The "REAL" Fade Brandon Lang Thread


King Of All Faders
Mar 29, 2010
Birds of a feather flock together. Scum hangs out with scum.

So true. I found these on an old thread here at the Rx from 2008 about Lang's new partner in deception, Mr. Eddie Roman...

"Eddie Roman is a FRAUD!! Every capper is gonna have a cold streak here or there, thats a given. BUT this guy, he pulls numbers out of his ass... thats where he gets his records from. can anybody honestly vouch for his records? i know for a fact, for his executive club record, he forgets to add losses and then he adds winners. once the trust factor is gone.. the capper should be out of business. EDDIE ROMAN CANNOT BE TRUSTED!!"

"I've been saying this for a few weeks now, and every week, it never fails that he comes up with another Game of the Decade slogan bs. I can't believe peepz still ask for this play."

"Ditto Eddie Roman
I know a guy who signed on for Roman's Executive Picks. Many losers, but you never see them on his posted record."
Jun 8, 2009
wait so lang does hockey now also....and of corse he gives himself a fake winning streak ahahahah this guy is the best...i gota get back on this fade train pronto!

New member
Mar 14, 2010
B Lang Nice Guy?

He takes the high road all right, until you question his ethics and this is the reponse he gives to customers....a classic Faggot response from the Scum of the Earth:

FROM B LANG 03/23/10:

5 dimers won't feed my family....


How about I give you my address here in Florida and you come on down and stay in the guest house of my 2.7 million dollar home.

Feel free to use anyone of my 4 cars in the driveway. Most friends always pick the Benz.

If you golf, I can just call the head pro at TPC Sawgrass and we can play the Stadium course for free which is right across the street.

and we will finish the day with a free dinner at Ruth Chris steak house as the manager has been a personal friend for 15 years and also a Millionaire club client.

You see asshole, if you really think selling picks on the internet for 24 to 34 dollars feeds my family, this you are still awaiting the tooth fairly for the tooth that fell out of your mouth when your dad put his cock in it when you were 12 years old.

That my friend is how I feed my family and will always be the way I feed my family, just like the play my millionaire club clients got tonight in Applachin State outright.

You parasites on the internet will never get it and at the end of the day the joke will always be on you idiots.

Now it's time for me to go make love to my gorgeous wife before I hit the hot tub and call it a night before I figure out what my next winner will be for my clients that matter.

And before my head hits the pillow I will pray to god he helps remove the evil from that rotten heart of yours and somehow changes it to help you be a better person because as you have show in your emails, kids that grow up in trailers and were molested by their dad and not loved by their mom turn out to be just like you.

Jokes on you and good riddance. This email account will be deleted the minute I send this out so as you just found out, B.Lang always has the last word.

Just kills you I know but hey, if you would just quit molesting the cat and jerking off to gay porn then maybe you could find something better to do that take time out to email people who have a life.

See yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

New member
Aug 24, 2009
lang lost for five years and his bullshit still sounds the same on the "new side" he sucks

Feb 22, 2010
Reviews of Brandon Lang's book at

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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
Worst Read I have ever undertaken, <nobr>February 2, 2010</nobr>
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top">By </td><td>Bill Seaholtz "Bill Seaholtz"
(Florida) - See all my reviews</td></tr></tbody></table>
This review is from: Beating the Odds: The Rise, Fall, and Resurrection of a Sports Handicapper (Hardcover)
This book is about as boring and dry as I have ever picked up off the shelf in quite some time. Seriously, I threw it in the trash after 50 pages. The only good reviews have to be from friends of the authors, only explanation! <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr> <td valign="top"> Help other customers find the most helpful reviews
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4 of 6 people found the following review helpful:
The Man Behind the Curtain, <nobr>January 3, 2010</nobr>
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top">By </td><td>D. Allen "davallen"
(River Falls, WI USA) - See all my reviews</td></tr></tbody></table>
This review is from: Beating the Odds: The Rise, Fall, and Resurrection of a Sports Handicapper (Kindle Edition)
Honest to God, if you read this book and believe that this guy is some amazing handicapper, you are as big of a fool as he is. He touts his records that are FAKE, and ended 2009 with a bankroll of -1600 dimes. For those of you unfamiliar with 'dimes', that's $100 per 'dime'. You do the math... Is that considered 'winning'?? This book is FICTION and FABRICATION at it's finest.
He is just one of a number of sports scammers that somehow made a movie, and parlayed it into a major business. God bless the US of A and the fact that there's a SUCKER born every minute. Otherwise, he'd be out of a job.
Instead of buying this book, how about you just throw $20 in the toilet, or better yet, give $20 to the charity of your choice... THAT would be a wise investment. <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr> <td valign="top"> Help other customers find the most helpful reviews
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Waste of a good $15, <nobr>February 2, 2010</nobr>
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top">By </td><td>Runner5k "JC"
(Tennessee) - See all my reviews</td></tr></tbody></table>
This review is from: Beating the Odds: The Rise, Fall, and Resurrection of a Sports Handicapper (Hardcover)
This is definitly one of the worst books that I've read in my life. His caddie stories sound completely fictitious which is what I am sure they are. Every story in this book seems more like a fairy tell and so made up in order to make Brandon Lang look good. If you actually do any research about his life there is more evidence that he is one of the worst sports handicappers ever then anything positive. The book would be a better read if you knew going in this guy only goal in life is to lie to people and scam them then the stories you read could be taken with a grain of salt and would come across as more on the humorous side.
If you bet sports then read this book(borrow it from someone do not purchase it!) and learn who you should FADE instead of follow! <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr> <td valign="top"> Help other customers find the most helpful reviews
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New member
Dec 21, 2008
The funniest thing on Eddie Roman's site is Sid Rosenberg. What a fraud and a flunkie.... and talk about a seedy bio ... he claims he gets his information from interviewing players and coaches. The media outlets that he works for on his 'real' job should fire him for making such claims. ~~:<<

