pictures from last year's libtard bash
Vettard is up front in the black shirt with yellow pants -

the guesser is to the right, in a red and white stripped shirt, you're supposed to guess what he is
duuuuhfinch went as a blow up doll
washbash is holding duuuuhfinch up trying to get a peak up his skirt
scum is center front, shirtless, yellow "I'm a monetary policy expert people, listen to me, I'm so smart"
smalldaddy is the brunette with white flowers in her hair and a slight mustache and long fingers
bleedingblue is the dude right behind / between vettard & guesser dressed in baby blue evidently proud he's such a moderate
videos-r-all-I-no is to the far left dressed in an undefinable ensemble
notice how none of the guys are remotely interested in the girls, save for washbash who's really digging the blow up doll