The TOP three RX tough guys in REAL life.


New member
Jul 20, 2000
it was preseason nfl

me and sea scum met at last years rx bash

my local had me limited to 1000 on preseason

sea offered to pass my bets to some of his locals

it was agreed that he was not to hold any bets( he did not have the money to cover them)

I lost a couple of times and paid

I found out sun of the last week we bet that he was holding bets with no way to cover them( no intention of covering them if I won either)

I did not pay him the last week

New member
Sep 20, 2004
this was from seaurchin

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>posted September 23, 2003 08:33 AM
I met panther in Vegas after talking to him several times on the phone.
we got along great and gambled and drank together most of the trip.
back home I went as far as to set him up with a small credit line offshore at a book I have done business with.
the first week he plays a handful of games at 200-300 each and loses around 500 to me, which I had laid off since I no longer book games.
he loses 997 to the offshore and since he doesn't have a net teller account he deposits the money in a bank account and I send them the money net teller and pay off here for him.

the second week he doesn't reach the settle figure offshore but increases his games to 16 total. 6 on sat . one for 500, one for 200 and the rest for 300. he loses 200 sat. no big deal
Sunday he plays 10 games . 1 for 400, 5 for 300, 3 for 200, 1 for 100.
he loses 1390 on Sunday making his total 1590.
he had 1560 in my bank account on Monday before 2.
the 30 was overlooked , no big deal.

this week started off with a split for 300 each on thurs and friday.
then on sat he has 12 games for 500 each.
I have been doing business with my local for 6 years and he makes up his own golf and nascar lines, I have a settle figure with him and we square up like clock work on tuesdays, never a problem in 6 years.
his golf and nascar lines alone are worth the running around to pay off promptly when I have to.i cant lose this out for anything. period.
I lay these off and am questioned what I am doing because I never bet that many games. panther loses 550 on sat making him -580 going to sunday. all laid off.

sunday he calls and wants 7 games for 500 on the 1 o'clock kicks.
I have slept on this and am already over my settle figure with my local.after thinking about it I realize that if these blow I am looking at coming up with a large figure with my local on tuesday. I don't feel comfortable with this and tell panther I can get him down 250 a game on his 7 games. he goes 1-5-1 . at 4 he wants 4 more games.
2-8-1 for the day ..-1750 with some 1/2 point buys -2330 week
no big deal.

at 7:30 he wants to bet the entire figure on the bears. I say what
yea I want to <let it ride> on the bears he says. I tell him 500 max
because thats all can get down for him because i am already over my settle figure with my local and my local is accomadating me even though
i am over my settle figure.Panther goes into a tirade about paying me all this money. That he isnt going to pay and hangs up.Before it dawns on me he has hung up i call back and he want come to the phone.First
he didnt pay me anything i paid off for him.
then it dawns on me he will use this as an excuse not to pay.
I call offshore and he is down 800 and change with his balance bet on the bears. I tell the head guy that I know I am responsible for the 800 but not the outstanding bet. he cancels the outstanding bet

so I am stuck decent dollars now and learned a valuable lesson
here is a guy that I defended and actually like, shove it up my ass for a for 3153 dollars.

plain and simple he took a shot at me and i am now out of pocket
i did this strictly out of friendship and had it shoved up my ass

these are the facts and when he comes on and challenges them i am sure he will have an excuse for stiffing me.
i just want to make sure everybody knows the facts and hope they dont get screwed like i did. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

New member
Sep 20, 2004
posted by peep about panther

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Well, for sure he hasn't paid him, and for sure he is too poor to press charges either, like the police have nothing better to do than defend a deadbeat.

I think Sea has the right idea writing it off. Live and learn from his end.

Panther, you know you owe the money, you gambled and lost.

How much do you think you owe and how do you plan to pay it? All a man has is his word, you gave yours, you should keep it (at least to the best of your ability). <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

New member
Sep 20, 2004
posted by dimeplayersonly
a very well respected poster

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> its real simple

you make a wager and lose you ifs ands or buts........excuses are for stiffs period....... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

New member
Sep 20, 2004
posted by fatfrank about the vegas trip and blackjack

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Facts:

1. We were ALL drunk!! Hell, it was around 3am and we were in Vegas. Duh!

2. Panther lost the first $200.00 (100 of Sea's & 100 of Panther's) playing BJ by himself or so he said...


3. Sea was up about 300.00 at a BJ table where Sea & I were playing [The Sea/Panther "team" was ONLY up 100 (300-200=100) because Panther lost 200] .

