
Post Review
Dec 21, 2001
I post over at Peeps in the TFZ ( you know the place you got kicked out of for being a fraud). you can find my plays there if you'd like. 90% are fading you.
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by IDENTITY:
you guys are pathetic to bash co-capt when he is down. where were you when he was crushing the man in college hoops and football?

pretty sad that you bash a fellow gambler. thats as low as it gets.



posted May 16, 2004 02:07 PM
lol co=capt - whats ur record to date? in college hoops and mlb? thanks.
Posts: 6449 | Registered: July 22, 2001


posted May 16, 2004 02:17 PM
LOL...Bitch....whats yours?...You show me yours I will show you mines....Thanks
Posts: 7103 | From: HAWAII | Registered: January 12, 2003

posted May 16, 2004 02:47 PM
i dont purport to keep one. all i care about is the money in my account. sorry chalky...
Posts: 6449 | Registered: July 22, 2001


posted May 16, 2004 03:33 PM
Hey good for you, and the same here.....Ok, so now that we know you dont keep a record of your own plays....Dont ask anymore stupid questions regarding anyones elses records....It is frankly none of your business, and should be no concern of yours in the first place, as you stated you only care about your money in your account.....

Stop trying to continuously cause trouble Ms Identiy.....Be gone and worry about yourself and your accounts...
Posts: 7103 | From: HAWAII | Registered: January 12, 2003

posted May 16, 2004 07:49 PM
lol yessir!!!!! whatever you say sir!!!

New member
Jun 21, 2001
Seriously, how many times is this clown going to post the SAME thing???

Robin Williams did a great bit about cocaine a long time ago. I'm sure you've all heard it, especially the part about the word redundant. He said if you look up the word redundant in the dictionary it says: see redundant.

I just looked up redundant in Webster's dictionary and now it says: see any co-captain post.

This guy must have a serious coke problem because he never seems to sleep and is ALWAYS posting something, except his plays when they are first made.

Big Lou

Marriage - the first 35 years are the hardest
Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> I live about 10 min from DC in Maryland. Do you live in the city?

BTW this thread is like a broken record. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Dude, we're neighboors, I'm from Kensington, Md - Skins country BABY!!! I bought a season ticket when I heard Joe Gibbs (please bow your head.................amen) was coming back. How about you?

You want to see a "broken record", check out the Capt tracker thread.

Marriage - the first 35 years are the hardest
Sep 20, 2004

Hey man, to each his own. Usually hitting someone when their down is not for me either but it's a case by case basis and in this case Capt opened himself up. He burst on to the Rx scene, talking large and loud about how great he is at capping and trying to cultivate a following/clientele. Sure, NOW it's been reduced to a war of words but originally people were simply asking him to give more details to back-up his big pineapple munchin' mouth. Details like, huh, I don't know...say a verifiable record to back up the talk? People couldn't even ask the guy a question without him getting pissed off and emotional. For the most part, this is a public forum. If you want to step up and become a player, then take the good with the bad. Like a political figure or celebrity entering public life, you're going to get scrutinized. Add to all this his emotional rants, contradictions, f-up logic and I gotta tell you, it's a pretty entertaining way to kill some time at the old keyboard. I get a laugh when this half wit orders people to mind their own business and stay out of his threads in a forum where he has zero authority and zero control. Like his 7100 post in 18 months give him seniority. Holy bejeasus, that's nearly 400 post (or in his case, novels) a month?!? Steven King would be proud.

Marriage - the first 35 years are the hardest
Sep 20, 2004
OK class. We're here today for the study of a Co-Capt post. Not a picks post mind you (to break those down, see his record thread) but a reply to his fan mail or "views" as he likes to call it. He may never understand how this comes across as arrogant and self-serving but that doesn't mean we can't have a little fun...shall we?

"does not concern you or your life at all, so frankly I couldn't understand where it was that you lost your ability and strength to mind your own business and live your own life."

OK, class. Notice the first of many times he mentions "strength and life". This is a constant theme. Disagree with him, ask him a technical question, hell look at him wrong and it will come down to YOUR lack of strength and crappy life.

