Odds Mrs. Kinnare is dead:
Yes -300
No +250
Odds Mrs. Kinnare is still alive and still can't forget "that little shit Doug":
Yes +145
No -165
Odds Doug used to pee in the sink after French class to "save time":
Yes -155
No +135
No parlays.
Well Mike: Kinnare was an old lady back then ( early 80's), but very a nice person. I used to hitchhike around this this lilly white town (Guilford,Ct) before I was 16. Kinnare would pick me up in her VW Beetle no problem... no sexual content, either.
You'd pretty much pick up anybody, in this Mayberry like town, of 1980., give them a ride.
Things were just different 25+ years ago.
I often referred to my teachers by their first names, and it was OK, they didn't mind. I'd call my math teacher... Jeff Yates... Just, Jeff , because I knew him well.
The Health / Gym teacher Joe Maher... knew him from the coin shop, as a fellow numismatist... he was "Joey".
I ain't saying it's right, but I was on a first name basis with many of my HS teachers.
I often drank with Jeff the math teacher at bars ( legally), but he wasn't my teacher at the time. I was 18.5 yo when I graduated HS, sort of a tweener being born in Nov., and lazy.