There's a theory out there.. passing it on for comments


Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Grand Conspiracy Theory of what’s going on in our country and world:

Imagine what it’s like to have a few billion dollars in the bank. Luxuries beyond imagination, with servants to take care of any mundane task. Your wealth is big enough that you can pay someone to manage it, and it doesn’t take a genius to park it somewhere in the stock market so that it grows and grows and grows. And you can have a house and penthouse in the city, a place in the mountains, a place on the ocean, etc. A personal assistant that takes care of all the hired hands and scheduling any anything else you might ask. You do what you want, when you want. And this goes for your children and their children, and on to eternity. You have it made. This is as close as you’re going to get to Heaven on this earth. Make no mistake – there is no barrier to entry into this group, but there is an overwhelming urgency and collaboration to ensure that nobody will ever have to leave.

But how would you feel if you lost all the above, and had to go back down to the middle class? Would you survive (and I’m talking about suicide)? What if you actually became poor? Isn’t this something that you would avoid at all costs? Isn’t falling out of great wealth your greatest worry in life? How could this happen? More importantly, how can it be avoided?

The greatest real threat to the super-rich losing their status and lifestyle is a revolution that upends the status quo. Your property is taken from you. You are no longer rich, and will never again be rich. You are thrown back into the masses to work for your meager belongings. Who would lead this revolution? Most likely, it will be those that are not prospering in the current structuring of society. It will be the poor that rise up and overthrow the government.

So, the number one priority for those of the super-rich is to keep their wealth and lifestyle and simultaneously quell any revolution. How is that done? Two schools of thought on how to do this: 1. Redistribute wealth (through taxation) to the poor such that there is much less difference in the lifestyles between the poor and the middle class. This is the liberal school of thought. 2. Create conditions such that the economy is vibrant and growing, and the poor are thus uplifted and continually seeing a rising standard of living. They are given hope. This is the conservative school of thought. The super-rich are divided into these two groups, with a smattering of libertarians, totalitarians, and the disinterested making up the rest.

The liberals of the super-rich and the conservatives of the super-rich have bought the Democratic and Republican parties, respectively. These parties and their elected officials answer to their super-rich sponsors, and not to the people who have elected them. They are at odds with each other, but they have the same objective: preserve their status as the super-rich. With these parties in charge, the function of the government is to serve the super-rich first and foremost, and not the people. For this, government officials are paid off handsomely, with many of the most successful entering the super-rich status themselves. It is their reward. And their children get admitted to the best colleges, and are given many advantages throughout their lives -- that's what connections are all about.

The super-rich have also bought the media, and thus the media serves the super-rich, promoting their respective political parties and their elected officials. With control of the media and government, the super-rich control society, and try to control it in the direction opposite of a revolution. That's the function of government for them. That is its purpose.

One can see the workings of the super-rich on the government and media. Joe Biden was able to place his son on a Board of Directors to collect millions of dollars, and has other relatives collecting money from well-connected, motivated companies. There was not one inquiry from the media or government to investigate whether other sons or daughters or relatives of representatives or senators were collecting, in effect, bribes in this way. Why? Because nepotism is rampant in government, and the paid-off politicians and media do not want to expose this to the public. When the Coronavirus pandemic erupted, ventilators went missing, testing was rare except for the rich and famous, and nobody in the media or government was inquiring into where the ventilators were, or if they were being stockpiled for the exclusive use of hospitals for the super-rich -- with regular hospitals having to do without. Were the relatives of the super-rich going to be put out into the halls because their hospitals were overrun? Would they get first pick of the ventilators, while the rest of us gasp for breath on the floors of the hospital? Why was this question never asked? Why was the subject of reserved medical facilities for the super-rich never broached?

But problems have recently arose, starting with the Coronavirus, that threaten the status quo. Our ongoing budget deficit and national debt and printing of money and unfunded liabilities and private debt have reached levels that threaten to collapse our economy. All that is needed is a perturbation that puts our economy into a recession that cannot be fixed with stimulus. This next recession could then put the economy into a depression, and destroy the currency with hyperinflation. And a depression is what can trigger a revolution and cause an overthrow of the status quo. This is the biggest threat to the super-rich in a long time. It must be prevented! What to do?

