thru 10/3
[color=Gray][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L3 Days[/u]<BR>
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	bostonfanbarca	47	30	+1712.57 61%	               	-100 0%
2	Rooney    	208	179	-306	54%	               	               
3	Lakershomer  	101	91	-3964	53%	3 5 0 -5677	-4951 54%

NFL Thru 10/3
[color=black][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L3 Days[/u]<BR>
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	Profit01    	17	7	+2841.29 71%	4 2 0 +941.04	+941.04 67%
2	DJax24      	17	6	+2395	74%	3 1 0 +570	+570 75%
3	jpr24628     	14	9	+1975	61%	5 1 0 +2000	+2000 83%
4	jonnyangel    	10	4	+1440	71%	2 2 0 +0	+0 50%
5	Mr_Mark     	15	11	+1100	58%	3 2 0 +50	+50 60%
6	outhouse tim  	4	0	+1000	100%	               	               
7	jimmyshivers	17	12	+955	59%	3 2 0 +230	+230 60%
8	imokbutmybetsck	11	8	+880	58%	4 2 0 +1060	+1060 67%
9	powerz       	14	6	+740	70%	5 0 0 +500	+500 100%
10	155mph      	5	3	+670	63%	1 0 0 +200	+200 100%
11	Jincka       	11	6	+630	65%	3 0 0 +300	+300 100%
12	ThSportScientst	15	8	+612	65%	2 2 0 -105	-105 50%
13	NumberZ      	11	6	+600	65%	6 2 0 +515	+515 75%
14	Ezdoesit     	2	1	+590	67%	1 1 0 +90	+90 50%
15	shdw01      	12	12	+582	50%	2 3 0 -458	-458 40%
16	droculus   	7	5	+545	58%	0 2 0 -660	-660 0%
17	Heatwave    	18	16	+350	53%	3 4 0 -440	-440 43%
18	ProPokerPlayer	4	2	+190	67%	               	               
19	dice711      	1	1	-10	50%	               	               
19	HookEmHorns	1	1	-10	50%	               	               
21	Jstack34    	6	7	-50	46%	1 1 0 -100	-100 50%
22	Kegler       	2	3	-80	40%	               	               
23	Uno          	0	1	-120	0%	               	               
24	bubba-sc     	12	12	-145	50%	1 4 0 -340	-340 20%
25	shibbets    	7	8	-156	47%	               	               
26	Sal santorre	16	15	-160	52%	               	               
27	hiLIFE       	0	2	-214	0%	               	               
28	roundrobin11	10	11	-216	48%	2 3 0 -217	-217 40%
29	ATP         	8	11	-420	42%	2 2 0 -20	-20 50%
30	METFAN      	10	12	-520	45%	               	               
31	azn2050      	1	4	-670	20%	               	               
32	ensign_lee   	10	21	-721.91	32%	               	               
33	seanm0520   	14	13	-780	52%	4 4 0 -170	-170 50%
34	Lakershomer 	22	25	-800	47%	6 6 0 +175	+175 50%
35	Willie99     	15	15	-931	50%	5 4 0 -55	-55 56%
36	kroyrunner89	8	9	-1005	47%	2 1 0 +430	+430 67%
37	moocow       	4	9	-1040	31%	               	               
38	halekulani  	7	16	-1060	30%	1 4 0 -340	-340 20%
39	KayJoy      	7	10	-1175	41%	2 2 0 -5	-5 50%
40	ATLSLIM      	0	2	-1200	0%	               	               
41	oldmanTED   	2	6	-1507	25%	0 2 0 -639	-639 0%
42	ParkerPerry  	1	7	-2050	13%	               	               
43	RapStar     	3	8	-2420	27%	1 2 0 -120	-120 33%
44	Coldweather  	30	38	-5900	44%	9 9 0 -450	-450 50%
Last edited:


