1. bus stops on the highways
2. accidents cant move till those jerks get there..
3. workers who never come on time..
4. no alcohol during elections..
5. common sense just doesnt exist
6. customer service foreign to the race..
I think thats enough for now..
C'mon man how can you leave out:
Scheduled delivery... No call, no show... You call them and they tell you they will come "Manana"
Lines, lines and more lines. If you like them go to Banco Nacional at Lunch time or on Payday. I hate that bank.
Basically no matter what Government institution you go to your waiting in a nice sexy line. Immigration is the shits. Took me 3 hours last time I was there to be told that everything is ready but I can't have my Cedula. I would need to come back in 2 weeks to pick it up and stand in line. (ok I was smart and asked the lady what time was best, and she was right I picked up my cedula in 10 min when I had to go back, I think it's a miricale)
MOPT is just as bad, but at least there Tucan Sam can help! hahahaha....