please remember that the sgt is a pompous, arrogant elitist who thinks that his shit doesnt stink. dont waste your time and effort on this irrelevant moonbeam.
I was admittedly baked like a cake 85% of classtime grades 9-12 but finished #167 in a class of 950. Could not do calculus but could recite liner notes from Top 40 Rolling Stone rock charts
I was admittedly baked like a cake 85% of classtime grades 9-12 but finished #167 in a class of 950. Could not do calculus but could recite liner notes from Top 40 Rolling Stone rock charts
yes i agreed 100% and the problem here at duke is very bad too, we have to put some blame imo on the teachers too, we was talking about this problem here a few weeks ago and trying to get some ideas as to how to change this in the colleges