I saw that movie advertised on a Depak Chopra DVD I rented and I knew I just had to have it. I rented it this weekend and watched the first half last night. Some really weird stuff like entanglement and spooky action at a distance.
Also, watching the part about the Bose-Einstein condensate lead me to believe that there is only one atom in the universe. When energy is added to that atom it is manifest in multiple places at the same time.
The really freaky thing was that simply by thinking good thoughts that those water molecules exhibited those beautiful patterns. Incredible.
That topic is for another time I suppose.
WOW. Where to start? And yes, definitely a topic worthy of a completely separate thread and time. But suffice it to say, the most exciting thing about quantum physics is that it is such a new science, the greatest discoveries are yet to be achieved. For all the hidden mysteries around us that it has explained, there is so much more that is out there waiting to be discovered.
Once you're ready, another direction to go is "String Theory" (which supposedly fills in the gap between classic physics and quantum physics ~ a major achievement in itself).
The water molecule part is astonishing, isn't it? And to think....people are mostly made of water....so what does that say about negative reinforcement? Or self-fulfilling prophecies? Or just redundant name-calling, sending bad vibes, or...wishing someone ill-will??
The connectiveness of the Bose-Einstein condensate is mind blowing...but yet explains so much. Think about how it links a lot of the 17th & 18th century philosophies (interconnected nets of nature and soul and etc). Or think about how it might explain the rare (but real) abilities of psychics (they can tell you where to find the lost little boy becuase they in fact are essentuially right next to them when they reach out)?
Or how about the fact that an atom on the sub-atomic level will actually behave differently when it is being watched (like an atom versus like a wave particle)??
Or how we think that we live in a 3-D world...but the world is actually more like 6-D or 8-D (and it is just the fact that our frontal lobes can not and will not allow us to see beyond that...but yet our mind knows the truth and actually reacts to things without us being conscienciously aware of it...hence moving out of the way of things before they happen, deja vu, precognition, etc, etc). Our fontal lobes (the altars of conscious thought) can handle about a few hundred thousand bits of info, but our subconscious brains can handle billions of bits of info.
The discipline of quantum physics and quantum mechanics also closely correlates with "Chaos Theory", not only in the not-so-randomness of the universe (which seems to be random), but in relation to the not-so-insignificance of even the smallest of actions and consequences (as in how a butterfly flapping its wings on one continent can can create a hurricane on another continent).
Well, I will save that for another day. Enjoy that movie man! Watch it about a half-dozen times. You'll get something extra out if each and every time and hopefully will compell you to reach out for more knowledge. I can't get enough it!