4. Panther walks up and demands "his" 200.00.

5. Sea gives him 200

6. Panther runs to the casino cage to cash-in the chips because he was dead-ass broke and needed the cash because he was drinking at the bar.

I was drunk but that is what I saw...


New member
Jul 20, 2000


I read that 9 months ago

just like you

he does not know me from adam

pull up some more people that dont know me from adam


New member
Sep 20, 2004
posted by Teddy KGB another former well respected poster

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> a couple days late but i gotta chime in, during that same rx vegas
trip i had the <pleasure> of sitting with pather at a bj table and
this druken buffoon has the nerve to sit at 3rd base and proceeds
to clear the table of players as hes continues to hit his 15&16 hands
against the dealers 5&6 up card, but i continue to sit as i dont want
to offend the "great pather" i remember walking away thinking what
a fvcking idiot this toothless basterd was so when i heard what he did
to sea it didnt suprise me one bit the guy is just to stupid to know
better and a gallon of jack a day doesnt help his judgement <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

New member
Jul 20, 2000
we were way ahead

Iwas not broke

I ask him to give me the 200 I put up and to keep the rest

it was 5am and my plane was leaving at 11am and I needed a couple hrs sleep before going to the airport

New member
Sep 20, 2004
posted by hondaman about panthers bankruptcy

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> 63,000$$$ in credit cards he took down

he is a painter, how about taking down sherwin williams

I thought he said he played football for ecu(how many football players do you know that has a 650$ saxaphone that he owes 1100$ on) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

New member
Sep 20, 2004
posted by the judge wapner a very well respected poster

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Yeah he's bankrupt alright.Morally bankrupt.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

New member
Sep 20, 2004
posted by minnow from mw

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>I feel badly for anyone who lives a lie. To live beyond your means and be gambling.. ugh.
The guy bet money he didn't have, leaving another to pay his debt, and is still in denial making feeble excuses that he found out the guy wouldn't pay him had he won.
I think Panther needs some serious 12-step programming. The first step is easy.. admitting you have a problem.
Loman is correct.. morally bankrupt. I hope Panther gets the help he needs.
Sorry you got the shaft Sea... you're probably not the only one. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

New member
Jul 20, 2000

I like john .spent some good times with him and cleve fan on im.

if he knew the whole story 8or9 months ago when he posted that I dont think he would have

but hell he might

New member
Jul 20, 2000
just goes to prove that it is easy to say anything on the internet about someone you have never met or even talked to on the phone

shows that a few people can get together and try to discredit someone they have never even talked to and some people will beleive it

New member
Sep 20, 2004
posted by dicky w

also panther half of these people have met you(fatfrank teddy kgb and numerous others) and they all have the same thing to say about you

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Panther
Have you settled up With Sea Urchin yet? Or are you sticking by your "If I had picked winners instead of loosers and actually increased my balance and asked for a withdrawl I would have been stiffed " story

I hope your getting your shit together buddy, I have noticed a serious change in your posting persona over the past year and it's not good.

Not a good idea to hit on 16 when the dealer is showing a 5 <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

New member
Jul 20, 2000

I can still press charges and have him thrown in jail . for threating to kill my daughter.

that has not changed. the cops still have the tape filed

New member
Jul 20, 2000

come to thing of it all these comments came before people found out he threaten to kill a 16 year old girl over the phone

that really shows alot about the guy your defending

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Those of us who have been here a long time know Panther is a liar. He is also the worst handicapper here. Panther, u fraudulent scammer - u gonna take your teeth to Vegas this year ???

u blow - u liar

I'll never forget when I first called you out in these forums - u said u had made over $600,000 in the previous few years on football. You suck, liar. When you gonna pay Sea the $$ you ripped off from him..

p.s. - u blow - don't hit 14 when dealer showing 6

New member
Jul 20, 2000
lady o

just your speed taking up for a scumbag con man that threatens to kill 16 year old girls on the phone

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