No doubt the article was effective in its message because Derek is on it like white on rice. Hell, the biggest tool on the forum (VWGolf) backed him up...ouch!
Derek you should understand something that may help you in your future. You can not attack logic by steping outside the debate. The article was written about the issues facing Costa Ricans and its cultural challenges. To bring up the US is not logical. Yes the US sucks, but that does not mean "gringos" who live here have any loyality to the US. Mostly, the guys I know down here have families and love the country. By the way who is "whiny"?
The best commentary on the planet about the US is from the BBC. Its not all good and its not all bad, but you have to eat both. You seem like a guy who's not able to digest the ills of your country and that is very bad. Its kind of like not being able to joke about yourself yet rip others...
Look, no country in the world is perfect and no people are better then any other people. Read Guns, Germs and Steel.
Do not feel anger about someone pointing out obvious chaos.
Hey, its not your fault Derek! Your leaders stole from you and lower level guys stole everything else. The vast majority of Costa Ricans buy it and they follow the leader. Its hard not to.
Watch how the green party will win again...hmmmm more of the same. Your countrymen will elect a party that cares nothing about your security, about moving the country forward and even education for its children. They say they do, but I can tell you first hand its not true.
Even your current president blames others for your countries problems. Passing the blame means no one is taking responsibility. Sound familier?
Listen, I could rip you and your country apart if it would help shed wisdom into your life, but I can tell you don't need it. Your obviously a smart guy that is filled with passion about your country and that's cool. Don't let a few dumbass gringos ruin it for all of us. Becuse if you do it proves to the world one thing...your insecure.
One last thing, the egg. I bet you've never gone hungry Derek...I could be wrong, but you don't see alot of that in CR. (im sure thats not true either)
The egg was a terrible analogy. Why? Because many people can not live in the future, don't have enough fucking money to buy two fucking eggs. That pisses me off. No one should stop going to school to work for those eggs. That was just stupid on his part for writting it, but he's dead on with most the other aspects of his article.
Base your beliefs on logic because if you don't the world breaks into tiny peices around you.
Carry on...!~~~!