The "REAL" FADE SBR stooge vitterd? Thread


May 15, 2022
I think you have me confused with someone else, could you please provide a link to your fallacious charges.

I think kid baz has you spooked. He's passing out your pics like they were candy on Halloween. Not a good look chin x 3. You really screwed up sending those pics to him. Once he was released from prison, he started dealing those pics to several posters. And you so badly wanted him to be your special internet friend. Better luck next time simpleton
You seen Baz lately ???. Guess the video destroyed this narrative

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
If you watch that podcast, it's so obvious Squeaky had gastric bypass surgery. The flabby loose skin, manboobs and that melon-sized head, are very visual obvious signs.

Imagine how much the immobile disability-collecting beluga whale weighed back when he was lying nonstop on the Internet pretending he won millions playing poker, Virginia Beach family fables (he's not even married), season's tickets this and that, banging 10s etc.

No wonder he stood up dozens of posters over the years using every excuse in the book. "2k isn't worth my time, make it 10k!"

Reality check: the mentally ill obese troll couldn't leave his house without a forklift!


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
I wonder if they cut off his disability payments after the surgery?

This might explain his whole new pennies-per-post "paid poster" crap he can't stop bragging about!

:an_laugh: "I still get 10s!" - mentally ill 50-year-old virgin ?

Even BMR is tired of his bullshit and can't listen anymore!


May 15, 2022
Gastric bypass!! ???. My loons always try something new. That’s why they won’t face me!! Old Joe is just about dead. But he’s invited to the next podcast!!! I can’t wait to tell my wife I’m not married ???

I met another long time poster minny fats!!! That’s number 4. Joe has met nobody. Neither has mountain, Lenbo or Tuesday. They all hide for obvious reasons.

6’2 187. Nuke bomb
350k FanDuel nuke
1k ticket
2k ticket

all posted Boom!!!!

May 15, 2022
I will try to bring up sheriff Joe on next week podcast but last time nobody knew who he was!! Lmao. 20 years here and everyone said “who”???

Dec 7, 2013
Even BMR can't stomach the mentally ill multi-BANNED troll anymore!

Stomach...get it???


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I will try to bring up sheriff Joe on next week podcast but last time nobody knew who he was!! Lmao. 20 years here and everyone said “who”???
Does Fetterman (or the pretend employer) know that you are double dipping at the other site for 25 cents a post? Best come clean or your fantasy employer may fire your pretend ass

No one believes your tired act dude, time to move on. A piece of the next podcast, wear a hoodie so no one can see the excess skin flopping from your pasty white torso, it;s just gross

May 15, 2022
Does Fetterman (or the pretend employer) know that you are double dipping at the other site for 25 cents a post? Best come clean or your fantasy employer may fire your pretend ass

No one believes your tired act dude, time to move on. A piece of the next podcast, wear a hoodie so no one can see the excess skin flopping from your pasty white torso, it;s just gross
I buried you hillbilly. Every single thing you said about me, I proved wrong. You’ve been trolling me for a decade. You tried and tried but you lost. I stomped on you, nothing but a loser and degenerate broke gambler who needed daddy to bail him out.

What someone believes doesn’t matter. I’ve proven it all. JF is not my employer…..he’s senator elect. I did my job and won again. It hurt seeing me 6’2 and 187 huh? All those lies you told…..gone in one video. Anytime you wanna face me fatboy….just say the word. Coward bitch.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Vitturd's podcasts are so bad, so humiliating and so hysterical that I'm not even allowed to post them here.

Thanksgiving is days away - we're entering the most festive time of the year...for normal people.

Over the years, many have mocked and called out our resident "Family Man" for being extremely active in these forums spewing his trademarked hate and self-aggradizing bullshit during those periods. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter... nothing remotely suspicious about that, right?

"Sheriff Joe needs to be put down like a dog!"

"I'll come to your house, rape your wife and kill your dogs!"

Of course pretending to be "married with children" was yet another laughable ruse. Tough to "meet" anyone or do anything when you're confined to a wheelchair hooked up to an oxygen tank! Others have asked - what's up with that grating squeaky voice??? Most likely a result of years of stomach acid traveling back up his throat which permanently damaged his vocal chords.

How did this miserable trolling clown not end up on Jerry Springer at some point??

May 15, 2022
I’ve met several people. Confirmed and verified! Sheriff Joe was outed on a dating site. He is here 24/7 on holidays because he doesn’t have a family.

Joe is festive??? Lmao. He spews evil hate all day!! ???. Put him down. God are you listening??? For his own good….send him to hell for eternity.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Does Fetterman (or the pretend employer) know that you are double dipping at the other site for 25 cents a post? Best come clean or your fantasy employer may fire your pretend ass

No one believes your tired act dude, time to move on. A piece of the next podcast, wear a hoodie so no one can see the excess skin flopping from your pasty white torso, it;s just gross
It's so true.

