The United States Post Office


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
And, Trump is willing to give the post office funding in a stand alone package.

Liberal losers and liars like Nancy Pelosi want to bury it in a 1 trillion dollar bail out package for their friends and then tell the world "Trump refuses to fund the post office because he wants to suppress voting"

All of the libtard nation media regurgitates her lies without challenge, and the pawns play on

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005

New member
Nov 21, 2013
It may be out of your control but it's not out of OUR control as Americans and if any sort of irregularities are happening in regards to mail in voting, there's a problem and I know you share the same opinion.

We can put a man on an international space station for months on end but we can't stop sending voting ballots to dead people?

You can keep typing the words "youagree with me" but it doesn't make it a fact.

You are on your own (without me) when it comes to arguing the USPS is somehow damaging our electoral system

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005


Dec 13, 2007
Black women and Crack..?
Let's see..where would an old boomer go next?

Race baiting POS
Laughable old fool

"Heil 99"

New member
Nov 21, 2013
Black women and Crack..?
Let's see..where would an old boomer go next?

Race baiting POS
Laughable old fool

"Heil 99"

It's always the ni**ers....Been his go-to punching bag since Nov exhausting, futile lifestyle

Dec 13, 2007
It's always the ni**ers....Been his go-to punching bag since Nov exhausting, futile lifestyle

Lost in a changing world. fearful, angry. = BOOMER
This guy works harder than anyone here making sure everyone knows he's "aces"

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Absentee Ballots right here. get your Absentee ballots..


May 27, 2007
making government workers work on a weekend?

oh man that’s funny!!

You don't know how the government works so why comment?

Government workers work on a Saturday and Sunday and the next week you give them Thursday and Friday off. Do better Knight. Think outside the box and comment on what you know. Educate yourself.

May 27, 2007
You can keep typing the words "youagree with me" but it doesn't make it a fact.

You are on your own (without me) when it comes to arguing the USPS is somehow damaging our electoral system

Well cool. I won't comment on anything you have to say from here on out. No problem.

Dec 13, 2007
President Trump has spent months raging against mail-in voting systems calling them “rigged,”“corrupt,”“fraudulent,” and threatening to withhold funding from the Post Office so the Democrats won’t “steal the election” from him.
And now—surprise!—a lot of people think Trump may want to prevent people from being able to vote by mail.
I mean, how do people come up with the nutty conspiracy theories?
As of Tuesday, at least 21 states were planning to sue the Post Office and U.S. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy (a Trump supporter-cum-government-appointee) for operational changes made ahead of the election—including the removal of Post Office dropboxes and sorting machines—which have resulted in mail slowdowns. Oh, and last week the Post Office sent letters to 46 states and the District of Columbia warning that it could not guarantee that ballots cast by mail for the November election will arrive in time to be counted.
But don’t worry. There’s nothing to see here. And to prove it, on Tuesday DeJoy said he would suspend making even more changes until after the election just to “avoid even the appearance of any impact on election mail.”
So case closed! Republican National Committee Spokeswoman Liz Harrington said in a Monday email titled “Debunking the Democrats’ (latest) conspiracy theory” that anyone who believes Trump might have attempted to tamper with the mail-in voting is “completely untethered from reality.” Which is . . . kind of a strange way to characterize the people who take what her boss says seriously. Or literally. Or whatever.
In a normal election year, without coronavirus and a sitting president denouncing mail-in voting systems, people may have looked at mail slowdowns and drop boxes being hauled away and locked up and not really thought much of it. But, when Trump tweets things such as “MAIL-IN VOTING WILL LEAD TO MASSIVE FRAUD AND ABUSE. IT WILL ALSO LEAD TO THE END OF OUR GREAT REPUBLICAN PARTY. WE CAN NEVER LET THIS TRAGEDY BEFALL OUR NATION” it’s kind of hard to fault people for thinking the president might up to something.
Because he is.
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Steele and Harwood on Night One of the Virtual DNCOn a special DNC Convention episode of the Bulwark Podcast, Michael Steele and John Harwood join Charlie Sykes to break ...

