to reiterate why

Search`d have to ask kaya about that one...clinton was president then.....that one supposedly fell under "humanitarian intervention".......we actually had no national interests involved,security or otherwise....just wanted to stop the slaughter,i guess........kaya,weigh in on milosovich,if you don`t mind....

by the way,you guys can feel free to stop by the "other" section and pick up some winning boxing picks....been involved for a long time and went 5-0 can make a couple bucks on me....might help deflate some of the bad vibes and hard feelings i`m getting here... excellent point...i think my comment regarding "dissent"(sorry kaya) and "things have changed since 9/11" were poorly placed in my comments.....9/11 had absolutely nothing to do with the right to dissent...that`s not what i meant....9/11 did have alot, if not everything to do with national security policy...and i believe rightly so....but let me be absolutely clear.....9/11 and the right to disagree vehemently in however many manifestations it mayt take,are mutually exclusive.....have nothing to do with one another....sorry if that wasn`t clear
Sep 21, 2004
But sphincter,
(lol...I never thought i would begin or contribute to a discussion by saying "but sphincter")

I think you are correct. Things ARE different. And this is a sad state of affairs: That the tumbling of the towers has not yet stopped. Its tremors are felt still.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

You couldn't be more wrong, of course the Bush family rigging the election is a thorn in the side for a lot of people, however to suggest that I would support this war if say Gore were in office is ridiculous. I've been clear all over the place on this forum that personally I do not see that Saddam has done enough to provoke this attack and that I believe this war is about oil.
Just to make myself a little clearer...
I did support the attack on Afganistan.
I do believe that Saddam is a bad man and leader.
But I also believe that Bush Jr. is a bad man and bad leader (not to suggest that he compares to Saddam, but I could not say that I honestly believe Bush is a good man).
Sep 21, 2004
Simply because one side is evil does not mean that the other is necessarily good.
good point, kaya, as I agree that both have the capacity to commit evil actions.
kaya and radio.....i enjoyed the debate...i think kaya and myself kinda missed the mark on a couple points and i got a little tight assed(what else?sphincter
).....i actually think there`s some common ground here for us....i have to do some work on tonight`s "latin fury" ppv card....i`m sure we`ll be back again,rehashing this stuff......btw,.kaya...what about clinton`s milosovich 70 day bombing raid?....where did you stand?..until then....

i actually thought the article was another poor attempt by established newspaper the guerdian and "Richard Dawkins FRS is the Charles Simonyi Professor at Oxford University", aka hired propagandist, to public disorientation. Who the fvck does professor think he it talking to, fools? Bush is not the problem, the u.s. power structure does not depend of bush, actually no one give a fvck about him, he is just a strawman.

"Would you do business with a company that devoted an entire year to little else than the process of choosing its new CEO, from the strongest field in the world, and ended up with Bush? "

That's bullshit, we are not THAT dumb prof, governmental stucture in the us is much unlike a business in its power structure, much unlike.

So, i guess when you blame bush, then it's all fine, change the ceo and it alright again, then how the fvck prof this position of power has been breeding consistently "war hungry" expansionist "ceo"'s?

Let me re-remind myself never to read again any of the guardians/times/posts of the world.


let me repeat:

"things are different after 3 thousand died at the world trade center...."

huh? If things are indeed different then why is u.s. foreign policy identical to what it used to be: Bypassing united nations resolutions and members, bombing other nations...

I mean what the fvck had the u.s. of a. to do with yugoslavia (it'a rhetorical question) and they were bombing this country to the ground for over one and a half month? What the fvck was there, milosevich going to invade them? The official excuse by the so called liberal clinton was that they were bombing it to protect the indigenous peoples (lmao)? They were bombing it to get their people in there and their industry back to pre 19th century so the boys over at general electric etc. could clean up in terms of infrastracture big $$, and the compradore class, and the euro bussinessmen in bed with the americans...

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>I mean what the fvck had the u.s. of a. to do with yugoslavia (it'a rhetorical question) and they were bombing this country to the ground for over one and a half month? What the fvck was there, milosevich going to invade them? The official excuse by the so called liberal clinton was that they were bombing it to protect the indigenous peoples (lmao)? They were bombing it to get their people in there and their industry back to pre 19th century so the boys over at general electric etc. could clean up in terms of infrastracture big $$, and the compradore class, and the euro bussinessmen in bed with the americans <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

LOL...classic JackDee

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Please excuse my ignorance, but I'm really uniformed on that bombing raid.
I'm guessing that that's when I was fed up with the witch hunt over Clinton's blow job. Living abroad I got the full taste of what uptight, sexually repressed prudes we looked like to the world. That combined with the fact that it was the only damn thing on the news every day, I just stopped watching for a while.
it was not just a raid, it was a full blown war, one and a half months, day in day out the serbs watched their country being bombed to the ground. You can imagine what the situation over there is right now, mobs, pimps, drugs, anarchy, chaos....

Very sad for a country that was once on the forefront of socialism, with collectively run energy plants, farms, industry, they paid the price for that.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> I am right though

LOL...hardly. But to each his own.

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