Before his infantile "weigh-in nuke" with only his melon-shaped head visible, everybody was mocking him for weighing 400lbs....because he once did.

It all makes perfect sense now.

:an_laugh:"The kids love the long drives to Virginia beach!" -- Mister Family Man who posts nonstop during family holidays ?

May 15, 2022
Joe and mountain both decades long trolls. I’ve seen both of them. Neither of them would get on screen with me. They are both hideous. I’m in great shape and look great. That’s why the moderator picked me!!! In shape from day one!!!

Dec 7, 2013
I buried you hillbilly. Every single thing you said about me, I proved wrong. You’ve been trolling me for a decade. You tried and tried but you lost. I stomped on you, nothing but a loser and degenerate broke gambler who needed daddy to bail him out.

What someone believes doesn’t matter. I’ve proven it all. JF is not my employer…..he’s senator elect. I did my job and won again. It hurt seeing me 6’2 and 187 huh? All those lies you told…..gone in one video. Anytime you wanna face me fatboy….just say the word. Coward bitch.
Ya see, the real problem is the world as you see it and the real world as it is. They are two different worlds. In your world, you are a a player in the DNC and will be moving your family to DC to solve the problems the Democratic party currently has. In the world everyone else sees, you are a socially inept loner who constantly lives in a fantasy world. Your days are spent trying to make others in the vast wagering forum world believe that you are an actual person who can have an impact in their day to day lives.

It's ok to have fantasies. Last night, I pretended that my wife was Jessica Alba. She never knew the difference. At times, it's ok to live in a fantasy world but sooner or later reality rears it's sometimes ugly head. That time is now for you. 15 years of living in an obvious make believe world the time has come. Everyone knows what you are and the compassion is real. Come clean and face the reality.

I think that AA has added a step and it is based on your internet should be proud

May 15, 2022
Ya see, the real problem is the world as you see it and the real world as it is. They are two different worlds. In your world, you are a a player in the DNC and will be moving your family to DC to solve the problems the Democratic party currently has. In the world everyone else sees, you are a socially inept loner who constantly lives in a fantasy world. Your days are spent trying to make others in the vast wagering forum world believe that you are an actual person who can have an impact in their day to day lives.

It's ok to have fantasies. Last night, I pretended that my wife was Jessica Alba. She never knew the difference. At times, it's ok to live in a fantasy world but sooner or later reality rears it's sometimes ugly head. That time is now for you. 15 years of living in an obvious make believe world the time has come. Everyone knows what you are and the compassion is real. Come clean and face the reality.

I think that AA has added a step and it is based on your internet should be proud
I’ve met people. They know I’m the real deal. I’ve proven everything here. All the things you said about me are proven lies!! You can keep trying but my receipts have proven everything. Ask your rent a cop neighbor ???. Face it loser, people I’ve met and people who know me, know exactly what I’ve done. Ask minny fats. Lifelong Republican. Long time poster. I’m confirmed and verified!! Take your loss bitch.

Dec 7, 2013
I’ve met people. They know I’m the real deal. I’ve proven everything here. All the things you said about me are proven lies!! You can keep trying but my receipts have proven everything. Ask your rent a cop neighbor ???. Face it loser, people I’ve met and people who know me, know exactly what I’ve done. Ask minny fats. Lifelong Republican. Long time poster. I’m confirmed and verified!! Take your loss bitch.
Your deflection tactics don't work with me. You are who you are and everyone knows it, even you. Don't need this minny dude or anyone else to tell me anything. An hour meeting with someone doesn't offset 15 years of bullshit posts so cease and desist, you are making a fool of yourself.

May 15, 2022
Your deflection tactics don't work with me. You are who you are and everyone knows it, even you. Don't need this minny dude or anyone else to tell me anything. An hour meeting with someone doesn't offset 15 years of bullshit post so cease and desist, you are making a fool of yourself.
The receipts and nukes have dropped. The normal people have spoken. Time to admit you lost. It’s all been proven. What you believe is irrelevant. Means nothing. Facts matter and I’ve proven everything I’ve ever said and I have real people behind me to prove it. But you got when you “believe” ???. Everything you’ve ever said about me has been proven lie. Video and tickets don’t lie….just you and Joe do.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
"Listen up guys! I just spent all day hitting different casinos getting down my 80K! It wasn't easy, but we got it done!!" :lie::lie::lie:

Like anyone ever believed that bullshit!

Not that he's ever come close to betting an even fraction of those dollars, but it sure would bring a whole new meaning to the word 'whale'...wouldn't it???

Get it?? Whale???


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

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