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
NFL Thru 10/4
[color=black][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L4 Days[/u]<BR>
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	jpr24628     	16	9	+2975	64%	2 0 0 +1000	+3000 88%
2	Profit01    	17	7	+2841.29 71%	               	+941.04 67%
3	DJax24      	17	6	+2395	74%	               	+570 75%
4	Mr_Mark     	16	11	+1300	59%	1 0 0 +200	+250 67%
5	jimmyshivers	18	12	+1255	60%	1 0 0 +300	+530 67%
6	jonnyangel    	10	5	+1110	67%	0 1 0 -330	-330 40%
7	outhouse tim  	4	0	+1000	100%	               	               
8	imokbutmybetsck	11	8	+880	58%	               	+1060 67%
9	Jincka       	12	6	+830	67%	1 0 0 +200	+500 100%
10	Ezdoesit     	4	1	+790	80%	2 0 0 +200	+290 75%
11	powerz       	14	6	+740	70%	               	+500 100%
12	155mph      	5	3	+670	63%	               	+200 100%
13	ThSportScientst	15	8	+612	65%	               	-105 50%
14	NumberZ      	11	6	+600	65%	               	+515 75%
15	shdw01      	13	13	+446	50%	1 1 0 -136	-594 43%
16	HookEmHorns	3	2	+400	60%	2 1 0 +410	+410 67%
17	ProPokerPlayer	4	2	+190	67%	               	               
18	Heatwave    	18	17	+150	51%	0 1 0 -200	-640 38%
19	dice711      	1	1	-10	50%	               	               
20	bubba-sc     	13	12	-45	52%	1 0 0 +100	-240 33%
21	Jstack34    	6	7	-50	46%	               	-100 50%
22	Kegler       	2	3	-80	40%	               	               
23	droculus   	7	7	-115	50%	0 2 0 -660	-1320 0%
24	Uno          	0	1	-120	0%	               	               
25	shibbets    	7	8	-156	47%	               	               
26	Sal santorre	16	15	-160	52%	               	               
27	hiLIFE       	0	2	-214	0%	               	               
28	roundrobin11	10	11	-216	48%	               	-217 40%
29	Lakershomer 	23	25	-500	48%	1 0 0 +300	+475 54%
30	METFAN      	10	12	-520	45%	               	               
31	ATP         	8	12	-530	40%	0 1 0 -110	-130 40%
32	Willie99     	16	15	-631	52%	1 0 0 +300	+245 60%
33	azn2050      	1	4	-670	20%	               	               
34	ensign_lee   	10	21	-721.91	32%	               	               
35	seanm0520   	14	14	-1000	50%	0 1 0 -220	-390 44%
36	kroyrunner89	8	9	-1005	47%	               	+430 67%
37	moocow       	4	9	-1040	31%	               	               
38	halekulani  	7	16	-1060	30%	               	-340 20%
39	ATLSLIM      	0	2	-1200	0%	               	               
40	oldmanTED   	2	6	-1507	25%	               	-639 0%
41	KayJoy      	7	11	-1690	39%	0 1 0 -515	-520 40%
42	ParkerPerry  	1	7	-2050	13%	               	               
43	RapStar     	3	8	-2420	27%	               	-120 33%
44	Coldweather  	32	38	-4900	46%	2 0 0 +1000	+550 55%


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
NCAAF Thru 10/5
[color=brown][b]	           		[u]Overall[/u]			[u]Last Night[/u]	[u]L5 Days[/u]<BR>
Rank	Capper   	W	L 	Total	Win%	W L P TOTAL	TOTAL W%
1	ParkerPerry   	25	16	+2320	61%	               	-130 33%
2	outhouse tim  	24	13	+2100	65%	               	               
3	155mph      	15	11	+1405	58%	1 0 0 +400	+2355 88%
4	Willie99     	13	11	+1085	54%	               	+940 67%
5	Heatwave     	34	38	+545	47%	0 1 0 -110	-2040 27%
6	mclosin     	24	17	+530	59%	0 1 0 -120	-50 50%
7	jonnyangel   	12	10	+460	55%	               	+140 50%
8	Lakershomer  	20	21	+456	49%	               	+1080 75%
9	azn2050     	25	25	+440	50%	               	+285 50%
10	ATLSLIM     	4	3	+300	57%	1 0 0 +500	-100 50%
11	ATP          	17	13	+270	57%	0 1 0 -110	-130 40%
12	seanm0520   	23	22	+240	51%	               	-590 33%
13	6figure     	6	4	+180	60%	               	               
14	Ezdoesit    	2	1	+90	67%	               	+90 67%
15	Italianole   	4	3	+83.81	57%	               	               
16	sports freak	15	16	+20	48%	1 0 0 +400	-90 50%
17	Jincka         	14	14	-50	50%	               	-130 40%
18	ensign_lee   	0	1	-112	0%	               	               
19	hiLIFE       	1	2	-129	33%	               	               
20	droculus    	13	13	-200	50%	               	+110 50%
21	imokbutmybetsck	14	16	-203	47%	               	+1480 83%
22	Jstack34     	4	5	-280	44%	               	               
22	Konun8     	5	8	-280	38%	               	               
24	boxcardrew   	1	4	-320	20%	               	               
24	RapStar     	13	14	-320	48%	               	+160 43%
26	bostonfanbarca	3	5	-470	38%	               	-330 0%
27	CapNCash    	0	1	-550	0%	               	               
28	tommyjohn44   	7	9	-710	44%	               	               
29	daboyzinblue  	2	6	-745	25%	               	               
30	bubba-sc	18	21	-750	46%	               	-370 44%
31	shibbets    	5	10	-784	33%	               	               
32	bamafan2112   	4	11	-810	27%	               	               
33	METFAN     	18	22	-896.74	45%	               	               
34	Coldweather    	43	46	-910	48%	1 1 0 -50	+750 58%
35	powerz      	6	12	-1076	33%	               	               
36	HookEmHorns  	7	10	-1170	41%	0 1 0 -550	-1030 29%
37	moocow     	5	16	-1485	24%	               	               
38	oldmanTED   	16	20	-1665	44%	               	-1680 22%
39	Sal santorre   	39	50	-3530	44%	               	-1140 31%
40	WinOne      	8	17	-3880	32%	               	-660 38%

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