Sorry, your employer cannot suspend you for posting something on your own time on social media - THAT IS NUTS! These "personal conduct clauses" are totally subjective and unconstitutional - a flagrant violation of the First Amendment. I'm sure if Clevenger had given a thumbs up to some BLM thug, nobody would have said boo. Clevenger should sue and take the Mariners to the cleaners!
The Kaepernick bullshit is almost the exact opposite, yet just as clear cut. No, liberals, he is not "exercising his free speech rights" - he is staging a protest on COMPANY TIME AND PROPERTY. If the 49ers had any balls and this weren't such a fucked up PC culture, they would terminate his contract and throw him off the team. Nobody is "suppressing his First Amendment rights"...Kap is free to take his millions, rent his own damn stadium and protest his ass off ON HIS OWN TIME! Since when can anyone say and do whatever the hell they want on company time? Again, completely backasswards, but what would you expect in this fucked up PC culture where black is white and white is black (pun intended)?