he obviously played the ball, he blocked the kick, hence it can't be roughing the kicker by the very definition of the rule.
he was offside, that penalty was called
the question becomes when was the play stopped, did he or should he have heard the whistle? If they didn't stop the play in a timely fashion, he has to complete the play, he can't just allow a FG
If they stopped the play in time for him to stop, the penalty would be unnecessary roughness. The talking heads are making that argument today, they stopped calling it roughing the kicker. But in true media tradition, they don't show us the refs blowing the play dead. I think if they did blow the play dead, they show it time and time and time again.
Just heard Rex Ryan say "it wasn't as bad as I thought, but it was still a ridiculous play". Whatever that means, "it wasn't as bad as he thought"