Off winning day #5 of 7 with my 6th straight 50 dime winner on the Cards 1-0 over the Reds, I have found a game I absolutely LOVE.
This game is twice as strong as last Saturday's 100 dime destruction on Seattle Run Line 9-0 over Marlins.
This game is 4 times stronger than the last six 50 dime winners I have just given you.
Folks, this is as big as it will ever get for me in baseball and I don't relelase 200 dimers on the diamond very often.
Hence the reason I use the terminology "Ultra Rare".
Bottom line, 200 dime baseball releases are "Ultra Rare" but I have one today.
I am 5-2 my last 7 and coming off that 100 dime winner last Saturday.
It's now time to go big or go home.
Moments like this, the ability to hit the "BIG PLAY" more times than not have always been what has seperated me from everyone else.
Today, just like the 100 dimer last Saturday, is another opportunity to seperate myself from everyone else.
Moment of truth. Ultra Rare 200 Dimer goes now.
Winning day #6 out of 8 right along with it.
Let's go.