Today's Look at Trump


New member
Jan 11, 2008
Funny how a scumbag that posts bible verses and talks about Christianity is also constantly talking about hating people. Fuckin pathetic HYPOCRITE. Disgusting. Your whore must be so proud

New member
Jan 11, 2008
A 75 year old that thinks buying a whore from another country is “normal”

A 75 year old that tells people to suck someone’s cock

A 75 year old that follows it up with in Jesus name, amen

A 75 year old that is nothing but a scumbag piece of shit HYPOCRITE

Nov 11, 2007
Based on what I have read of your posts, not only me but ANYONE who thinks that Trump has done an overall crappy job as POTUS and/or

during this Crisis, is not "on the same side as god."

To be clear and fair, when I evaluate a person for high political office especially the POTUS, I start with the person first and then later evaluate his qualifications

for in this case POTUS.

In this case Trumps failings and shortcomings are off of the scale:

Here they are in no particular order:

1)18000 plus documented lies during his tenure.

2) Documented racism for his total adult life.

3)Narcissism of the highest degree.

4) Severe arrogance, rudeness and a total condescending attitude that he is right about everything.

5) Groping of women in the past and a terrible attitude toward them in general("Grab them by the pussy")as well as procuring services of prostitutes

like Stormy Daniels when married.

6) Believing that he right about everything, and that he knows more than in this case the most highly respected doctors and epidemiologists.

7) Never admitting he is wrong about anything and always blaming someone else for his shortcomings and mistakes.

8) Making decisions that are based primarily on getting re-elected.

9) As I posted earlier today, showing no compassion for anyone who has lost loved ones during the Coronavirus Crisis.

10) Total disgusting behavior at his press conferences where he puts down reporters especially females who dare to ask a relevant question or worse

criticize him about anything.

I could go on forever, but imo the picture is quite clear here as to why overall he totally FAILS as a human being!!

Oh yes-if I am "not on the same side as God," then is Trump? Lifeline please!!

New member
Jan 11, 2008
I will be shocked if 1 person reads that gibberish

This is the 3rd forum now where everyone says they don't read his posts. This dumb fuck has no concept of what a paragraph is. He does one run on sentence after another with a blank line in between every one of them. It is pretty much not readable

He also cannot reply without writing a novel in response and he loses people and their attention every time with the gibberish. The dumb fuck has been told this for years but he is literally too stupid to understand any of it.

He really needs to google paragraph and figure out what it is

New member
Jan 11, 2008

Nov 11, 2007
The post I will use moving forward as a reference point will be post 583 as posted above and no longer post 34, because imo everyone knows what

they need to know about the psychic/wayne/kbsooner, and it really of no consequence at CM as to who they were/are.

One needs to only look at the modus operandi in this thread to draw their own conclusions re: his/its credibility.

Nov 11, 2007
As I stated yesterday, I am pretty much going to concentrate on Trump moving forward and how/what it impacts the upcoming Election and not

concern myself with the UNPROVEN conspiracy theories, "fake news' etc. at the other thread.

That sad, there are only two noteworthy things I see posted over there today worth commenting on:

1) Re; his claim that Trump's approval ratings are at an all time high based on his source and that the ones I used are "fake news,"

All I can say is that even if what he says are true, which I seriously doubt, that doesn't translate into his being re-elected.

I happen to believe that there a lots of folks besides me who over the last 3 1/2 years have come to understand what Trump is all about

as a person as posted in #583, and that will weigh heavily on their decision come Election time along of course with the jobs and economic

situation, the stock market and of course the state of the Coronavirus itself re: new cases, deaths and overall outlook for the Virus.

2) The other thing is that imo the author of the thread's contention that only 11,000 people have actually died of the Coronavirus in this country for reasons stated

and that "it is just another flu" is beyond absurdity.

I and imo most people will rely on the opinions of the most respected epidemiologists in the world what this Virus is all about in this regard and the numbers.

Until/if/when proven otherwise, which he claims will happen "soon," I will regard this contention as just one more of his/QAnon's many failed

predictions historically speaking.

If you haven't done so already, I strongly suggest that you read and consider post 583 in this thread.

That's it for now.

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