I took my Father and Father In Law out to dinner tonight and picked up the tab. It cost me almost $400.00 with a tip but I felt so good about it. I knew the man upstairs would take care of me. I walk in from dinner and wouldn't you know it's 6-0 with one out left in thetop of the ninth. One minute later the game goes final and I collect $2,000.00. I made a cool $1,600.00 on the day. Langer is starting to melt down. Here's the plan guys. Last year he lost half of his radio shows because he lied all the time, got caught in lies by the hosts and lost week after week and his sales went down the tube. He went on tilt and got fired by Budin. He's now associated with a website with a guy who is a nobody. Less traffic means less sales. I want Langer around forever but I want him always on tilt because he can't handicap worth shit when he's messed up in the head. I want him scrounging around every year on crappy radio stations that no one listens to. Once the shows start Thurs Sept 2nd I want everyone to call and e mail the shows and tell the producers and hosts how bad Langer is picking games and how he can't tell the truth about anything. PM me your e mail address if you haven't already and you'll get an e mail a day or two before the season starts and your help will be greatly appreciated. We are all in this together. Long live the fade.