Marijuana is of course a multi-billion dollar per year industry.
When criminal Prohibitions are removed, we are then able to craft a sensibly regulated (via combination of govt and private industry) system for both commercial production and distribution.
If Prohibition is maintained, the ONLY regulations are those created by and imposed by criminal producers and dealers.
Thus if one does not wholly endorse ending Prohibition you are providing a clear, defacto endorsement of criminal orgs completely controlling a multi-billion dollar industry.
One need not be either a consumer or even a financial investor in legal cannabis to recognize the clear and distinct differences between Prohibition and a sensibly regulated marketplace
lol. You must be a pro-legalization of marijuana for recreational use guy ?
on the flip side , with legalization you a defacto endorsement that a % of our youth will be collateral damage (as we are seeing in Colorado , medical community concerned) and to what extent,well...we shall see. With that said, EVERY TIME big pharma comes out with another drug we are conceding as a society a % the of pop will react poorly to the drug, some with significant side effects (esp drug to drug interactions, the young, the old..) and even death (medsnsince taken off the market ).
heck, in N America we STILL treat 'over active' kids with pills. We are a pill society. SSRI's are given to our youth--the anti- marijuana group ironically yells ;'it will affect the developig brain!!'. and ssri's? They need big pharma to back them up, make it as a pill and lots of neat commercials you laugh or cry?