The Truth About Roxy.

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NBA and Miami Heat Guru
Sep 20, 2004
Boxslayer32 said:
Probably not. I just moved into a new place, bought a plasma TV, and pulled a lot of my sports account to pay some of the bills, rent, TV, etc while my business gets off the ground. Just too busy with too many things and not enough money right now. Thats why I havnt been posting much lately. I'm being very selective with my bets because of my cash out. I pulled 8K out of my sports account and I have 1K in there, so my units are about $25 a unit right now. :pucking:

Hopefully next year.

Okay fair enough Box, maybe next year.....but I think you should scrape some pennies together and buy the Heat championship is awesome! :puppy: :103631605 :dancefool

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
spreadbeater said:
Okay fair enough Box, maybe next year.....but I think you should scrape some pennies together and buy the Heat championship is awesome! :puppy: :103631605 :dancefool

LOL, I'm not THAT broke. Just cant afford plane tickets, the hotel, the food, the whole gambling and strippers thing, in addition to the "opportunity cost" of not working while Im there.

Plus, Pimple aint going. Gotta have His Rawness there.

That settles it...It's WED/DAY
Sep 21, 2004
id love to go to the bash. i got some work going on this year. I definitely want to go. hope you guys have some fun for me. maybe you will have a roxy sighting.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
spreadbeater said:
First lap dance is on me for both you and your bro!!!! You better be at the bash you Brown Bitch!!!! :howdy:

I'll hold you to that. Definitely trying to make it out. Got some strippers to urinate on, and these Maryland skanks are too low-class to really mind it.

There's a better possibility of me getting hammered at a blackjack table and puking all over it, then passing out right there, to be honest.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
dsethi said:
haha we need to use the Duke players' quote however it went....

"I've decided to have some strippers over. … All are welcome. However, there will be no nudity. I plan on killing the bitches as soon as they walk in and proceeding to cut their skin off." The writer then describes in vile terms that he would find the act sexually satisfying.


That is some of the funniest shit ever.
Jan 19, 2006
Roxygurl wrote this on another forum

Roxygurl said:
a good friend of mine was hired by a new souplantation and saturday is thier pre-opening party and all employees can have up to 20 guests to bring for a free lunch. hey free grub im down! then im getting my home pc fixed and im NOT down with that cuz i fear the worst which means money...then i hope to hit the beach. but who knows. i wont be here and that blows. what ya doing hmm?

Do women let alone ones that look like a playboy playmate say
these kind of things?

She did some changes to her myspace account. HAHA!!!


That settles it...It's WED/DAY
Sep 21, 2004
picture of Roxygurl on June 26, 2006 3:25 P.M.

Striving towards handicapping perfection...
Oct 16, 2004
Some funny stuff here...

I think it is hilarious that Roxyguy uses the Shrink to try and prove he is a "she", especially when Roxyguy hates the Shrink -- more on that later in this post as there are 2 links posted where "she" bashes the Shrink...

From a personal point of view, I always thought of Roxy as an internet friend, but what I found out over time is that this "friendship" is a conditional deal..."She" is my friend/buddy ONLY if I go to "her" forum and post my picks and analysis there...Basically, as long as I post there, then we are friends...It's basically a one-way friendship with "her"...And I have never posted regularly there...So every time I'd stumble across "her" on the RX, "she" would always flirt and be nice to me but "she" would ALWAYS bring up having me posting at "her" site...

Now many people on different forums have PM'ed me and told me that Roxy is very 2-faced...But I always gave "her" the benefit of the doubt, until I got to see this 2-faced side of "her" first-hand a few times...

The final straw for me was an incident in January where there was a misunderstanding between my forum and her forum because of a poster that was on both our forums...

The poster from my forum was a newbie at the time and made an honest mistake at her forum, with no malicious intent, and with no orders from anyone to do what he did, he just made a mistake in judgment being new to the forum world where he had no idea what the consequences might be...

And because of this poster's error, I got blamed by Roxy and was put on post review at "her" site and had my PM privlieges suspended...So I emailed Roxy and asked "her" what the hell was going on and "she" was all nicey-nice and friendly as pie to my face (in emails) and she got LakersFan to immediately restore what was taken away since nothing was my fault, but LakersFan accidently gave me rights to their Board Room, so I got to read what Roxy was really saying about me and other people in private...

Man, what an eye-opener...

"She" was ripping me left and right behind my back...I even saved some of their Board Room stuff on my pc...

And I am reading this crap she was saying about me at the same time she was being all nicey-nice to me during an email exchange...

