Obama's America
He was supposed to be the man to tell the poor communities to stay together as families, raise your kids together, get an education, work hard and take advantage of the opportunities this great nation is giving you. You can succeed, you can even become president.
From day one he made race an issue, he said the Cambridge officers acted incredibly stupid and racial when they arrested a Harvard professor;, he said police officers all over the nation were racists, he said there's systematic racism in law enforcement, he said selfish racist white men were holding minorities back, he said "PUNISH YOUR ENEMIES", meaning white men like me; he created anger every time a black man was killed by police officers despite what the evidence suggests, this is the direct result of the anger and hatred he worked so hard to nurture
He's justified the violence against law enforcement, he's a fucking scumbag idiot
the worst POTUS ever, on so many levels, history will not be kind to him