1) married
2) raising kids together
3) higher income
4) higher net worth
5) more giving of their money
6) more giving of their time
7) more giving of their blood
8) high school graduates
9) living in better towns
10) safer, as in not victims of violent crimes
11) taxpaying citizens
12) not murderers
13) not in jail
14) anti-government
15) In the closet
of course I don't teach them that....why do you think everyone has the same life experiences you? It's like you have no understanding that people face different shit. Let me clue you in on something....just because you don't know about it, doesn't make it a secret and just because it doesn't happen to you, doesn't mean it doesn't happen to somebody else.
Man, you are an arrogant know it all who really doesn't know much outside his little community.
my father was orphaned, ran away from home at age 17 and joined the Navy for life
my mom grew up in war torn Italy, she was a grammar school drop out that accomplished more than 90% of inner city liberals
I lived in the projects for two years
I attended inner city public schooling
played hoops with minorities 7 days a week
worked at McDonald's for 7 years
I probably experienced more of that poor inner city life than you ever have, and I'm proud of my roots
your narrative about me is categorically incorrect, although I worked to make sure my kids live those white lives you talk about
nobody is beneath me in my world, we're all equals, I'm proud to look every man eye to eye
you, however, employ a tier status. You decide who needs help and who doesn't, you argue one person is a lessor person, you think other's don't understand inner-city problems
what you just don'r seem to comprehend is the fact that we'll never have a color blind society until you eliminate color from the conversation. I want to do that, I want to call them my equal, you want no part of that
liberals are the reason racism still exists, and they don't even know it
Wow...vit is smarter than everyone in here. Huh, who woulda thunk
Willie is spot fucking on with his assessment.
Yes, innercity kids have a tougher path to the gold, even with two good parents. Compound all the things Willie pointed out, and you find some in a hopeless situation. Liberals foster these failed policies ( shocker ) and are 100% ok keeping the inner city poor as voting slaves. Think Im wrong? Go fuck yourself.
OHHHH!!! Another knockout by gas man!!
Poor vit. So full of promise as a kid..
Dr. Ben Carson childhood.
Please google. Thank you. He will be the greatest chance to pull the poor out of poverty there will ever be. Too bad the Dems are gonna use illegal votes again to steal the election.
You're the dummy dickhead. You are some fucking ingrained in your liberal insanity brain you don't even understand why he is so important to the poor you SO DEARLY want to help..
100% opposite of the idiots whose cock you suck daily in office now. But, you lie about everything, are a clueless dumfuck and will continue to vote DEM just cause you are supposed to.
What you don't get is we want ALL people to succeed...you are just too fucking stupid to see that.
You are one clueless fuck. You want all people to succeed? Well, you can't choose their path to success. Some people need chances and opportunities.....just like Ben Carson did.....if Carson followed the path you want him to follow, he'd be dead or in jail but since he got the proper help from education and govt asst, along with his mother.....he had a chance to succeed. You don't get that kind of stuff because you're a fucking blockhead.
What am i lying about? Let me clue you in on something.....disagreement is not lying. Your way of thinking is so fucking diluted it's tough to comprehend but you'll never know how fucked up you are because you have 7 and 8 other dummies here with the same thought process.
What I do understand, which you do not, is that there are influential people scattered all throughout black communities...no one more influential in the black world than a black man who has become President of the United States.
I have already heard Carson talk about it...talk about ending the cycle...the cycle that people like Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, and all other race baiting, victim prodding, hate mongering black leaders that blame everyone except themselves for their current situtaion...all for votes and power.
It is sickening that I pay over 100k a year in taxes and than have to turn around and be accused of hating minorities by little pussy bitches like you. You continue to blindly support everything Democrat..who in turn are keeping the poor, black, inner city, keeping them all slaves to the vote and then blaming white privilege and telling them it's not their fault and they were dealt a bad hand..just like your bitch as says in here time after time.
Carson will motivate and inspire those same people you hold so dear to your heart to help, yet you will continue to vote for the same Dems, who will continue the cycle of dependency on the government on the backs of our hard work, just because you are a mindless piece of shit who uses racism as a weapon.
Face it vitterd, you are a racist piece of trash who thrives on this cycle of dependency to win elections.