So I tell "her" what I saw in the Board Room, and "she" immediately became very apologetic and said that she was retiring from the forum scene "immediately" now, because of this, when about 30 minutes earlier during our email "conversation", "she" told me "she" was retiring from the forum scene in 90 days...Now this was in early January...

But to FINALLY get to my original point of this post, I was willing to forgive and forget the whole ugly incident of her badmouthing me behind my back and lying to me and pretending to be my friend and just being a total phony in general if we would just have a chat so we could put it all behind us...I was offering a truce...

So "she" IMMEDIATE refuses this request, because "she" just assumed I wanted to talk to "her" on the phone, which i did, but I then say in my next email that I don't need to chat on the phone with "her", let's just chat in the chat room on "her" site, and as soon as "she" saw a phone conversation wasn't needed and that we could chat in a chat room, "she" IMMEDIATELY agreed...And "she" put on this big 2-faced act during our chat that made me see what everybody had told me about "her" all along...

I will admit at that moment, I was seriously wondering if Roxygurl is even a "girl"...


Because if "she" was a "girl", why would talking on the phone with me be impossible, yet 2 seconds later, when I offer to "chat" with "her" in a chat room, "she" agreed immediately?...

Just very, very fishy...

And in March, "she" took another pot-shot at my forum, and when I PM'ed her about it, "she" immediately deleted the post and tried to brush it off as nothing, so I basically PM'ed her back and told "her": Fool me once, shame on you, but fool me twice shame on me, and "she" seemed to get all bent out of shape over this, saying stuff like "wrong move pal" and "she" even challenged me to find the post "she" deleted and expose "her" in "her" forum dump...

Now maybe this is just me, but I don't know many women who go around issuing challenges like that and saying "wrong move pal"...That is stuff chest-thumping wannabe "tough" guys who hide behind their computers do...Not women, at least, IMO...

Here is that PM:

Here is a 2nd pot-shot Roxyguy has for the Shrink:

Here is the last PM Roxy sent to me in March:

which I did not respond to because "she" is not playing fair here..."She" deleted her post where "she" ripped me and my forum and after "she" deletes it, "she" challenges me to to find it and expose "her"...

Well, nice try, Roxy, but you should not have ripped me like that yet again, and then challenge me to expose you AFTER you deleted the evidence...Tisk-tisk...That just wasn't very nice...Just not "lady-like", to say the least...

You challenged me to expose you...

Well, I still have your 2-faced email exchange with me where, on January 3, 2006 you state that:

as of jan 1st the clock is ticking for me. in 90 days im leaving all forums and never looking back. its too cut not ever going to get used to that
i think my 90 day deadline just sorry steve
ive let lakersfan know im done with all forums
this business not made for any of it.

I have the entire email exchange of course, which is really a funny read when you put it side by side with the posts you made about me and my forum in your Board Room, which I also have saved...

But do I really need to post the links I have to your Board Room and the other PM's you sent me and do I really need to post our entire email exchange also, so the whole world can read both and see you for the phony you are?...

Nah, I don't have to because you are doing a damn fine job exposing yourself as a phony without any help from me...

BoxSlayer32 and many others have seen right through your non-stop charade...A totally phony myspace with fake pictures and fake friends and fake conversations on top of everything else...

You challenged me to expose you in that last PM you sent me at your forum, which was pretty ballsy for a "girl", and this post here at the RX rubber room is my response...Which is why you should always:

Be careful what you wish for...

After the way you ripped me on your forum (in the open and in the Board Room), I now consider us even...

I still have no problem being your friend in the future, no problem at all...However, this will only happen after you give up this phony act of yours first...

If not, no problem by me either, best of luck over at your forum...

And as far as Roxygurl actually being a "girl"...Well, hun, the ball is in your court...If you really are a "girl", and a "hot, sexy girl" at that, it would really be simple to prove...Just go to the RX bash or pick up the phone and talk to someone or just set up a public meet in San Diego with a fellow RX'er...I bet there are several volunteers at the RX who would be happy to meet you in San Diego to verify who you are...

It would be a cinch to set up...

Time to put up or shut up, and by shut up, I mean to actually retire from the forum world for real this time...

<!-- / message -->
Jan 19, 2006
Seems like there are alot more people that dislike Roxy than like. The only people that are cool with her are the blind,deaf,and dumb @ MVP and anyone else who is not aware of her/his devious ways.

Good post brewers, She really is a two faced creep. She is really
is a piece of work. She has some serious issues.

New member
Oct 22, 2005
Brewers nice post, too bad you could not copy and post that crap from the Board Room to show what type of fraud she is.
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