How do you define white?
the first 'aryans' were the inhabitants of Babylon
modern day Persians/Iranians (before the Arab invasion 1400 years ago)
Hitler defined 'Aryans' differently of course.
So it all depends on how you define the term white of course.
Do you include southern europeans?
Who obviously have Moorish (Arab) blood running through their veins
If you decide to let Souther Europeans in the 'click' then you must look at South Americans as well.
Uruguay, Argentina, Colombia, Brazil all have big populations that never mixed with the native americans.
If you include only Northern Europeans, you are really cornering yourself.
Its also important to understand skin tone doesnt constitute a race.
You could be a 'white' euro spaniard and olive tone or you could be an Arab and rather 'white' tone.
Also important to understand academic or athletic achievement doesnt make a group superior.
Ashkenazi Jews are said to have the highest average IQ of any ethnic group....
That same group has the highest rate of schizophrenia. Not highly desireable.
Asians generally do well in math and science, yet (and I hope this doesnt offend)
Yet they are generalized as being obedient, almost submissive.
Would you want those characteristics leading your revolutionary army?
Race has become so taboo to talk about.