I see no problem with hedging if you have either an unusual amount up for grabs compared to your normal wagers, or as if General explained, a small wager that can guarantee a large profit. Best hedge usually comes at halftime though. Many do this of course ,but there are some that don't completely understand.Let's say you have $100 on a 2 team parlay on Dallas -4 and Tampa Under 38.5 Dallas has already covered early. Tampa is at halftime with the score 7-3=10 points, leaving me 28.5 points left and clearly on pace to go under. 2nd half line is o/u 17, but I am worried that the 2nd half might speed up a bit so I wager Over 17 for the same amount I wagered on the Parlay, $100. If it does go under the 17, obviously I lose the 2nd half $100 wager, but I win my original parlay which pays approx. $260, still giving me profit. BUT, by placing that 2nd half Over 17 bet, I am doing 2 things. First, Im covering my Azz just in case the 2nd half does speed up as it does many times, and it somehow goes over the 38, I would lose my $100 parlay but win back my$100 on the over 17. Secondly, and most important, I am giving myself an opportunity to win 2 wagers. If it goes over the 17 in 2nd half, I obviously win my $100 wager, but I then still have an 11 point gap/middle for it to stay under the 38.5 and I also win my $100 parlay which pays the $260. So as long as the total of the game goes Over 27 & stays Under 38.5, we hit both. Very simple, you are risking nothing and giving yourself a chance to win 2 wagers and much more than you anticipated with your original parlay. Opportunities like this come quite often if you have the convenience of being at your computer through most game-days.