Alright well I'm late to this 144 reply party but here we go:
1. You guys are teetering on the edge of the RR here. You had to know you would get more than just the "Let us know when you're ready to release it!" reply.
2. It's not Old Dominion (Ken that is my lock for the day). :heh:
3. If it's a side I'd be willing to say it's either a favorite of 3 points or less or a dog (assuming it's football). No way Fish touches the high favs and I think we've read more than a few of Shrink's betting bibles that swear off high favs. I'd guess it's a dog...that really narrows it down. :think:
4. You guys don't need to hype it. I'd get a kick out of you releasing it on here and from that point forward watching the line movement. :aktion033
Finally....hopefully we've done enough here to teach most of our visitors about not putting all their eggs in one matter how much a pick is touted. The Mods do lose once in awhile folks! You guys did peak my interest though. I'd be shocked if a member that gets this pick via email didn't post it in this thread. To avoid a bunch of bs I think you guys should post it. At the least I can vouch for you two being worth a play.