Toronto Shooting

Sep 21, 2004
And where do you get these assumptions and numbers from? It's all false. Especially when it's mostly Muslims dying from these terrorists attacks. You make no sense and you're not informed.

Most Muslims don't condone these actions.

When are you going to apologize for all your Jaguara scams you perpetrated in here?
Sep 21, 2004
The difference is one of Christianity's most important teachings is to love your neighbor as you would love yourself. People who've committed school shootings in the United States aren't doing it in the name of religion, they're doing it because they're evil and they wanted to.

One of the main teachings of Islam is to kill all non-believers. Most Muslims don't act on this but it doesn't change the fact that it is one of their teachings. Why were the guys yelling Allah Akbar as they were crashing the planes on 911? They actually teach if you die like this you'll get 72 virgins in heaven. So one religion teaches you should love your neighbor as yourself and the other teaches to kill all people who don't think like a Muslim. I'm not sure why this is so hard for you to understand.

Spot on.


Sep 21, 2004
damn it man no need to fight about religion in every thread :ohno:

go back and bump the original thread sure one you guys has them all bookmarked face)(*^%

Sep 21, 2004
Whites shouldn't be shooting up innocent kids in schools. Whites should not be shooting up busy tourists areas in America like Vegas. Terrorists (not Muslims) should not be chopping up heads of ANY males or females. They chop heads off Muslims too you clown.

Talk like a man. You act is annoying and tired. Lol. Speak English. Be a man.

I talk good and know a bunch of stuff. With all due respect, you sound like a racist and you sound like you do not like America. I may be wrong, but you sound like those things to my. I love America! cheersgifcheersgifcheersgif

Jul 14, 2007
Well again, when more whites are shooting up American schools and places like Vegas, when more whites are committing terrorism inside the U.S then nobody has a leg to stand on when trying to argue against Muslims who are mostly and overwhelmingly good people.

America has done this in the past but it's surprising some are so ignorant even in 2018.

How many of you have Italian ancestors? Remember when they wanted to keep Italians out because apparently they are all violent gangsters? The Japanese during the war? We all know about the blacks and how they were treated. Now it's the Muslims that are the enemy while whites are shooting up America lol

That logic about why risk a few bad apples even if they are all mostly good is flawed because you get that with every group or race. I'm STILL more scared of white people in America with a gun especially high powered ones. When I'm out and about in busy areas if I see a Muslim and a white dude, I would be equally scared of them pulling out a gun and shooting everybody. Because I'm a numbers guy.

But then I don't live my life like that. I don't wear tin foil hats.

Festeringzit you're a backwards bible thumping hypocritical bad christian old coot and a clown. I'm not going to go at it with you because you are so far gone it's a waste. Lol. Whites shooting up schools and Vegas and America and this guy talking about Muslims being violent. Dude Muslims are some of the most quiet well behaved and ambitious, hard working Citizens in America. Do you know they among the most successful groups after Indians and the Chinese? I'm talking about accumulating first generation wealth when coming to America. Get out of your hole and explore America.

People like you just like to divide and spread hate. Whether it's blacks or Mexicans (and don't kid me, it's not just the illegals I've read the comments on here) or Muslims backwards people on this site just like to spread hate and divide. Yet when a white dude does something horrific then it's not about race anymore. They get a pass.

Hypocrites and evil clowns.

I'm done.

I've been avoiding the politics/cesspool of morons that pretend they know politics for this very reason. It's going in a circle arguing with these right wing extremists. Let's try to leave this junk out of the offshore at least. Lol.

See ya.

Seems like there is some faulty logic in there, but you are a numbers guy so maybe not....
May 3, 2018
Seems like there is some faulty logic in there, but you are a numbers guy so maybe not....

Man I'm on the go. I typed it out fast and I maintain my stance. I think everybody sees where I stand against the hypocrisy of the posters on this site. I'm done with this thread.

It was a terrible thing that happened. I hope the victim's families heal best they can. Pathetic that every tragedy that occurs we all have to use it as a tool in our agenda.

I'm out. Have a good day man.

Active member
Jun 18, 2007


Sep 21, 2012
I had somebody close to me die in 911. Why do you have to worry about people in here being close to victims of 911? It's a forum. It's the internet. Say what you want. Everybody else does without a filter. Nobody on here is that considerate so why should you be man?

nothing good comes of a religious debate and nobody ever changes their mind. i shoulda stayed out from the beginning but got involved when i saw the video and researched the guy in it. not here to piss people off or change peoples minds on anything except for a sports related topic. plus this type of shit only further contributes to the clutter in the forum....debating and arguing are different. these turn into name calling threads more often than factual debate.
Sep 21, 2004
nothing good comes of a religious debate and nobody ever changes their mind. i shoulda stayed out from the beginning but got involved when i saw the video and researched the guy in it. not here to piss people off or change peoples minds on anything except for a sports related topic. plus this type of shit only further contributes to the clutter in the forum....debating and arguing are different. these turn into name calling threads more often than factual debate.

