to any/all moderators

Btw, just so this doesn't get twisted somehow...

I think it is obvious what i think of Elmer.

I just don't get the double standard i see here. Everygamblersdream had some dipshit stalking him in hoops for about 7 months, i had to ban the guy at least a dozen times under a dozen different names, just to keep him from following EGD around the handicapping forums. Now, every single post i see of Elmer, in any forum outside of RubberRoom, there is EGD.

I know Elmer is an easy target, and his threads are a joke, but, starting some dumbass flame fest in the handicapping forums is going to help somehow?

Bobby was upset that Elmer made insults in the RubberRoom, so, Bobby decides to do the same in NHL Foum?

You see what i am getting at?

And as far as the post above, i meant insulting in a personal manner. Yeah, i know it's insulting to the intelligence.. Just don't see whre adding to that, by flaming in the thread, is going to help the matter.

Imo, it just puts him on Elmers level in a sense. And i like to think Bobby, and EGD, are a bit above Elmers level.

Make any sense?
I agree 100%. if Elmer is ignored he may go away. But I would still enforce his five thread rule. It is hard to ignore someone who starts 10 threads on the same subject in a matter of hours.
Here are my (.02) In this situation.

Since the birth of Elmer, the Rubber Room has gone to hell.
Personally I don't care when he calls me a "Chickenshit Canadian", but what bothers me Is everytime I come down here, I see at least 10 "USELESS" threads started by this Individual.

The RX slowly will start losing Its Rubber Room regulars. If that's what the RX wants??, then Its fine by me.

I know Elmer is an easy target, and his threads are a joke, but, starting some dumbass flame fest in the handicapping forums is going to help somehow?
It makes sense but you are right, he is such an easy target to hassle since he has done the same to a number of us. I will try & ignore the fool.
uncleB: when a guy goes thru every thread saying "good job" WITHOUT even looking at what is posted (how many times has he done it? Let me count the ways) he is either shilling for the site or he is an idiot. forgive me for not wanting guys like that in the hockey forum. and as far as me wanting my name taken down as moderator, well EXCUUUUSE ME! for trying to figure out why im being a moderator and having NO say in the forum. perhaps you could enlighten me as to what exactly my job description is? anyone? when i comment that he is a disgrace and should be kicked out and am ignored, i can only assume that my opinion means nothing.

and at least when i insult someone MY name is posted AND my number is in the book. AND ive got a big enough backyard if someone wants to come by and discuss it.


New member
Oct 20, 2002
bobby i agree with you...

all of his threads are useless. i have seen people get cut off or kicked out for alot less..

our main money man who was cash king got banned from here about 5 months ago
TONY RICHKAS at least that guy had a mature alter ego.......i hope you stick to your word until something is done..

best of luck to ya.....kidslick
general: perhaps if you had bothered to check you might have noticed that after two weeks of season i stopped posting in hockey contest. perhaps if you bothered to check you would have noticed my cupcakes had a winning (albeit small) season. perhaps if you bothered to check you would have asked how i (and those following me this year) had done. perhaps if you had bothered to check you would have noticed that my name is listed as a moderator. when you think you know 1/10th about betting hockey than myself you can perhaps let me know.
its my opinion that having scumbags post in the hockey forum is bad for business and it certainly doesnt make me want to go there 40-50 times a day. im still waiting for ONE person to explain to me why bb's opinion doesnt amount to a hill of beans, IF he is a moderator.

oh. and why should i not be uspet that not one prescription moderator contributed one single thing to the hockey zone? especailly when it seems others are accusing me of not being a 'team player'.

and since you seem all-knowing all-powerful please inform those who have the expertise to go ahead and remove my name as moderator. its obvious YOU see nothing wrong with elmer insulting customers and chasing guys away.

sorry Bobby. Thought i would drop this, but your post looks silly without mine, so here.

perhaps you could enlighten me as to what exactly my job description is?

Something to do with a hockey Zone - wherever that is.

Leave the Moderating to the Moderators please. It requires some people skils. You need help in that error. Remember yelling at me for wishing posters "good Luck". Showed your need for help right there. Now, go measure a puck or something.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

How are you a moderator then?

You have no skills

All you are is confathers woman

Only a fag would have over 12000 posts on a site in a years time

I guess having a real life isnt important to your boyfriend
Bobby Bryde, you related to Butch? You got similarities. You are too strong emotioned about that forum. Not everyone has to act like you to post there. Let each be their own. You want to be a star, then be a star, but do not try to dictate how others should act or wager. If they arent bashing or flaming or name calling then leave em alone and do your thing. Don't try and be dad to everyone in there. you ripped me for wishing good lucks, you ripped me for posting copied stories, you try to tell people that laying 150 is too much. Maybe all right, but dont shove it down peoples throats. post your chit and leave others alone. Let the Moderators handle the trash. we got a away of doing so. Let us do it.

I am impotent. i got a cook. She takes care of me.

Thats all i need buddy.
i dont post in the hockey thread because my handicapping skills are limited in hockey but i can say that reading your post it is obvious to a serious gambler that you know what you are talking about. i for one appreciate it.
i guess the answer is ignore, like altice suggested to me a few weeks back.
some people are happy giving away their money i guess
G: get it right. i did NOT rip you for copying stories, i ripped you (in what i thought polite manner) for not accrediting it properly. when you explained normally you do so but forgot, i said fine.

hey if the site wants crap here that is okay too. MY only gripe is that IF i am a "moderator" then why isnt MY opinion asked for? if i am NOT a "moderator" then i can act like others and dog the shit out of him when he does something totally stupid. basically am asking what exactly does ME being labeled a "moderator" mean? if my views/opinions (in the hockey forum) are not invited/asked for, then being a "moderator" means nothing. in a previous post someone mentioned why "moderators" allowed mis-behavior by some and were not consistent. i cant answer that since ive got no input BUT im still hurt that someone would think bb would consider some behavior acceptable. naturally in the rubber room i could care less about the name-calling (im still in good enough shape to back up what i say) but when elmer is so blatantly crude and obnoxious (even worse than me!) i would much prefer the hockey forum do without guys like that.


"Something to do with a hockey Zone - wherever that is"

I think your the one that needs to brush up on the people skills. To downplay one of the best forums this sight has to offer is silly. If your serious and don't know where the hockey zone is I suggest you visit it and you'll relize how much work BB puts into it.
BB's people skills may not be the best but he is passionate about what he does and he is willing to teach. He is without a doubt the most constructive poster in the hockey forum and he does deserve respect for that.

New member
Jun 20, 2001
CHEEESE&RICE, a pig farmer from Kent. with an IQ under 50 has successfully gotten posters to start fighting with each other.

Bobby Bryde,

There are issues. I cannot answer all of them. Peronally, i would rather try to save a poster than ban him. Maybe elmer is a lost cause, maybe he will shape up. He is being noticed and watched. First time he crosses a line in the sports forums from here out, he will be suspended. Dante warned him of that yesterday. if you see him acting a fool in the hockey forum, let us know and we will handle accordingly.

Take care

I understand that. I cannot argue that Bobby puts effort in there, but he must realize not all will listen. I beg like hell for the Rubber Roomers to keep trash from the sports forums, but it keeps reoccuring. Why will you guys not respect the whole board like you do the hockey forum?

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