Guys i sincerely would bail out but the truth is if I bail out then action should have it locked up as his pick was Florida and she should win.
From here on out I agree with the deal of me and Pub splitting Ok or Action just deciding what is fair since she is in lead.
No input with PG makes me want to take my chances with OK, and if I win, I will give you your $100. It makes it hard that we are never here at the same time. Seems like he wants us to just keep the same rules and make fresh picks...I don't care which way we do it, but if that is how he maintains we do it, then I want to be able to choose whomever I want tomorrow and not be locked into Florida. Although, it seems like the two of us and the committee have decided your plan was the best way right? I will check on here in the morning... 7 am mountain time ...hopefully there will be some input from him. I guess it's not right to let him have all the power either since he arguably benefited the most from the play being posted...of course he would have to believe us that I was on FL and you on OK for this to make sense to him. We have to remember that for all he knows, I was going to take OK and was going to change to FL to insure a win and same sort of thing with you.
I can go with your way easy enough...but if PG won't split with you...someone just let me know we are going with the original rules and I will rethink my game plan on my pick. ******Actually I will have PBR email me at work with what you decide, and he is authorized to act as my proxy in the event that I am not able to get home from work in timeto post. I can't access the RX from work. ...
Hunter S...draw up the POA papers.
Sorry to be so wordy. It's the percs....