David Wood when he was in high school was in a bad place, and yes tried to kill his father 25 years ago. He has since totally turned his life around, got a Ph.D. from Fordham, and has been happily married
for many years, and has 5 kids.

Using your faulty logic, one could never learn anything from anyone who did something bad in their youth? Einstein flunked the entrance exam to Zurich Polytechnic when he applied, therefore
how could anyone listen to anything he had to say in the areas of math and science? Sigh.

People are so uneducated and ignorant nowadays, they can't carry on intelligence discourse without faulty logic and logical fallacies. Instead of throwing out ad hominems, here's a thought,
how about actually engaging in the content of what David Wood says? He happens to be absolutely brilliant, and is considered a scholar in the field of Islam. I know him personally,
and have found him to be very engaging, and extremely knowledgeable.

Sep 21, 2012
one failed an exam, the other tried to kill someone. there is faulty logic in comparing those two.

my point is simply stating to road2perdition that nobody is gonna change their mind here so i wont continue to post insults or offend anyone.
Sep 21, 2004
one failed an exam, the other tried to kill someone. there is faulty logic in comparing those two.

my point is simply stating to road2perdition that nobody is gonna change their mind here so i wont continue to post insults or offend anyone.

There is no faulty logic in saying that an adhominem is a logical fallacy, which is exactly what you are doing in attacking the messenger, and
not dealing with the content of the message.

Sep 21, 2012
There is no faulty logic in saying that an adhominem is a logical fallacy, which is exactly what you are doing in attacking the messenger, and
not dealing with the content of the message.

im not of either religious side here. i live my life off the people i meet and encounter, and i have spent enough time in Muslim countries to have a solid opinion of the people of Islam. dont you immediately discredit Hillary the second she starts talking because of her background?

ill watch more videos of him tonight, how about that? ill give him his chance

Jun 12, 2008
Copying and pasting bias articles and tin foil hat videos doesn't make you intelligent. That's the problem with the internet age. Everybody thinks they are intelligent because they can google things. Nothing replaces good old fashioned education. You are ignorant and not very well educated. You can copy and paste all the crap you want it doesn't make a difference.

I can post 2 videos and articles refuting everything you say. It's the internet. Bias videos and articles everywhere.

It's not moderate Muslims. It's just Muslims. The terrorists are extremists not Muslims.

Are you a moderate christian? Are you even christian since you aren't very tolerant and don't follow the bible to a tee?

Dude you don't even seem to know your own bible don't even begin to understand and comprehend the message of the Koran. You can translate and distort any thing from any holy book. These things were written so long ago and in savage times. Both the bible and koran are violent. You can't pick and choose old man.

The islamic religion was based on a pedophile and christianity was based on a 2 bit magician wannabe named jesus that fucked a hooker named mary and some other nonsense. Both religions are a joke. All religions are. Christians and Muslims have both committed violent savage atrocities throughout time. This country was founded by christians that did unspeakable things to the natives of this country.

Let's talk about present times in the U.S. What do you have to say about more white Americans committing terrorist acts than Muslims? You want me to list all the doctors and other law abiding and productive citizens that are Muslim in the U.S? Want me to list off all the good work they are involved in inside the U.S?

What do you really even know about the Muslims in America?

You're ignorant and you're a moron and a dying breed.

I'm not going to waste my time with a dying breed, ignorant, hate filled hypocritical bad christian like you.

For the record I think all religions are a sham. How many innocent kids have been raped and abused in the name of christianity? Give me a break.

Yeah mohamed was a pedophile way back then but let's talk about today how many priests and pastors are raping and abusing kids. Nevermind the cases that go unreported.

All the shootings in the schools but awkward angry pasty white boys and the whole Vegas incident and so on yet you rant on and on like a lunatic about Muslims who quietly go about their business in the U.S Lol. Ok.

Any details yet on what happened? I googled it. No much information yet.

What a loser.
Sep 21, 2004
im not of either religious side here. i live my life off the people i meet and encounter, and i have spent enough time in Muslim countries to have a solid opinion of the people of Islam. dont you immediately discredit Hillary the second she starts talking because of her background?

ill watch more videos of him tonight, how about that? ill give him his chance

Cool... let me know what you think!

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
Toronto[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]Shooter[FONT=&quot] Supported ISIS.


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