I guess if your team wins it is all roses, if your team loses it is all sour grapes. The trouble is you said it and you didn't even know it. You ass kissers "can't say enough about this guy". That is what is wrong. When is enough enough. Meyer decides to put the cheesy plaque on the wall during spring practice and while Tebow is still in school. He is now officially the cheese ball king. You and the ones like you don't understand that this is not a Tebow bashing. This is about the cheesy move and the never ending ass kissing that starts with guys like you and runs all the way to Meyer himself. I never said anything derogatory about Tebow or the Team. I am talking about Meyer and guys like you. You said every team wishes they had a guy like Tebow on their team. I would be willing to bet that most programs already have someone like him. They just don't get or probably even want the attention that you guys drape all over Tebow. Whatever he does, whatever he accomplishes, whatever success he has will be a result of his dedication and hard work. Everyone in the country, even dumbass OU fans, recognize his ability and his value to the team. What you don't realize is that many people see the Plague and the quote in an entirely different light than you guys do. I know your first reaction is to call it bashing, or jealousy, or hate and I cannot emphasize enough that that is not the deal. To many people outside of Florida the whole plaque scenario is just plain cheesy. As far as the Florida team goes, I wish them all the luck in the world the same as I wish all the teams (well maybe not Texas on one particular weekend). I knew that some people would take my remarks the wrong way. I knew some people would take my remarks personally or as a blasphemy toward Tebow. Wrong, wrong, wrong. God Bless!