Romney won each and every income demographic over 50K, Obama won the poor vote and nothing but the poor vote
Romney won each and every income demographic over 50K, Obama won the poor vote and nothing but the poor vote
People in the first graph simply shouldn't vote. If they don't have the proper judgment to stay above water financially, how are they supposed to know what's best for the nation?
Straighten out your own life first before so ignorantly believing you have the "right answers" for everyone else.
Hey, ya never know - maybe you too can get lucky and strike it rich playing poker!
"Top earners back Clinton in poll after decades with GOP"
In 2012, this group backed Romney over Obama by over 10%
Hmmm, that seems to directly contradict your talking point....
Also, exit polls show in 2012 voters preferred Romney 52/54 - 46/44% in income brackets between $50-100K, and $100K+, respectively.
However, in 2008 both of those were evenly split 49 - 49%.
You do you, though. Keep on with your racist tangent. Kinda entertaining.....
for your next homework assignment, look at voting demographics from 2014, 2010, 2006, 2004,2002, 2000, 1998, 1996..........every two years has far back as it goes
then look at how the impoverished have voted their entire lifetime
look at who governs the poorest communities in the country and have had control for 50+ years
look at who governs the wealthiest communities
you don't even get to first base
People in the first graph simply shouldn't vote. If they don't have the proper judgment to stay above water financially, how are they supposed to know what's best for the nation