</aside>Behind the scenes, Trump’s presidential campaign is suing Nevada over its mail-in voting system and trying to invalidate absentee ballot requests in three Iowa counties. Earlier this summer, Trump’s lawyers took Pennsylvania to court for its mail-in system but failed to produce any evidence of vote-by-mail fraud by the Friday deadline the judge imposed. (Oops.)
Trump’s brand of conspiracy theories tend to work better on Facebook and Fox than in court. A plaintiff typically needs evidence to pursue a claim. But all you need to go viral are some foot soldiers shameless enough to put their faces on the story and go on TV. Like White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows who sat down with CNN’s Jake Tapper on Sunday.
There, Meadows claimed mail-in systems send “millions” of ballots to “empty mailboxes,” which “disenfranchises” voters.
“But there’s no evidence of widespread voter fraud,” Tapper said.
Meadows replied, “There’s no evidence that there’s not, either. That’s the definition of fraud, Jake.”
Actually, that’s the definition of a smear. Go ahead. Prove to me you don’t beat your spouse, abuse puppies, commit other various crimes against humanity. THERE’S NO EVIDENCE YOU DON’T. SEE!?!
In discussion with Fox Business’s Maria Bartiromo earlier this month about why he would not agree to Democratic requests for emergency Post Office funding Trump said, “They need that money in order to have the Post Office work so it can take all of these millions and millions of ballots…If they don’t get those two items, that means you can’t have universal mail-in voting because they’re not equipped to have it.”
So: The president says that mail-in voting will destroy his party. He says that he “can never let” mail-in voting happen. And he then says that by denying the Post Office funding, then they won’t have the capability to process mail-in voting.
Boy, it’s a real mystery why people think Trump might shut down the Post Office to help him win reelection.

There are only two possible explanations for what is going on with Trump’s Postal Service.
(1) All of the disappearing mailboxes and sorting machines are part of routine logistical planning, and
(1)(b) The president’s words about mail-in voting and the Post Office are meaningless and no reasonable person should take them any more seriously than they do his claims to have done more for African-Americans than Abraham Lincoln or that he would build a border wall that would be paid for by Mexico. He’s a child who says whatever comes into his head and no reasonable person should take any of his words as representative of his beliefs, his plans, or his administration’s policies and actions.
(2) Trump repeatedly said he believes mail-in voting will cost him the election. Then the Postal Service suddenly started taking actions that were out of the ordinary. Because the president wanted it to.
As conspiracies go, this isn’t like QAnon. You don’t have to decode anonymous internet posts and do a whole Pepe Silvia thing. It’s pretty straight forward: Trump say mail-in voting bad. Mail has problems. Trump stop mail.
So either Trump is really up to something and the Postal Service is a legitimate point of concern. Or it’s a baseless conspiracy because Trump is so mentally unstable that no one should take his words seriously.
Pick one.


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005

Get informed conspiracy guys

Feb 6, 2007
Today Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, a Trump loyalist and mega-donor who imposed new rules on the USPS shortly after he took office in June, was forced to announce that he will postpone his overhaul of the USPS until after the election. Americans have been outraged over mail delays and the president’s announcement that his administration’s squeeze on the USPS was designed to hurt the Democrats in November by undercutting mail-in voting. DeJoy is facing Senate hearings on Friday, and House hearings on Monday. Lawmakers will undoubtedly want to hear why the Department of Veterans Affairs has had to go to private companies like FedEx and UPS to get medication to their patients, when previously, the USPS handled about 90% of all VA mail-order prescriptions.

But DeJoy’s statement did not address that, according to an internal USPS planning document obtained by CNN, 95% of the mail sorting machines marked for removal should already be gone.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Why do some people keep falling for the same lies being told by the same liars time and time and time again?

Do they ever come to a point and say, "y'know, you've lied to me a little too often, why should I keep believing you"?

Do they ever look at the facts and think?
Feb 6, 2007
Why do some people keep falling for the same lies being told by the same liars time and time and time again?

Do they ever come to a point and say, "y'know, you've lied to me a little too often, why should I keep believing you"?

Do they ever look at the facts and think?

They do. A lot of people confront Trump about his lies. He just lies more to cover up the fucking lie.

What did I post that isn't true? Name one thing untrue in that post above and prove it and I'll send you a 1000 dollars.

Ready? Go

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
They do. A lot of people confront Trump about his lies. He just lies more to cover up the fucking lie.

What did I post that isn't true? Name one thing untrue in that post above and prove it and I'll send you a 1000 dollars.

Ready? Go

Mom aint gonna like you stealing her debit card!

