to any/all moderators

this guy elmer is an embarassment to the hockey forum.
i want ONE moderator to explain to me why he is allowed in the hockey forum.
last i saw i was listed as a moderator. every time i see his name i want to puke. i want him out. and if he isnt banned from hockey forum i want reason why not. and if someone doesnt have the guts to respond to this im going to really get pissed.

I got the guts bobby,...I have warned him to keep his negative comments in the RR....They have posting about him in the board room ..they are aware.
d: take my name down as moderator. if you guys allow someone to insult me and NOT kick him out of hockey forum, well, im ashamed to have my name asscociated with those who think that is acceptable.

bobby ..if he keeps it up he will be banned to the RR for 2 weeks see thread below this one

no need to get excited. elmer is allowed to do whatever he wants, because it is good for business. he can call all canadians chickenshit, day after day and it is not considered a racial comment.i wonder why.
long live
BB is correct, He should not be allowed to post in ANY of the sports forums. The hockey forum is the best it has ever been and it seems everyone posting in there is serious about helping people. Elmer is a joke he posts nothing informative and is so ignorant and lazy he can't even post prices or more importantly his record.
Please don't let a dumbass poster who brings nothing, run off Someone like BB. Elmer has even done the impossible, he has ruined the RR, and ran off posters like Don Marco. I am NOT talking about the content of his posts I am talking about the ammount and the quality.

I count at least 7 threads he started yesterday alone well over his 5 limit he was warned.
I agree with the above posters. The hockey forum is the best out of the sports forums. BB and Don Marco add great value to the Hockey and RR forums. Ban Elmer from the Rx.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
He is an unlovable little critter,isnt he??

Not too many hockey cappers from Richmond Kentucky--I wonder if he was originally from Canada and when he was 7 or 8 his parents left him outside the Piggly Wiggly on their annual trip to Florida?
For someone to be allowed to post in the sports forums they must atleast possess ONE of qualities below....

Take it somewhat serious.
Must add something informative now and then.
Must know something about the game.
Must be willing to help others.
Must be willing to learn.
Be courteous to others.
Post prices to his picks.
If he is going to post his record use a + and -

Thanks, guys. if you were here would give each a hug!
well, okay, a pat on the back...
bb not worry sir that will not happen...

WHEW..I thought bobby was going to give us all a real hug!!!

Sep 21, 2004
I have been a member of this site for awile now. I really don't respond to all the BS and just post my plays. How this site can let an immature a**hole like Elmer get away with what he has is beyond me. I USED to think that this was a great site to post plays and share information. I have met many nice people on this site, and to let a jerkoff like Elmer try and ruin it is beyond me. Maybe someone should try and step back and take a look at the big picture here before this site becomes just like all the rest. To lose posters like Don Marco and Patrick, who have a wealth of information and knowledge, is not very good business in my book. Before you know it, all you will have left is all the BS'ers. Maybe that is what you want!!!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> d: take my name down as moderator <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

if you are a moderator then ban him or quit bitching about it
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bartybet:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> d: take my name down as moderator <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

if you are a moderator then ban him or quit bitching about it<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

seriously what is your problem?
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> if you guys allow someone to insult me and NOT kick him out of hockey forum, well, im ashamed to have my name asscociated with those who think that is acceptable <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Can't find where elmer insulted you outside of RubberRoom Bobby.
I do see where you insult Elmer in Hockey Forum.

Can you point out the thread in NHL where Elmer insulted you please? Thanks.
I think Bobby feels insulted because Elmer makes a joke out of something he does for a living.
I can respect that Dicky, and, i am pretty sure you know how i feel about elmer.

I just want it kept here is all, is that asking too much?

And yes, IMO, elmer should not be allowed to post outside of RR. However, this is Elmers post in NHL Forum.

Certifiably Crazy
posted 03-30-03 03:27 AM

Thats insulting somehow? Warrants bashing in NHL forum?
People want to bash, they can do it here, just like they demand of Elmer.

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