New member
Mar 13, 2008
It really is amazing how these guys just lie constantly, and never stray from it. I had never heard of this Eddie Roman guy before, but after reading those paragraphs its apparent he is just as bad as Lang.

I have to admit my favorite thing of all is that Forbes story. What an amazing crock of shit. Honestly how can he say that stuff with a straight face? He gets up everyday and makes a video, trying to sell $20 picks to newbies who don't know he is a fraud. He pays the travel channel to run an infomercial. He pays radio shows to allow him on the air once a week. His entire life is dedicated to promoting his name to newbies who might fall for his fake story. None of this would be happening if there was anything close to a millionaire's club.

"Here we go again"
Jul 1, 2006
It really is amazing how these guys just lie constantly, and never stray from it. I had never heard of this Eddie Roman guy before, but after reading those paragraphs its apparent he is just as bad as Lang.

I have to admit my favorite thing of all is that Forbes story. What an amazing crock of shit. Honestly how can he say that stuff with a straight face? He gets up everyday and makes a video, trying to sell $20 picks to newbies who don't know he is a fraud. He pays the travel channel to run an infomercial. He pays radio shows to allow him on the air once a week. His entire life is dedicated to promoting his name to newbies who might fall for his fake story. None of this would be happening if there was anything close to a millionaire's club.

Yep. It truly is pathetic. Brandon Link is a typical psychopath. He has no problem scamming, lying, and deceiving people with a straight face, nor does he feel bad about it one bit. Very sick, twisted, egotistical, self-centered individual he is.
Apr 21, 2010
seems like i found a little bit of info on this eddie roman guy from people he went to school with.

Real name is Eddie Romano and he did almost play in the NFL. But after having 10 concussions he had to give it up. Do you really think a man that has had 10 concussions is qualified to pick anything?

Aug 20, 2009
seems like i found a little bit of info on this eddie roman guy from people he went to school with.

Real name is Eddie Romano and he did almost play in the NFL. But after having 10 concussions he had to give it up. Do you really think a man that has had 10 concussions is qualified to pick anything?

eddie roman is that you?

Aug 20, 2009
I bought the 100 day package I will start posting no plays everyday at 3p.m. and week-ends at 11 am.

Apr 16, 2009
An Eddie Romani played some RB at St. Johns a Div III or NAIA school in 2000 and had somewhere between 100 yards rushing and 100-200 yards receiving. I think this is the guy. Barely playing at a school that small is a long way from playing in the NFL.

Apr 16, 2009
Why is it we aren't scared of Eddie Roman? Langer and Roman can both crack up and lose together. They deserve each other. I doubt seriously that Langer lasts long here. I had never heard of this guy Eddie Roman until Langer picked him out of the hundreds of offers he had. One thing these two jerk offs share is they both know how to lie and lie often.
Apr 21, 2010
I don't have time for you complete morons, rapists, child molesters and generally guys who didn't finish high school but I know my new pit bull partner does.
Listen, I should warn you in advance you are going to get lit up like a 20 dollar crack ho beaten down by her pimp so if you do call, enjoy the beatdown.

wow i guess this guy does tell the truth. your bankroll will get beatdown if you call.

New member
Jan 29, 2007
Brandon Lang from todays webpage:



As I said on the front page, like Marty McSorely to Wayne Gretzsky, it's nice knowing Eddie Roman has my back right out of the box.
I don't have time for you complete morons, rapists, child molesters and generally guys who didn't finish high school but I know my new pit bull partner does.
Listen, I should warn you in advance you are going to get lit up like a 20 dollar crack ho beaten down by her pimp so if you do call, enjoy the beatdown.
Today we just deliver a 5 dime bankroll builder off the 1-2 Tuesday as the San Jose Sharks get there but the Giants lose a heartbreaker and the Rays leave their offense in Boston.
Today is about a winning day and continuing on my journey towards winning week #7 of the last 9.
All about winning weeks and winning months and since I made drastic changes in my day to day approach with games and ratings, I have been unstoppable.
And the bottom line on the face of the planet earth is you can't argue with the product I have delivered since February 27th, it's been as good as it gets.
When the smoke clears after action next Monday, it will be yet another winning week. Simple as that.

Can someone please provide a telephone # where we can speak to "Eddie Roman" personally?:think2::think2::think2:

That's what I thought.........:):):):):):):):):):)

Space Fuckin' Mountain(<)<

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