Obama doesn't even know how many fucking states we have!! But you go ahead and vote for him!! Save the JFK bullshit also. Obama has no plans, all he is preaching is Change, but isn't giving details how he is gonna change or what he is gonna change.None of this crap that McCain is slaying out means a thing, especially to people like myself that wants a change. A change from the same old bullshit that all the middle class hard earned people has put up with over the years from greedy ass gov't officials who continue to rape the people with taxes, while never regulating or taxing the pill companies that are chocking our families out of their hard owned money that should stay in our pocket instead of giving it out to constantly raising medical insurance policies.
GW is and always will be known as an idiot who continued to fight his fathers war over oil. McCain is a clone and just as stupid as GW is. Just look when he tries to give a speech or a debate. His eyes are glued to his quecard down below him. Really intellegent!!! Also the man is cluless when it comes to US history and the war in general.
Obama will win, because he has new ideas just like J.F.Kennedy. Hopefully when he gets in, he isn't killed by the gov't like J.F. was.
Obama doesn't even know how many fucking states we have!! But you go ahead and vote for him!! Save the JFK bullshit also. Obama has no plans, all he is preaching is Change, but isn't giving details how he is gonna change or what he is gonna change.
Obama doesn't even know how many fucking states we have!! But you go ahead and vote for him!! Save the JFK bullshit also. Obama has no plans, all he is preaching is Change, but isn't giving details how he is gonna change or what he is gonna change.
Since when does substance have anything to do with politics in America? It's all about sound bites and pr. How else could JR have served two terms. If The Big O wins it will be because of image. If McCain wins it will be because he has convinced the public to fear BO. Neither will win for policy or ideas.That is what has the Hillary supporters enraged. Hillary was the next in line. She was ready, she suffered through a cheating husband and she paid her dues.
She had detailed plans.. she debated... she was practical... and dislike her as much as you want to, but she told us specifics. Obama on the other hand was in LALA land speaking of hope and change and avoiding all major questions. You are damn right Hillary supporters are pissed off. Old dumbo ears covered his ears and screamed change change change, hope hope hope, called people racist racist racist, and bullied his way over that woman called Hillary.