Relax. You posted a stupid comment. You got called out on it. Own up to it like a man.
Calling people out for being tough behind a keyboard and then doing the same..ohhhkk
Ohhhkkk, Are you fucking kidding me???? Another stupid fucking post, twich, you hypocrite. First you piled on to a bully comment. And now YOU don't own up to it - guess you really are an ASSHOLE. You think it's alright to call someone an imbecile because of one little honest mistake. Fuck no. Trying to congratulate someone is a stupid comment? Fuck no.
Try pointing out a mistake like a decent human being, and maybe you would get the same in return. Instead of daaaah, "calling you out" daaaah "gotcha" daaaah "imbecile" daaah I'm a stupid fucking disgusting bully -- YOU moronically chose to side with that -- so I say to you: go to hell- you are also a disgrace to the forum.
And as I was more than clear about, you idiot, I would absolutely LOVE to meet face to face. YOU are sitting behind a keyboard typing things I guarantee you wouldn't say to me if we were face to face (unless you really are retarded). I absolutely promise you I would love to say these things to your face.