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Today Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, a Trump loyalist and mega-donor who imposed new rules on the USPS shortly after he took office in June, was forced to announce that he will postpone his overhaul of the USPS until after the election. Americans have been outraged over mail delays and the president’s announcement that his administration’s squeeze on the USPS was designed to hurt the Democrats in November by undercutting mail-in voting. DeJoy is facing Senate hearings on Friday, and House hearings on Monday. Lawmakers will undoubtedly want to hear why the Department of Veterans Affairs has had to go to private companies like FedEx and UPS to get medication to their patients, when previously, the USPS handled about 90% of all VA mail-order prescriptions.

But DeJoy’s statement did not address that, according to an internal USPS planning document obtained by CNN, 95% of the mail sorting machines marked for removal should already be gone.

What's not true?

1) You're implying wrong doing by a man by calling him a Trump loyalist and mega donor. Maybe it's just a good idea, his argument to follow

2) Was forced to announce he's postponing. Or maybe he decided the bullshit it's creating is not worth it

3) The changes are designed to hurt democrats in November. That's pure poppycock, that's an indisputable lie

What you've done is cite a biased hit pieced and call it fact. You don't understand facts, that was obvious in your "facts" thread. An honest piece makes an objective presentation of both sides of the story.

Here's why he's making such proposals

A new post office rule being tested in 200 cities may change the way your mail gets delivered. The new postmaster general, Louis DeJoy, a Trump appointee and a former top fundraiser for the president's campaign, wants postal carriers to gather and deliver all the mail for their route at one time in the morning. Currently, many mail carriers return to the post office to sort and pick up mail that's come in for delivery in the afternoon. The USPS says this will cut down on transportation and overtime labor costs.


It's nothing about mail in ballots or the election, that's what liberal liars are lying about. It's about stopping the post office from hemorrhaging from all extremities. A simple little move could improve efficiency and cut costs, common sense. In the business world, business men and women understand this stuff. Liberals don't, they create some false narrative which you buy each and every time.

So you're entire post is one massive lie, it's intellectual dishonesty but I know you don't understand that concept either.

Give my $ 1,000 to your local food-bank.

And next time don't try to fuck with me, it's never going to end well for you. I wasn't even addressing your post with my response, I was addressing the lie I just described being told by the same liars that have been lying to you for as long as you have been listening. You're just an enabler

Dec 21, 2007
What's not true?

1) You're implying wrong doing by a man by calling him a Trump loyalist and mega donor. Maybe it's just a good idea, his argument to follow

2) Was forced to announce he's postponing. Or maybe he decided the bullshit it's creating is not worth it

3) The changes are designed to hurt democrats in November. That's pure poppycock, that's an indisputable lie

What you've done is cite a biased hit pieced and call it fact. You don't understand facts, that was obvious in your "facts" thread. An honest piece makes an objective presentation of both sides of the story.

Here's why he's making such proposals

A new post office rule being tested in 200 cities may change the way your mail gets delivered. The new postmaster general, Louis DeJoy, a Trump appointee and a former top fundraiser for the president's campaign, wants postal carriers to gather and deliver all the mail for their route at one time in the morning. Currently, many mail carriers return to the post office to sort and pick up mail that's come in for delivery in the afternoon. The USPS says this will cut down on transportation and overtime labor costs.


It's nothing about mail in ballots or the election, that's what liberal liars are lying about. It's about stopping the post office from hemorrhaging from all extremities. A simple little move could improve efficiency and cut costs, common sense. In the business world, business men and women understand this stuff. Liberals don't, they create some false narrative which you buy each and every time.

So you're entire post is one massive lie, it's intellectual dishonesty but I know you don't understand that concept either.

Give my $ 1,000 to your local food-bank.

And next time don't try to fuck with me, it's never going to end well for you. I wasn't even addressing your post with my response, I was addressing the lie I just described being told by the same liars that have been lying to you for as long as you have been listening. You're just an enabler
Damn Willie just smacked the shit out of mob right through the computer screen...

Just reaches right through and swiftly backhanded mob...


Send that 1000 to the food bank mob you’ve been beat again...

Feb 6, 2007
Damn Willie just smacked the shit out of mob right through the computer screen...

Just reaches right through and swiftly backhanded mob...


Send that 1000 to the food bank mob you’ve been beat again...


You’re a retarded parrot. You’ve had this response lately anytime someone responds to me.

Lets take a look....

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