A collapse of the economy must be avoided at all costs. Thus, the liberal super-elite have suspended their egalitarian strategy in order to support the conservatives during this critical emergency. They will need Donald Trump to influence the economy in capitalistic ways in order to prevent the depression. And Donald Trump is the man, as his business has been completely devastated by the Coronavirus shutdowns to the point that Donald Trump is bankrupt. Have you ever neard any talk pf this in the media? Why not, especially from those that hate him? Doesn't this strike you as odd? But a slush fund has been created for him and his family – he is now bought and paid for. He does not want to fall from super-rich status and its lifestyle. He will not be allowed to fall. And I ask you again – Why has not any supposedly hostile reporter ever asked Trump how his personal finances are doing in the wake of the Coronavirus devastating effect on the hotel, casino, and resort industry? Why hasn’t anyone asked the obvious, “Are you bankrupt?” or “Why aren’t you bankrupt?” or “How in the world could you not be bankrupt?”

Donald Trump was bankrupted by the effects of the Coronavirus, and both sides of the super-elite bailed him out.

In order to ensure Donald Trump wins the election, the super-rich had to arrange for the Democratic Party to choose the worst candidate possible. That was Sleepy Joe Biden. For this, all other Democratic candidates were told to bow out of the race a day or two before Super Tuesday. It is inexplicable that all of these candidates would bow out after a year of campaigning, and only days before the Super Tuesday election. But they did, and Biden came out of nowhere to sweep up the delegates. Bernie Sanders had no chance, as all the other former candidates endorsed Joe Biden. You will start seeing the defection of the media from Joe Biden after Biden becomes the official candidate of the Democratic Party. New stories will come out in which he will not be defended. His deteriorating mental capacity will become more and more apparent. Biden will be thrashed in the presidential debates. The withering criticisms of Donald Trump will be dampened. Trump will win the election in a landslide.

But the economy is too damaged for Donald Trump to save. Too much debt, too much money printed, too much inflation, and an oncoming collapse in the bond market, as nobody will be foolish enough to purchase the government’s debt and be stuck with the government's printed dollars. We will have that depression, and we will have hyperinflation, and the revolution, and a totalitarian state. But it won’t be the liberal or conservative elite in charge, as the government will have become strong enough, with its own control of the media, that both groups of super-elites will have their wealth confiscated. And after this, we will all be under a permanent totalitarian state. The new super-elites will be in the government, and that’s the way it will forever stay. I give it two years until our lives will all be about taking orders orders from the government to improve the state.

Pretty bleak vision of our future, to be sure, but I have to tell you what I truly believe. Watch it unfold, as described above. I would appreciate any comments, criticisms, or questions you might have. Please convince me that the above is untrue, and that our days as a free society are not numbered.


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
cliff notes version?

Jul 14, 2007
Nothing is really as conspiratorial or coordinated as it seems.

Listen to Mark Cuban or Bloomberg talk, most of these billionaires ain't even smart enough to pull something like that off.

Sep 21, 2004
Jeesh. Just live ur life.

New member
Mar 17, 2015

In order to ensure Donald Trump wins the election, the super-rich had to arrange for the Democratic Party to choose the worst candidate possible. That was Sleepy Joe Biden. For this, all other Democratic candidates were told to bow out of the race a day or two before Super Tuesday. It is inexplicable that all of these candidates would bow out after a year of campaigning, and only days before the Super Tuesday election. But they did, and Biden came out of nowhere to sweep up the delegates. Bernie Sanders had no chance, as all the other former candidates endorsed Joe Biden. You will start seeing the defection of the media from Joe Biden after Biden becomes the official candidate of the Democratic Party. New stories will come out in which he will not be defended. His deteriorating mental capacity will become more and more apparent. Biden will be thrashed in the presidential debates. The withering criticisms of Donald Trump will be dampened. Trump will win the election in a landslide.


Hilarious how BLACK EYE OF THE FORUM posts his wet dreams disguised as a "conspiracy theory" aka rantings of a schizophrenic lunatic.

