not going to say where i teach, but it is way above your intellectual capacity so the thought of you one day attending there is not a possiility. if i told you, you wouldnt believe me anyway. big lou, i am not asking for praise. i am only asking the jerkoff's that rip me when i say something contrary to what they have said, and it turns out to be right, to admit they were wrong.
to answer your question the apple and the watermelon hit at the same time.
here's something for you to do. this is an intellgence test that takes about 1 minute to complete.
answer the following math questions. say the answer outloud to each question.
now name a vegatable.
for those idiots out there a tomatoe is not a vegatable. I will have to say that you said carrot. if you did that means your normal, if you said something other than carrot which is also a vegatable you are advanced, if you said something that is not even a vegatable you are slow. 96% of the people you do this to will say carrot, and 2% each other way.
I will give you the letters of the institurtion in which I am employed C.M.U. We dont have a football team, but out university did invent the "sky cam" or "feild cam" that you see monday night that hangs from the cord hanging from the stadium.