I love how the left creates one strawman after another (The Bible told them to hate gays; it's those damn Leave It To Beaver Dads leftover from the 1950s) to mask the inconvenient truth that the vast majority of people equate watching two guys kissing as an individual defecating in public. This is why, despite all the 'gayness' emanating from Hollyweird these days, watching two men kiss on TV or the big screen is a still a very, very rare sight indeed.
Sorry liberals, it wasn't Daddy brainwashing us at the dinner table growing up, it's simply (as the Dolphins football player put it) "disgusting" and "gross." As if hauling us all off to "sensitivity training" and imposing fines and suspensions will suppress the human gag reflex (yes, they really do believe this).
Two men can't even procreate and enjoy a mutually-loving relationship without exposing themselves to untold number of diseases (says the CDC, not Jerry Falwell), but the left wants to assure you that this perverted behavior is totally normal and the only people standing in the way of one big gay utopia are Bible thumpers with missing teeth.
Yes, these people are really THAT stupid.