No worries, conspiracy theories aren't real.


Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
cliff notes version?

The liberal super elite will suspend their agenda for now , to support the conservatives and the capitalistic ways to get Trump elected and avoid a depression..They have seen how quickly their wealth can disappear with events in the last 3 months or so , a depression is on the horizon if this isn't dealt with..Biden will be abandoned once he has the nomination locked up.

Rx. Senior
Nov 8, 2007
Pretty bleak vision of our future, to be sure, but I have to tell you what I truly believe. Watch it unfold, as described above. I would appreciate any comments, criticisms, or questions you might have. Please convince me that the above is untrue, and that our days as a free society are not numbered.

For you to take that much time to write all this out means you probably really don't want to see things for how they really are. For the benefit of others, I will show how much your logic fails.

But how would you feel if you lost all the above, and had to go back down to the middle class? Would you survive (and I’m talking about suicide)? What if you actually became poor? Isn’t this something that you would avoid at all costs? Isn’t falling out of great wealth your greatest worry in life? How could this happen? More importantly, how can it be avoided?

If I had a $1 billion, then lost 90% of that and only had $100 million, I would be perfectly fine. For you to say that would be my greatest worry, shows how out of touch you are.

But the economy is too damaged for Donald Trump to save.

The is 100% wrong. So long as Trump is president, the economy is saved and America is Great Again. If anyone doesn't believe that, they are retarded liberals. If anyone didn't believe that Trump has saved the economy for all of America, they should vote for Biden.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
[/COLOR]For you to take that much time to write all this out means you probably really don't want to see things for how they really are. For the benefit of others, I will show how much your logic fails.

[/COLOR]If I had a $1 billion, then lost 90% of that and only had $100 million, I would be perfectly fine. For you to say that would be my greatest worry, shows how out of touch you are.

The is 100% wrong. So long as Trump is president, the economy is saved and America is Great Again. If anyone doesn't believe that, they are retarded liberals. If anyone didn't believe that Trump has saved the economy for all of America, they should vote for Biden.[/COLOR]

You must be drinking again is all I can say. Your biggest problem with most of your posts is , you assume to much and don't comprehend well.

Defender of the Faith
Aug 13, 2005
If you look at politics as top versus bottom, instead of left versus right, it makes sense.

Rx. Senior
Nov 8, 2007
You must be drinking again is all I can say. Your biggest problem with most of your posts is , you assume to much and don't comprehend well.

Feel free to go on crying about all the things Trump isn't doing for you. The rest of us will enjoy all the things he has done and will continue to do to Make America Great Again.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Feel free to go on crying about all the things Trump isn't doing for you. The rest of us will enjoy all the things he has done and will continue to do to Make America Great Again.

Man you're fucking stupid
Feb 6, 2007
Figured I’d hit the top with those I seen the bottom with. Wrong.

They switched, my circle so small I’m standing out of it.

Dec 29, 2006
If I had a $1 billion, then lost 90% of that and only had $100 million, I would be perfectly fine. For you to say that would be my greatest worry, shows how out of touch you are.

If you really feel that way, you likely never would accumulate a billion, a hundred million, or even 10 million to be able to dismiss losing 90% as merely a blip.

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004

Rx. Senior
Nov 8, 2007
If you really feel that way, you likely never would accumulate a billion, a hundred million, or even 10 million to be able to dismiss losing 90% as merely a blip.

According to RED EYE, I should be a billionaire by the end of the night. After all, he said "Make no mistake – there is no barrier to entry into this group". If there's no barrier to entry, I'll join that group right now. Unless of course he was just making up another lie when he said that.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
I love how you spend all that time writing out 14 paragraphs for us, then whenever anyone uses logic to point how it's wrong, all you can do is end up calling people names.

Did you even read the thread title ? Did you see the post where I get asked if these are my thoughts ? If you would have , you wouldn't have gone into your fucking tirade..

Lol. I didn't write out 14 paragraphs.. It was a copy and paste skill I picked up.. This is what I meant about reading and comprehension.. A skill your lacking.. Don't be so defensive about Trump.. That's kinda getting in your way.. TDS in reverse

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