"Instead, because of their own jealousy of me and their own insecurity with themselves, they lose their ability to mine their own business and live their own life"

Now we have jealousy and insecurity brought into the mix and of course, the mention of living one's life. I'm not sure which part of his life I'm more jealous of...the adoring fan mail, the boffo record, or his ability to change the value of a unit to suit him (he still doesn't get how studip this exchange with Big Lou made him look, "I've got a dollar but I want to spend three" "Why don't you find two more dollars?" "No, I'll just increase the valuve of this dollar until IT'S worth three"

"This is my thread, and who came in to my thread to show their weaknesses and inability to mind their own business and live their own life and not to spread their own BS and negativity on another"

He make mention of "weaknesses and inability" and, again, the quality of "life"

"stay the fvck out of my threads and live your own life"

More "life" talk (it's like he getting paid by the word?)

"no need to share your own opinion on what you think is going on, RIGHT...But, I guess your just to weak to have accepted and respected my wishes"

Now here's an interesting one, notice the almost regal way that, by not following HIS wishes, this makes you "weak".

"you know what they say about why someone is able to peg or recognize the negative aspects of someone else and then state it in a negative way about this person"

Hmmm, they call them articulate? Anyway, here is a particular clumsy attempt at reversal. He believes anyone that recognize HIS faults (like those puppies are hard to miss, they're like a f-ing third eye) only does so because of there own faults. I guess this would mean I couldn't recognize a car thief unless I also stole cars.

"Continue with this shit if you want, doesnt bother me anymore, as I like correcting people when they talk out of their ass and on things they no nothing about"

A very considerate move here as he: 1) gives permission for others to post their opinions and 2) mentions that he enjoys helping others by giving the right answers (unless of course they're baseball picks) when they are otherwise incorrect he's realy kind of a people person.

"those weakass bashers who contribute nothing here but to spread their weaknesses and negativities on to others"

Back to the weakness...

"save your opinions of me or anyone else, for that matter, to yourself, as it does no one here any benefit"

Now another emotional turn as the latest dose of medication slowly passes, he claims to speak for all the posters in the forum and knows what will and won't benefit them.

"Continue with this shit if you want, doesnt bother me anymore"

And finally the announcement that none of this bothers him which begs the question...what would he write if this HAD bothered him? My god, he still be going.

Anyway, there you have it class, a paranoid, chubby, grass skirt wearin', hawiian with a King Kamehameha complext.

She's Sexy
Sep 21, 2004
WW...I'm glad you hear what I'm saying and I can definitely appreciate the points that you've made...I just don't see why so many people feel the need to concern themselves with what he's saying or doing...What good comes out of that?...For example, TN is one of the best cappers in this place so it baffles me that he would take one second of his time to take shots at CC...It doesn't make sense but I suppose you're right...To each his own...I will always have a problem however, with people who go out of their way to put someone else down...Respectfully...


Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DirtyMac:
WW...I'm glad you hear what I'm saying and I can definitely appreciate the points that you've made...I just don't see why so many people feel the need to concern themselves with what he's saying or doing...What good comes out of that?...For example, TN is one of the best cappers in this place so it baffles me that he would take one second of his time to take shots at CC...It doesn't make sense but I suppose you're right...To each his own...I will always have a problem however, with people who go out of their way to put someone else down...Respectfully...


Plain and Simple, TN is winning in bases yet losing in the only game that matters, LIFE...Plain and Simple, what else could it be...Maybe we should let TN explain it, yet he knows that no matter whatever way he tries to spin it, it will still come out to the same conclusinon...

So what does it have to do with you living your Life?...Answer, absolutely nothing....Like I said, winning in bases, yet losing in LIFE....I feel for you....This is what happens what you ignorantly think that you can fill those void in your life with gambling....Not going to work....Those that live a full and complete life, have no time, energy, or want to BASH another, cause they are to busy living and enjoying their lives....TN you are not, and it is plain and simple to see this....LOL.

Rx Senior
Dec 10, 2002

I also live in Montgomery County in Potomac. I grew up in Silver Spring, which is about 10 minutes away from Kensington.

I am so excited that Gibbs is back!!! I finally can watch a Skins game without having to vomit… LOL... Got to make some time to go catch a game. But a full time job and Grad school at night makes it difficult to take an entire Sunday off.

This CC stuff is a trip. People consistently come to say the same stuff over and over. I try to stay away from bashing and talking crap threads but they are so damn comical. It just seems to be a summer trend to have this type of war. I am just glad is out of the sports forumns.

Take care,

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