This will end the phoney story about the Palin baby for good.


Mar 7, 2005
as if being 17 and pregnant isnt slime enough cant make this up.

if this was obama you'd be going crazy. you will not say anything though because its mccain. remember repubs are supposed to be about smart decisions, family planning and parental involvement. cant make this shit up. feeding into my hands with this.

Most of the country will realize it for what it is. A mistake, we all make them.

The Palin's statement of offering their unconditional love and support for their daughter and baby is admirable.

Thats how most of the country will see it.

There are a few lefty loon types in Che T-shirts running around the country giggling and trashing a young woman for taking responsibility of her actions.

Americans will not like that...go ahead...slime them for it.
See where it gets compassionate one. a Che T-shirt. You are ridiculous.

2009 RX Death Pool Champion
Apr 3, 2005
HEY! and looky here???? how was she able to be knocked up when she was quarantined for many months with mono?

Checking with the Anchorage High School that Bristol Palin attended, reporters were given word that her family had taken Bristol out of school due to contracting infectious mononucleosis. The amount of time Bristol was absent shifts from five to eight months.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
as if being 17 and pregnant isnt slime enough cant make this up.

if this was obama you'd be going crazy. you will not say anything though because its mccain. remember repubs are supposed to be about smart decisions, family planning and parental involvement. cant make this shit up. feeding into my hands with this.<!-- / message -->

What you people on the left don't get is that is the direction people should go.It dosen't mean it dosen't happen to anyone else.

just like abortion.Personally i don't care. But the one thing that has happned is that once the country approved of it.Woman now use it as a form of birth control...That is fuckin sick....Shit like that has become an acceptable practice.Just like welfare its not a saftey net anymore its a cottage industry for a lot families.

New member
Jul 21, 2006
What you people on the left don't get is that is the direction people should go.It dosen't mean it dosen't happen to anyone else.

just like abortion.Personally i don't care. But the one thing that has happned is that once the country approved of it.Woman now use it as a form of birth control...That is fuckin sick....Shit like that has become an acceptable practice.Just like welfare its not a saftey net anymore its a cottage industry for a lot families.

it still doesnt change the fact that sarah palin failed her kid. she is a failure for allowing her kid to be pregnant at that age. any parent in that situation that looks at themselves in the mirror and doesnt see that simply doesnt care about the kid. i dont know if she cares about the kid or not, but doesnt change the fact that she failed her kid.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
HEY! and looky here???? how was she able to be knocked up when she was quarantined for many months with mono?

Checking with the Anchorage High School that Bristol Palin attended, reporters were given word that her family had taken Bristol out of school due to contracting infectious mononucleosis. The amount of time Bristol was absent shifts from five to eight months.
sad lying now on top of it all.......values schmalues

New member
Sep 21, 2004

Democratic pundits will larp on this as they usually do.

Obama himself will probably stay away from this for the most part. Ditto for his family and close campaign staff.

The social conservatives / religious right (who Palin was supposed to galvanize) will determine that a woman with a new baby AND a pregnant, unwed, teenage daughter on top of all the other children she has probably needs to focus on things other than being the VP.

2009 RX Death Pool Champion
Apr 3, 2005
age of consent in alaska laws can be officially changed to 18......hahaha....what a bad Mom

even if he broke law i am sure he would receive a pardon from the governor...ya' think?

The Alaska age of consent laws are unique. The age of consent in Alaska is 16. This is the age at which an individual may consent to have sex with someone over 18, legally, in Alaska. It applies both to heterosexual and homosexual acts.

The minimum age to marry in Alaska is 18. People under the age of 18 can marry with the consent of both parents. The prospective bride and groom should bring certified birth certificates, and their parents should present valid identification.

In Alaska, as in many other states, the laws on statutory rape depend, in part, on the age difference between the two partners. The law recognizes statutory rape only in cases involving an age difference of more than 3 years. A 20 year old man who has sex with a 15 year old girl, in Alaska, is guilty of statutory rape. A 17 year old male who has consensual sex with a 15 year old girl is not guilty of statutory rape, under Alaska law.
First degree sexual abuse of a minor is defined as someone age 16 or older engaging in sexual penetration with a child under the age of 13. This crime carries a sentence of up to 30 years in state prison.

Under the Alaska age of consent laws, it is second degree sexual abuse for someone aged 16 or older to engage in sexual penetration with an individual who is a) at least 3 years younger and b) aged 13, 14 or 15 years old. This crime carries a sentence of up to 10 years in state prison.

Fourth degree sexual abuse occurs when an individual under 16 engages in sexual penetration with someone a) at least 3 years younger and b) under the age of 13. The penalty for this crime is up to one year in state prison.

