The American military has never removed their presence from any nation on earth once they got their boots on the ground
I realize many of my fellow Americans support this, my mention was only to note the futility of attempting to control other people by whatever means.
The analogy could have as easily been the failed attempts of Russia/USSR to take over Afghanistan, to hold control of the European Eastern Bloc, the Chinese trying to control Japan in the 19th century, the Brits hoping to control the USA in late 18th century/early 19th century; the Brits attempting to control the many nations they once ruled (India, South Africa, Ireland etc)
If guns, bombs and other violent "enforcement" will not rein in a population of human beings, then "stricter laws" within a domestic society are an even more absurd method to try and "Control" humans
I understand we are on a different topic and only responded to your digression. I also would posit that the US military remains in many nations due to the wishes of said nation.
I think your examples are flawed because (again) we are not conquerors like Russia, China or colonial Britain.
You have mentioned to me in the past about the MIC and your view that it's a beast that must be reconstituted even if it involves conjuring up reasons to attack other nations. We disagree on that.
Insofar as our views that the US gov't can't fix anything by instituting more laws to control people we are in agreement. I believe the US gov't to be a bloated and inefficient entity. We probably agree on that as well, and on social policies and drug laws etc.