New member
Jul 21, 2006

Democratic pundits will larp on this as they usually do.

Obama himself will probably stay away from this for the most part. Ditto for his family and close campaign staff.

The social conservatives / religious right (who Palin was supposed to galvanize) will determine that a woman with a new baby AND a pregnant, unwed, teenage daughter on top of all the other children she has probably needs to focus on things other than being the VP.


cunningham was going crazy about this last night to. he said he prayed to god there was nothing out on this palin or people around her because it would end his campaign. then this comes out today. palin reveals herself to be the white trash piece of shit parent she is. typical american that failed her kid. her kid is now paying for her mistake. i also didnt think about that religious right angle you brought up. will be interesting.

2009 RX Death Pool Champion
Apr 3, 2005
sad lying now on top of it all.......values schmalues

i guess we will get to meet him when he gets out of quarantine...let's see he seeded her in march? so he should be out around xmas?
Mar 19, 2008
I dont see the big deal about a girl being pregnant at 17. It's normal. If this was any other girl the liberals would be vowing that its a normal thing and shes being an independent woman. Since shes the daughter of the republican VP canidate, shes an awful person. The day of the rope is coming for these marxists.

New member
Jul 21, 2006
I dont see the big deal about a girl being pregnant at 17. It's normal. If this was any other girl the liberals would be vowing that its a normal thing and shes being an independent woman. Since shes the daughter of the republican VP canidate, shes an awful person. The day of the rope is coming for these marxists.

normal only in your america dood. guys like you are only helping lead to the downfall.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I dont see the big deal about a girl being pregnant at 17. It's normal. If this was any other girl the liberals would be vowing that its a normal thing and shes being an independent woman. Since shes the daughter of the republican VP canidate, shes an awful person. The day of the rope is coming for these marxists.

If you're running for VP and your core position includes things like:

being against contraceptives
thinking abstinence works
traditional family values

then all of a sudden come up with an unwed pregnant teenage daughter, you "don't see" how some people might see the hypocrisy / incompetence in that?

New member
Sep 20, 2000
If you're running for VP and your core position includes things like:

being against contraceptives
thinking abstinence works
traditional family values

then all of a sudden come up with an unwed pregnant teenage daughter, you "don't see" how some people might see the hypocrisy / incompetence in that?<!-- / message -->

What you fuckin guys don't get is that family values fo your list should be the goals.That dosen't mean its going to work 100% of the time,but its a starting point.
At least they aren't aborting.She is getting married and taking responsibility for her mistake.those are the most important values.
The left has no starting point and belives in no responsibility.

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
What you fuckin guys don't get is that family values fo your list should be the goals.That dosen't mean its going to work 100% of the time,but its a starting point.
At least they aren't aborting.She is getting married and taking responsibility for her mistake.those are the most important values.
The left has no starting point and belives in no responsibility.

Similarly, libs use the same idiotic argument whenever some priest is caught kiddie diddling. Suddenly the teachings of the entire Catholic Church should to be ignored and discarded -- our country should be a John Lennon/barnman free-for-all!

How conveeeeeeeeeeeeeenient.

Uhhh, and this is relevant because....? :icon_conf

Conservatives believe society should set standards -- high moral standards. Doesn't always mean every citizen will live up to them, but that's irrelevant because the majority will.

Liberals on the other hand believe in lowering the bar to the lowest common denominator. For example, if 90% of teens aren't having sex and getting pregnant ("teens are gonna have sex anyway" :ohno:) libs argue we need to change the rules in order to accommodate those 10% screw ups.

This is wrong, misguided and morally, socially and economically detrimental to a healthy society.

A true 'progressive' society should always be striving to RAISE the bar -- not lower it.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
What you fuckin guys don't get is that family values fo your list should be the goals.That dosen't mean its going to work 100% of the time,but its a starting point.
At least they aren't aborting.She is getting married and taking responsibility for her mistake.those are the most important values.
The left has no starting point and belives in no responsibility.

You'll notice that none of my posts on this subject has been normative. I haven't denigrated the "right" nor have I praised the "left." Instead, I have predicted how certain segment of the voting populace might reasonably be affected by the news. You, on the other hand, are taking it personally and are repeatedly lashing out like an offended child, cuss words and rampant misspellings and all.

You don't need to try to convince me or anyone else whose value "should be the goals" or not. That was never part of my point. My point is a simple observation that this news, along with the fact that she has 5 kids already (including a newborn), is going to raise the question in too many people's minds (including moms and swing voters): should she even be running? Add the fact that due to McCain's age, Palin is quite probable to be in a position to lead if elected.

Issues like her inexperience, parenting skills, and her husband having a DUI record ( don't help, either.

Again, try not to take it personally.

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